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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Not a toy purchase, but adopted a four legged furball one month ago. Don't know much about her breed (maybe the following cat owners @Shizuka the Cat and @Lolicon can fill me in). I know is that she is at least 5 years old and she loves head and neck scratches that give on a regular bases. My aunt can't stand the cat hair that Coco leaves behind and is super paranoid about having animals in the house as she had to take care of a cat in her younger days.
  2. Delay in posting this... https://news.toyark.com/2020/08/14/star-wars-the-empire-strikes-back-luke-skywalker-snowspeeder-pilot-figure-by-hot-toys-398561 HT ESB Snowspeeder Luke, pricing not yet determined, to be out between Q2-Q3 of 2022 as they're way behind and a sculpt reuse...
  3. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    There is a large one this first weekend of October if my memory is correct. Can the other well versed members verify that?
  4. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    We all have to wait till October as there is another possible pre-order block open. Who knows what Bandai has planned to exhibit for the upcoming Tamashii Nations show, it's all speculation for now on what will be displayed.
  5. For that price of $150 USD for the Mezco Death Dealer, I rather have the TBLeague version honestly, no need for the gimmicky extras.
  6. Screw it.. Going to give you guys the link. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collect-death-dealer-vault Got get'em guys!!
  7. Don't know if this is what caused the price hike. "ONE:12 COLLECTIVE Death Dealer - Exclusive figure, art print, and enamel pin set."
  8. Re-did original post. Frazatta's Death Dealer pre-order date on Friday afternoon at 1 pm EST. Priced at $150 USD (Limit 6), NRD $37.50, to be shipped May-July 2021. Get you pre-orders in guys before it goes into oblivion forever.
  9. Unless... It's a spirit of him and posting on his account.
  10. All that chat about Hayao about being the possibly CF and that's why he got shot down early by Zentradi sized Milia? @Roy Focker can't answer your question @vlenhoff as he's dead already (unless he made a will saying the Claudia is up for grabs if Roy should die in the line if duty). Dude .. I have a will made up two years ago should I pass away unexpectedly (and during all this present uncertainty, it's one less thing if my back). You could be right. AI programmed CF 1a gets blown up into oblivion in most of the dog fights that is shown.
  11. 24k yen gone as well! The DX Missile packs are up for grabs. Battle for Hayao's 1a when it gets released. Edit: It's 40k yen for DX Hikaru's 1j wtih the limited edition stand on Manda @rocketblast. Did you get a pre-order for Hayao's 1s @davidwhangchoi? If not scoff a unit if you can during official release date.
  12. @anubis20 - Hopefully that you got the Figuarts Tridoron at a good deal. Some collectors where whining about forking out close to 20 odd something k yen upon release for a redressed '90 Acura NSX used for the series. Try forking out close to $300 USD for a newer version of SHMA Biolante (TWE) and collectors are squawking up a storm.
  13. Phhhtt... Watch it be like the DX Karios and send it to you after a 18 month wait (I think it is).
  14. And the next big Mandalore related to be delivered: HT Full Beskar Armour with the Child. Lego's version of the Razor Crest doesn't even touch that right @Slave IV?
  15. Anyone need? DX Missile set for 8k yen (opened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1145369419&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  16. As Perez Hilton (From TMZ) might say "Train Wreck"! Honestly saying, how many think that for those who pre-ordered Hayao's 1a via TWE will actually be fulfilled and not be like a ninja and leave you empty handed? Edit: *hacking up furballs * NY *hacking up furballs*
  17. Who here has the Macross Chronicle Mags as it might be in there (maybe @jvmacross might know)? Edit: Just giving some ideas here and these might work possibly? http://mechajournal.com/ Macross Mecha Manual - http://www.macross2.net/m3/m3-index.htm
  18. Then this is the thread your looking for @sqidd... It's been inactive since May 11th. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/18530-auctions-of-great-absurdity-thread-v20/page/30/
  19. Hmm.. Between @Duymon and @Kicker773 , I say the both of you are tied for the 171EX Squadron collection.
  20. I gave it another look at Manda after @Kicker773posted his. Here it is: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1119978209&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9%201%2F60&lang=en Sold for 28k yen (package damaged, heavily damaged) Edit: Took out incorrect member.
  21. Amazon.jp says the 17th of this month.* * Dates should be correct * Just to give out the remaining Macross releases that I know presently: (1) Arcadia's re-release of the VF-1J with GBP is the end of this month. (2) DX YF-29 Alto Full Set - October 31th (Halloween for those that celebrate in smaller groups now given the present Worldwide Mess that we're all in) (3) DX 1s Roy TV version - November 31st (4) DX TV Supers - December 31st? (not listed, however should be the 31st if I understand correctly)
  22. Manda had one set of T-Rex Boosters for grabs a while back and it was gone within a flash (if I remember correctly). The listing is still up and I believe that it went for around 10k yen.
  23. How about Cpt. Morgan "Spiced Rum" flavoured 1s?
  24. There is two units for grabs on Jungle for the Arcadia version, however international shipping is grounded. Ugh... If Jungle did had DHL shipping, I wound pick up something form there and get it shipped to Canada.
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