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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Now here's the question @Chronocidal and anyone else... When the Xaos squadron of the 31a gets released (Arad, Mirage, Hayate, and Chucky) at 20k each at MRSP, then the grand total is 80k yen for all four not including S+H, is everyone going to get all 4 or just selected ones? For the Itasha, we know that Arad will get the Dragon Head and Chucky the "Rainbow Halo" as he's the re-con, then can we all guestimate that Mirage will get the Mercat and Hayate another Unicorn Reaper?
  2. What about a Virgin Road with a Max and Milia in their wedding garb?
  3. It's not the singer "The Artist formerly known as" @tekering. It's a cheaper version of Gal Gladot in and I do like this version honestly, however not much information is given (nor in any of the 3rd party 1/6th forums that I looked in so far). This is what I see on one of the fleabay listings.
  4. Good prices however still not shipping to the West Coast of Canada either if anyone is wondering.
  5. I see what your getting at... From Wookiepedia: Kyshakk Clone Troopers. Hot Toys did the Scout Trooper for ESB and the Mandalorian, so a re-use of the same mold with Cameo Armor paint. I think you got to pull a few strings to get Howard Chan's approval.
  6. Who in the world would like a walking shaggy carpet 1/6th Clone Trooper, unless your either Wampa or a Yeti/Abominable Snowman (maybe like Jerry Lewis' movie: Shaggy Dog or the remake done by Tim Allen).
  7. If your into other 1/6th stuff like Asmus, Enterbay, 303, Pop Toys, Coo Model, Villa, DAM Toys, VTS, Phicen etc. then you can post here as well @valhary and see if others are interested in. It's just Hot Toys gets most of the attraction. Announced on Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2021/01/29/rogue-one-assault-tank-commander-figure-by-hot-toys-416523 To be out Q2/Q3 of 2022, pricing is $230 and pre-orders are up on Sideshow * * Edit: According to Collector's freak forum
  8. For those that need Roy, its back up for 27k yen. Don't waffle over it and just get it now! https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1154081343&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  9. Is it just me or anyone else not seeing the image at all? I get at a bunch of scrambled bumble jumbo.
  10. Phhtt... Just announce the next DX VF-1 Bandai. I'm starting to get impatient as I passed over Roy purposely to get the DX 1J Milia.
  11. Ramen... Cheap, extra starchy dehydrated noodles in a package and could clog up your arteries. I prefer Udon or Soba to be honest and it's better tasting.
  12. For those interested, Constantine is up for grabs. https://news.toyark.com/2021/01/27/dc-comics-one12-collective-constantine-figure-by-mezco-416358 $100 USD, to be out August - October https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-constantine-deluxe-edition
  13. Here's another thought to get your Macross collection cleaned. If you have either a canine/feline in the house, strategically put a small dab on their favorite treat on top of the valk and they will lick it clean, however you might get either pet fur or slobber on it though!
  14. Mando Death Trooper (local hobby store), Black Series Gideon (Pulse) and MAFEX Specialist/Grunt Death Trooper (Plaza Japan).
  15. Jungle has DX 1s TV Roy for 28.6k yen sealed. https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/567292
  16. That's close to 72k yen for both @Angesdad! Maybe close to 95k yen in total when S&H is added? Will cost me over 1k CDN for both and that's not including the Import Tax when CBSA gets their paws on it.
  17. Which will likely be a TWE order. The DX 171EX Maruyuma was a TWE and it had the Armour and Missile set together, plus the newer Alto 29 had everything together as well.
  18. You're not complying to the proper standards of advertising @slide, your posting a different store with a wrong link!!
  19. Don't forget a possible Elvis Draken as well @twich.
  20. Nothing new from Valkyrie Factory yet... We'll see something from them in due time.
  21. Alrighty now... Since the teaser of the Delta Zetta Live trailer has been announced, the mention of the SV-262 has been brought up. Who is waiting for the Elvis and Pope head 262 to fill in the empty void?
  22. One for 21k yen (opened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1157314638&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  23. Meandered in the Movie Thread and read the updates. This second movie has really gotten me to think twice and with the newer Delta stuff that is to be released after the showing. Guess that I'm going to be very selective on which ones to get and looks like that I will have to stick with Mirage and Chucky for now (unless there's a Elvis version SV-262).
  24. 31A valks for the entire Xaos fleet sans Messier's/Hayate's 31f? Then maybe we can get finally get Arad's 31a with the Dragon Head Itasha plus the Supers finally for Chucky's and Arad's respected 31 valks. A question here and if anyone has spottted it - Anyone see the VF-14 as announced for this movie?
  25. DX 1s Hikaru for 23k yen (opened, used, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1157264640&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
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