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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Gwen Stacy anyone? Maybe Spider Ham will be included and the female body will be better for tis one.
  2. Green Ranger/Dragon Ranger?! Edit: Hell Mezco... Give me Kiba/White Ranger plus the rest of the team for those that want them.
  3. A take on Jim Lee's: Logan I take it?
  4. I actually had to zoom in your pic @dapro... Monsterarts Biollante: Special Colour Edition?? This is going to be good. Now see the prices still skyrocket ever further when others collectors pass over it initially after the actual unboxing.
  5. In for the FF4 set!
  6. No collectable is defect free. There's issues that pop up during and after production and normal wear and tear unless you want to encase them in a tomb for eternity and not touch them forever (like AFA and PSA grading standards) or in a museum pose inside a display case.
  7. I actually picked up the set right away when it was up @General Rasp and it was still avaible for grabs one hour later. Full damage at $305 CND to ship to British Columbia. Was on "Waitlist/Sold out" when I checked back at 1:30 PM PST.
  8. Will the recent snowfall that happened in the Texas Area slow down the delivery @Mommar? Don't know if any direct flights from New York to New Mexico will have either cancellations or delays in the flight path (if it does cross over into the area).
  9. Miles is $290 USD and to be out Q2/Q3 of 2022 while the regular Mando Fett is $285USD and the release date is the same as the deluxe. Toyark has further info if interested.
  10. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    The Detolf is too small of an shelf, however I managed to slighly stuff it inside a Nartrop in a slight angle. Other suggestion is to get a jewellers display case or a Ikea Milsblo. Edit: My two year old niece loves to take apart both the VF-1j with GBP and the 1d in pieces!
  11. Holy Crap!! Hot Toys is really pushing out teasers like wild fire... Update with Mando Fett. It's a two pack and Season 2 Din with Beskar Spear has been teased. From Hot Toys Facebook page as shown below. Edit: One hour later. The two pack Mando Fett will cost $493 USD and to be released Q4 2022/Q1 2023 from what Collector's Freak has mentioned.
  12. Posted on another 1/6th thread. Manda Fett and 2020 Suit Miles.
  13. Tomorrow's drop. Gave you a better link.
  14. Guess who's teased next in line after Fett? https://twitter.com/yak_face/status/1361908830448328705/photo/1 https://www.facebook.com/hottoys/photos/a.10152484550937344/10157837150857344/?type=3&theater The Night Owl leader herself: Katee Sackhoff.
  15. Oh Hungry? Oh Henry! Edit: Only made for the Canadain market from Hershey Canada.
  16. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    This is where the Tomahawk and Phallanx should be included, however the HMR has gone silent after the VF-4 Roy tribute.
  17. Potato pic of Isamu's birds in Macross Plus..
  18. At least you have a Cara Dune figure in your collection @sh9000. Any existing orders for her that needs to be fufilled is going to get issued and that's it for her.
  19. Announced on Toyark! https://news.toyark.com/2021/02/11/the-mandalorian-boba-fett-teaser-from-hot-toys-417724 Milking the mold and the success of show.
  20. From D Amazing's Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/Damazingtoys/ Here is small sample of the pics posted.
  21. Heads up guys!! https://twitter.com/i/status/1359910776484605959 Most likely existing stuff will be shown and future items as well.
  22. Just saw this from another 1/6th thread and looks like a mock up/kit bash (I have no way to verify if this is true until 11:30 PST as I'm at work)? As posted on various Star Wars forums, Gina Corrano has been kicked out by Disney and no longer employed, so for those that are waiting for a 1/6th Cara Dune, it's not going to happen at all. Edit: Found the source! https://www.facebook.com/hottoyscollectors/photos/a.509986192407702/5119960771410198/?type=3&theater
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