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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Sold Out!!
  2. borgified

    Macross figures

    @Lolicon - Hopefully that you'll get your "I dream of Genie" Sheryl soon.
  3. I can't remember the full details as we have discussed that somewhere in the threads and there is a way to determine the shipping costs or you can wait till for Manda to send you the updated full payment email notice (however make sure that you have enough $$)
  4. It's up! https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-predator-deluxe-edition $100 USD, NRD $25 USD, to be out July - Sept 2021
  5. First things first guys.... How in the world is @Slave IV going to afford 3 ships that size to store is stuff? Unless what @crackpot has mentioned is true, then @Slave IVhas billionity and billionity of funds though NY as a spokes person as he gets them at a discounted price (just before a rumoured story of an CEO of a certain company embezzling their own funds to support a illegal gambling habit).
  6. Pred up for pre-order tommorow. However there was hints from New York Toy Fair which protos where shown.
  7. That's close to ¥38k for me to Canada, so screw it.. For that amount, I might as well get another Chronos or a Karios to be honest. Maybe the eventual DX YF-21 pre-order will cover that with some funds left over.
  8. Oh guys... There's a NY dedicated thread in one of these subsections and try not to 'spam' this thread too much. There was a legal matter thread on NY but it got out if hand as it should have merged with the NY thread and not the Toys section. Or do you all want this thread locked permanently and not post on it anymore?
  9. Good snag @spanner! How much was the DHL charge to OZ if you can remember? I might be on the edge of getting one, however I'm waiting on a DYRL Roy version (and there is no freaking way that Bandai will give us a official 1s Max).
  10. I think you did that.. See page 641 and almost smack in the middle of the page you asked for a copy.
  11. Batman and Batpod (with newer sculpt) is to be released again. https://news.toyark.com/2020/12/04/hot-toys-to-re-release-batman-and-the-bat-pod-from-the-dark-knight-rises-411643 Pricing and pre-orders to yet determined, to be released Q2/Q3 of 2022
  12. One copy of DX VF-1s TV Roy sold on Manda for 26k yen. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1153427157&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  13. You can ask our faithful NY supporter @Slave IV as @crackpot has just dispelled his ties with the company.
  14. D'oh! I must have entered the wrong numbers then. Redid the adding and its $832.95 for both for me. Still expensive nevertheless.
  15. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Up for grabs on Amiami for 30.7 k yen (Item A, Box B) * https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-035193-R * DHL shipping only for those on the Japan Post Suspension list. See proper details on the " Japan Post thread" *
  16. Dude... That's almost $500 CDN for two DX VF 1s TV Roy. I think that's a done deal on @Angesdad behalf.
  17. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Not to be snarky @Drad, do you read previous posts? I think that we're all guilty of that as we read only the updated news and not the old ones.
  18. Not 1:12 but 1:6 scale! https://news.toyark.com/2020/12/02/conan-the-cimmerian-statue-by-mezco-toyz-411467 $225 USD with a 22.50 NRD, to be released June-August 20201 (with free shipping option for those in the States till the 16th of this month).
  19. Speaking of Okini thanks to @betocc post, Okini has now closed the order for DX VF-1s Roy T.V. version. For those that got a copy via my update congrats. Who knows if Okini will open up again?
  20. I think that NY has screwed you over @Ridden001 and took your money and left. ¥35k is also Luna's asking price for it as well.
  21. At least you will have a copy of the DX VF-1s Roy TV version right @HG Blows (before the prices start to climb into unreachable territory)? Edit: I was also considering a copy as well, but I rather wait for the eventual DX YF-21 (if it hasn't been pooched).
  22. Okiniland has opened up for more DX VF-1s TV Roy orders. https://okini.land/en/21236-dx-chogokin-vf-1s-valkyrie-roy-focker-special-bandai-spirits.html?SubmitCurrency=1&id_currency=3 Go Go Go before it closes off again!
  23. Golden Years Vito https://news.toyark.com/2020/12/01/the-godfather-don-vito-corleone-golden-years-edition-1-6-scale-figure-by-damtoys-411342#images Pricing and pre-orders not yet determined.
  24. Paging our seafaring friend @sqidd, time to reshow your Roy collection again.
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