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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Bzzzztttt!!! Strike one for you @Guyffon! During the pre-order madness, there was one member here that got a TV Roy for below MRSP for 17k yen: It's @Slave IV (and @crackpot's main nemesis)! See post July 2nd, page 473 near halfway down the page. Start reading pg. 470 and see the @*#1 show unfolding afterwards.
  2. Wait a minute here... If you missed the delivery @Shizuka the Cat, you can use your waybill number and reschedule for the next day to drop it off or authorize to drop the package off without signing it (make sure that it doesn't get swiped off afterwards).
  3. Hmm.... Although I can't read either Zentradi or Aurebesh (I know that you can find a Coles Notes version to each), I'm sure that the both of them are comparing the vessels in comparisons (or are they not?).
  4. Hold up here... Good snag on Hayao on Jungle, however they don't offer EMS shipping yet due to the worldwide situation as of right now or has it change after @vladykinssituation??
  5. Just seeing pics for Kakizaki makes me drooling for Max's 1a (DYRL) and either trading/selling my Max 1a (TV) that I have presently. Will see how that goes when the pics surface.
  6. Some of the 3rd party instructions are crap as well. I have both official and 3rd party TFs in my collection. Considering Macross stuff, it's slowly getting up there as I'm starting to cherry pic on what to get next (tight on space and I can't get another display case as of right now. The Ikea Milsbo is my next choice, however forking our $400 CND is crazy insane just like Zeta's Unicron). Glad to see that there are some Canuckle Heads on this forum.
  7. And be a flying target for Milia to shoot down in her Q-Rau no holds barred like Kakizaki. Unless your like Basara: "Listen to my song!!"
  8. If @tekering guesses right, Arcadia is going to use this vanilla 1j and PF it. Cost will maybe close to mid 30k yen?
  9. Time to cue up this...
  10. Just for clarity sake right now, is there anyone that can find the pic of the re-issue of the Arcadia VF-1J with the GBP on Manda that was listed for grabs at 25k yen? I'm thinking that Arcadia just re-used the box again (what else s new) and f***** everyone into getting the PF version this time round just like what @treatmenthad mentioned. We've been both Yamato' ed and Arcadia' ed (technically the same people that did the R&D on these things).
  11. It won't be too hard to make this re-issue of the VF-1J with the GBP into the grey goggle if one wishes. Or Take the Yammie V.2 VF-1J grey goggled noggin and switch it over (that is if you have it).
  12. @Sanity is Optional - I've got my copy from Amazon.jp this weekend to Canada and not going to cancel the order at close to 28k yen with everything it (shipping and import fees included) as I pre-ordered it late in the last week of May. @enphily - First question: Did you say "white goggles"?? Didn't I read that somewhere earlier in this thread that @jenius mentioned that the white googles is not the correct one as it was just the prototype version. The first release Arcadia VF-1J with GBP (released in 2016-2017) is the correct one. Edit: I did find it after some digging. Posted April 6th, pg. 106 in @jenius' words: "All GBP releases have gray goggles, Yamato or Arcadia, if yours doesn't then someone swapped toys on you." Second question - Where did you get that pic and what is the year that it was taken?
  13. There's a Arcadia re-issue VF-1J with the GBP for grabs on Manda for 25k yen if anyone didn't get it originally (or skipped the Yammie version) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1146869736&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en Edit: Friggin' Jungle has the first version of the Arcadia GBP at 27.5k yen (Grade A) and been sitting there for awhile. I wonder how are they going to handle the re-issue ones when they get some and then list the older version at a cheaper price or still jack up the price??
  14. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Sent you a pm @obakesan.
  15. So far in the DX VF-1 line up, we got: (1) Hikaru's 1j (TV) with Limited Edition stand (2) Max'a 1a (TV) (3) Hikaru 1s (DYRL) (4) Kakizaki 1a (DYRL) (5) Roy's 1s (TV) with the Limited Edition stand [to be released in November] So are we guessing that Max will be next like what @sqidd guestimated [however maybe a 1J version] ?? Damn.... Where is bbilly when you need him to give us a hint to what's next (I know that we roasted and burnt him to a crisp already).
  16. I think Manda will have it between 22k yen to 24k yen (unopened, box damaged) and Jungle at 24k yen sealed. I could be wrong to be honest.
  17. Nah... We should additionally put you into the Shartikcon Tank of you survive the burning at the stake. Edit: Corrected spelling after Lolicon's write up. I'm writing this up with a totally cracked screen on my phone.
  18. With all these errors surfacing up with the DX VF-1, do you think that Bandai will take heed of these flubs and correct it for Roy's 1s TV version this November? Pphhtt... I wouldn't take my bets on that one. One another note, I think we should take @crackpot tie him up and burn him at the stake a la Joan of Arc style. Dude... No need to poison the thread with that stuff. There's more than enough crap going on right now.
  19. If anyone is curious, here's Boog's thoughts and he mentions that it's a recommend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXc19g9UPSk To myself personally, Mezco dropped the bomb on this one. Edit: I'll most likely get the MAFEX Gambit as it looks better.
  20. For those in Canada, Kakizaki can be ordered from Amazon.jp at 26,290 yen with shipping at 4,500 yen (2 left in stock), to be delivered on Sept.14-18.
  21. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Time to cue up this after my replies. I'm actually waiting to see what the next pre-order will be on October when the next Tamashii Nation is displayed.
  22. If you did manage to get one via NY, you're possibly screwed as they have screwed everyone else also.
  23. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Phhtt... Just feed him into the Sharkitcon pit and see what happens.
  24. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR Spartan - 5.6k yen (Item B, Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-027033-R Paging @unclechopchop (or anyone else) for that matter HMR CF-1a - 7,180 yen (same condition as above) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-018923-R
  25. That pic with the Yammie 1/48 Woodland 1a and the its GBP unit with the DX Kakizaki does match well @tekering!
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