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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Jungle's international front page mentions that all International Shipping is suspended due to the outbreak of the virus. Unless you want to defy orders and pick up stuff yourself @Stranger and screw the Prime Directive. There is the possibility that you may carry the virus yourself even you don't show the systems physically. That's why there is so many cases being positive these past few days/weeks and the numbers are growing each day.
  2. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Good snag @vladykins! You can put alongside with the 1/60 version (Yammie or Arcadia) and the eventual DX format as well.
  3. Toyark has the pics from Sideshow Con. https://news.toyark.com/2020/07/20/sideshow-con-2020-booth-tour-394903 Hit ink for details and pics..
  4. I knew this this will happen sooner or later... Like I said on the Bandai wish thread if the DX VF-11 gets made, however with DX YF-21 this time.. @sqidd will at least get five DX YF-21 upon release this time. One for fighter mode, one for de-limiter, one for gerwalk, one for battriod and the last one for prosperity.
  5. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    A member mentioned about ABS and POM plastics in a thread (don't remember which one exactly). ABS - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene POM - Polyoxymethylene Gorilla and Crazy Glue contains cyanoacrylate, so it will burn the two plastics together and make the joints brittle and be easily broken into two. Does the name "Kragle" ring any bell if you have seen "The Lego Movie" Modeling Glue for plastic kits may work, however you might have to get a specific glue that is made to stick ABS Plastic together. Plastic weld was mentioned too, however I have not used this method. Edit: Here's something that @DewPoint mentioned on the Maintenance thread (page 5) that might be of use. "Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Quick-Setting) (Acetone, Butyl Acetate, Methyl Ethyl Ketone) was in effective. Based on my research, that tells me that the plastic is not Polystyrene (PS), Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), or Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). I just picked up a bottle of Plastruct Plastic Weld (Methylene Chloride (dichloromethane), Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)). So far it seems to be working. I'll try to apply a bit of pressure on it in a few hours. If this fails, I'm moving on the the plastic specific super glues. Going to give it a full 24 hours to cure before I try to reattach it. You need to look really closely to see where it broke. @slide (his response after @DewPoint's) - " If MEK doesn't do it for you, you're probably s-o-l [in my experience]" @kkx - "Not sure if this is similar to what you have tried. When I try to repair a few VF-1 1/60 v2 with broken/split shoulder hinges, I found this and it works great. Loctite bonding system The Yamato shoulder joint plastic is a bit smooth and oily (not sure what type it is), and nothing I tried works until I attempt this. The pressure on those hinges might not be as strong as yours, so not sure if it will work but worth a try I think. You can also try to thin out the bar a bit to reduce some pressure on the hinge. Good luck."
  6. Hmm.. Then Bandai will ask another leg and arm (plus extra unwanted organs included) for this set. Another "Wish List" item for Bandai when the VF-11 does get produced.
  7. Don't forget a Whale Hunter custom from Macross 7: Dynamite pictured below.
  8. Then who do you think that the Amour for the VF-11 will be manufactured by @seti88? It's either going to be Bandai or Fext Hobby.
  9. And we all know that @sqiddwill get at least 4 copies of it. One for Fighter, Gerwalk, Battriod and the other one for prosperity.
  10. Since we're discussing packaging from Amazon.jp, I got a second hand Arcadia 1J Max that I bought from a 3rd party seller and it was packaged in the Kleenex type box. Got dents on the outside box, however the box was not opened like @Slave IV's DX VF-1j upon getting it. Will see how the boxes are this time when my re-release Arcadia VF-1J with GBP gets in. If I'm not mistaken, the boxes are better constructed this time round.
  11. For those still in the hunt, DX Missile set up for 9k yen. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1143320541&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  12. @Agent-GHQ - You should have blacked out the address before you posted.. Now we can break in your house and go stealing what we can get our hands on! For anyone else here: Can you send pics and the legal documents Amazon.jp to see if you can get some compensations for the damage done in this case or not?
  13. I guess it's like tying to transform FT Koot and everyone says its a pig if you tried it once. So just leave in bot mode for Koot (or for any FT products in that case) and don't even think about doing the transformation on it (however Paik4Life did both the transfomations on Koot and it took him 1 1/2 hrs first try). I might have to think hard about your custom DX 1s Max @Red Comet. $600 USD/$750 CND is a chunk of change, unless I get you do my Yammie v.2 1J with GBP (I do have the replacement shoulder parts). I do have the Arcadia reissue on pre-order if anyone is wondering).
  14. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    There's also another idea.. Beat the snot out of the yellowed used VF-1J, weather it, and call it battle damaged, sun bleached and neglected.
  15. Take a gander in the DX 262 Hs thread if you have an opportunity, There might be tips that might help you out. Also try Wotafa's review on the 262 Hs.
  16. It's 24.2k yen with the 10% tax for Japanese residences and 22k yen (without) for others for Keith's 262 Hs For Hikaru's DX 1S - It's asking 28.5 k yen (3rd party seller) and up to be shipped to Canada. Are you going to try the transfomation on the 262 or leave it as it is @Grey728?
  17. We all know that the DX YF-21 is arriving as we got pics of it and a thread made for it's ultimate arrival, it's the DX VF-11 that's missing as of now. Plus I know for sure that most of us will want a copy of a DX VF-11 MAXL flown by Mylene and have at least a line up of the main valks flown in the Jenius Family tree.
  18. Not fun if you have Xenos and a Yautija right behind your back... Stormies can't do diddly squat. At least Rey can do some damage with a lightsaber in her hand.
  19. Since some of us are briefly talking about M7 in the DX VF-1 thread. Why not a DX VF-19 Fire Valk packaged with the Sound Booster and the Sound Cannon for those who are interesred (or does Arcadia still have the reigns for that)? If you still haven't seen M7 yet @no3Ljm, then I don't blame you. You can just skip over that, it's nothing important.
  20. For those interested, an advanced preview of Mondo's Man-at-Arms. From what I understand from the video, Hordak, She-ra and Trap Jaw are next in line.
  21. Don't forget his most famous line: "Power to the Music. Power to the Dreamers!"
  22. @Lolicon - Going to do your fine tuning touches when your copy gets delivered? @Saburo - More enabling pics with the Fext Hobby hanger and "Where is the forklift" game to be continued. NY can stuff it! I can get at least 2 1/48 Yammies for 35k yen.
  23. Well, there is the Advance one that you can use, however there is no Full Missile package and the Fold Booster. Bonus that you still have the Frontier Supers that you can still use?
  24. Who still here needs the Movie SSP set? Priced at 12k yen - https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1142910248&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  25. That is true @skullmilitia. If it wasn't for the US version and Transformers, I wouldn't have found Macross and the offshoots of the franchise. Right now I'm waiting for the pre-orders for either the DX DYRL 1s Roy/Max and the upcoming YF-21. If Milia's 1J and the VF-11 gets made, I'll decide then.
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