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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Here's a new 1/6th figure from TBLeague and BBTS link for $200 USD, to be out Q2 of next year. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/145993
  2. Here's a listing for Kaneda on BBTS $330 USD and to be released in June of this year. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/146067
  3. I copy you on the Bike as well @Alex GS at 54k yen and take a page from @no3Ljm to get Kaneda instead. Hopefully that this Medicom body is better than the previous version.
  4. I think that you have found it @no3Ljm. I also did more digging found this post on HT Facebook . Looks totally different and everyone is giving HT a piece of their own mind. One comment says it looks like Steve Rogers before taking a booster shot. Edit: I might pass over Moff Gideon that HT has announced. For a character in the season finale doesn't give it justice, however Esposito is a great actor.
  5. Sorry to say @Kicker773 I don't have the screen shots posted. From what read on other 1/6th forums, people are complaining that the proto type of Tony's noggin on MK. 85 looks ugly and then HT decided to change it.
  6. There's a newer head for Tony from HT Facebook page as they have stated which is posted on the screenshot below. And watch it get released on Q3/Q4 of 2022 (which is most likely the case).
  7. Riding off the Mandalorian hype https://news.toyark.com/2020/12/22/the-mandalorian-transport-trooper-figure-by-hot-toys-413815 Pre-orders should be up soon, to be released Q1/Q2 of 2022 Edit: Pre-orders are up on Sideshow for $220 USD https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/star-wars-transport-trooper-hot-toys-907512 No word if either Mayfield/Din versions will get made as it's most likely the grunts are made first.
  8. borgified

    Macross figures

    From Manda for 28k yen (opened, package heavily damaged burning, instruction manual stained / joint damage there is a possibility of) I know that this is labeled under HG (and we don't like them as reasons stated), however this might fit with the DX DRYL 1s. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1154822590&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  9. 27k yen on Complex - Gone!! https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1153289708&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en Edit: I didn't get it if anyone is wondering. Just leaving it for you guys to get it...
  10. Well.. Some of us are better adapted to handle alcohol better than others. Unless you have stomach ulcer/liver cirrhosis/shot kidney(s), and you pooch during pre-order madness, then who is responsible (youself or your peers)?
  11. Threezero needs to add the Kiba Ranger (White Ranger) and have both Falconzoid and Tigerzoid. Each Ranger is asking $95 USD and all five is going for $542 USD * Update: Moff Gideon is going for $265 USD with a NRD of $26.50 USD at BBTS https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/145314 Other stores might have the same pricing *
  12. Yes... PS5 is worldwide release as Macross is very limited as its only for Japanese markets only. Some Japanese stores will not send it overseas due to the Harmony Gold embargo, however some will get sent into select stores in States as they have to pay a export/middle man fee to get the stuff in. If you see comments on why there is not enough Macross stuff being sent overseas, license approval and the ban that HG has imposed.
  13. A major info for regular Macross pre-orders for @MWUser since he's a newbie: During pre-order madness (should you attend one next year) , there's going to be a mad rush to get your orders at any given site. Pre-orders will either (1) Error/Time out/Website Crash (2) If you get into a site by the luck of a draw and you click in your order and go to the pre-payment page, you'll get the spinning wheel of death (as your order is unknown) (3) At the same time, others are also putting their pre-orders so there's a possibility that your order will be cart jacked (4) Should your pre-order get through, consider yourself very lucky to get a pre-order in (5) Email of order confirmation of your pre-order, however some of us has been kicked out or denied as the pre-orders has exceeded their limit * Just started recently by @DYRL VF-1S: Get your drink of choice during pre-order madness due to the fact its a real crap fest. For anyone that says "Cart Jacked! or "Website Crash" take a shot! *
  14. Nope @no3Ljm... Like Snake Eye's - 1/6th figure https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/144722
  15. Thanks for the advance post @sh9000! Anyone getting Moff Gideon?? Pricing and pre-orders should be up soon, to be released Q2/Q3 of 2022 https://news.toyark.com/2020/12/15/the-mandalorian-moff-gideon-figure-by-hot-toys-413306
  16. Thread bump!! One for grabs at Amiami : (Box B, Item B) 28.2k yen https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-038985-R
  17. borgified

    Macross figures

    Edit: Here we go.. From another Macross thread (had to repost this here).
  18. borgified

    Macross figures

    BBTS and TFsource (aka TF Slow) usually are the last ones to get stock in for some reason and everyone whines about them so much on why it takes XX amount of time to get stock in when others have it already. Most likely what you have mentioned in the last sentence sums it up plus distribution of the products.
  19. Your screwed @sil80jdm. Here is the right thread that you should be following and not on here.
  20. @no3Ljm and anyone else: The DX noggin can be temoved with a pin remover punch and a small rubber mallet, however the pin in between the neck attachments points looks like to be ridged upwards at the top surface. So if anyone is willing to decapitate their DX VF-1 noggin and do the switch-a-roo, its your own call.
  21. Umm... Like small claims court and run away with your money plus leave you high and dry while their CEO is embezzling your cash to support his/her illegal crack and gambling habits?!
  22. @teckno viking - Just looking at your pics honestly reminds me of Thunderbirds in a good way.
  23. Who has snagged this one? DX VF-1s TV Roy for 27k yen Fukuoka branch. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1154222068&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  24. There's a teased Big Chap on that has been presented on the Mezco One: 12 catalog that was handed out during the NY Toyfare before the lockdown here in NA, release date unknown for now (and I'm sure that your going to pass over this one as well @Mommar) I'm waiting to see the inhand reviews before I get the Jungle Pred, then make my call. I have a HT v.1 Scar and close to 10 NECA Preds that are good enought for me already. Forgot pics for the post...
  25. From Hot Toys Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/hottoys/photos/a.58692197343/10157681159812344/?type=3&theater "【Upcoming Hot Toys Releases】 The much-anticipated collectible figures are expected to arrive! To ensure Hot Toys’ creations present the most updated and accurate designs from huge movie hits, our dedicated team has given enormous amount of time on the finest details of our beloved characters, also bringing them to reality as remarkable collectible figures. We are grateful for our fans' patience and continued support, and apologize for the lengthy delay. We are now thrilled to update the soon-to-be release items including: - Avengers: Endgame – 1/6th Iron Man Mark LXXXV collectible figure - Avengers: Endgame – 1/6th Captain America collectible figure - Avengers: Endgame –1/6th Tony Stark collectible figure - Spider-Man: Far from Home –1/6th scale Spider-Man (Stealth Suit) collectible figure - Spider-Man: Far from Home – 1/6th scale Spider-Man (Upgraded Suit) collectible figure - Spider-Man: Homecoming – 1/4th scale Spider-Man collectible figure - Star Wars: The Mandalorian – 1/6th scale IG-11 collectible figure - Star Wars: The Mandalorian – 1/6th scale Heavy Infantry Mandalorian collectible figure - Hellboy – 1/6th Hellboy collectible figure Be sure to stay tuned for more product updates from Hot Toys!"
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