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Everything posted by borgified

  1. I pre-ordered Ghost Rider yesterday after seeing protos of the sample during the Cons and ToyFare. $240 USD (approx. $365 CDN give or take) is still a chunk of change, but there is no way that I will be skipping over this. Sadly I had to pass of Nosferatu just to keep myself on check, however I did like the Blade and Ghost Rider pic that they showed yesterday (the one with Logan was not to my liking regardless). I have a funny feeling that we might be getting a Blue Coat Ghost Rider a la Johnny Blaze soon (PX exclusive) or not?
  2. Dropped on Toyark To be released Q1/Q2 of 2022, and pre-orders are up on Sideshow with pricing! $335.55 CDN or $258 USD (roughly) https://news.toyark.com/2020/11/24/the-mandalorian-tusken-raider-figure-by-hot-toys-410852
  3. Oh @Xigfrid. You might a new project in your hands if you have the time. Lil'Draken clips specially made for the Chronos and the 31a.
  4. Here's a clearer pic.
  5. $120 additional for the bike then. Polystone and more light up features maybe?
  6. I just got the news a few minutes ago @Mommar. Pricey but worth the wait!
  7. Don't ask me as this has just been announced. It's a trend in Hot Toys recent stuff - either Venomized or Zombieified 'em. https://news.toyark.com/2020/11/19/marvel-zombies-deadpool-figure-by-hot-toys-410631 Pricing and pre-orders not yet up, to be released Q4 2021/Q1 2022
  8. Phhhttt.. They're not going to listen anyways when it comes right down to the wire and both companies are going to take their sweet $$$ after the pre-orders and leave them high and dry.
  9. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for clearing it up and good work @Convectuoso! Bandai still needs to release the Tomahawk. Phalanx, N-Ger, Q-Rau and the Regult Scout for the HMR lineup..
  10. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm going to question you on that one @Convectuoso. Where did you get this image from? A version of this was shown at one of the Tamashii Nations Show at around last year, however it didn't make it into the HMR lineup yet.
  11. @Stampeed Valkyrie - There's a sealed DX SSP set for grabs on Jungle when I saw it this morning (don't know if it's still there as of right now). DX SSP sets are climbing in price just like what @peter has mentioned.
  12. It's not our resident feline friend that has totally derailed the thread @levzloi. Unfortunately this thread got very heated with a ugly debate about moral values (got out of hand) and @Roy Focker had to step in and do damage control. 'Nuff said!
  13. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup. HMR is dead and Bandai has no plans to resurrected it anymore... Anyone still need? HMR Regult for 11.5k yen (packaged resealed and damaged, copyright seal missing) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1152266933&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  14. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR Glaug for 10k yen (package heavily damaged, unopened) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1152162491&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  15. Alright... 2 PF SDF-1 plus a PF VF-0d. Happy Now?
  16. Not for you guys down in the States, however its 1K for the PF SDF-1 for us up here in Canada as we have to pay an additional Customs Fee if the CBSA gets their grubby paws on it.
  17. Yup.. That is correct @slide plus that doesn't include the CBSA fees if you so get nabbed (which is a very high possibility).
  18. The DX stands are made to hold up the weight of the fully decked out plane (unless there is a hidden manufacture defect on the stand itself). Other option us to use fishing wire as backup and don't put it up too high. If your so paranoid about taking it out then leave it in the box and choke it death as there is no fresh air.
  19. There's alot of people that are still wanting to get Gamora and a proper Mantis @Kicker773. For now, I believe that HT doesn't have seem to care about older items getting produced as they most likely base on who or what is the most hot trending item out there.
  20. I peeked into that specific thread and it does look outsanding, however Harmony Gold and Lego will mothball it if it was ever presented it on their table to get it produced. Like the Eaglemoss Ecto-1 in which you had to put together if someone has gotten it.
  21. So you guys are fine with shelling out another roughly $1K USD when Arcadia does a "TV SDF-1" (for those that can afford it).
  22. Dropped by Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2020/11/12/marvels-spider-man-miles-morales-figure-by-hot-toys-409733#images Price not yet determined, to be released between Q1/Q2 2022 * Yah, Yah, Yah.... And still hear the whiners: "Where are the other stuff that you promised? Get your act together HT!!" *
  23. Teaser from Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2020/11/10/the-mandalorian-moff-gideon-and-tusken-raider-previews-by-hot-toys-409383 Edit: From what I've been reading across various 1/6th boards , HT still needs to make pre-orders for Bespin Han, AOTC Padme and others that has been shown at preivous Cons.
  24. The TV 1a Max/Hikaru plus Hikaru's Plain Jane 1j. Alaska Base and Cavalier 1a has no Supers.
  25. Didn't a fair chunk of us discussed a possible PF VT-1 or a non-PF Nora 51? The VT-1 was teased and the Nora 51 was shown unless Arcadia decides to mothball it after giving it second thoughts.
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