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Everything posted by borgified

  1. $275 USD $285 USD with or without the cup
  2. $95 USD, Jan-March 2025
  3. Bee's Battlegrounds A Punk with Toys
  4. Yo Joe Jerk on Duke Unparelled Universe on Casey
  5. $240 USD and includes the plastic molded couch (HT has to cheap out somewhere right?) 🤪
  6. $112 USD, unknown delivery date.
  7. Up tomorrow, timed exclusive: $250 USD.
  8. D Amazing on Casey Jones
  9. A review on the NOT Jetfire.
  10. Huh... So I have to be the only guy to put the DX 21 with the Yammie 21/22s in "Proper Pengriod" mode when do get the DX 21 hand???
  11. Seen this posted on Freaks, maybe not announced? IM Mk.80 Edit posts: And guess who has one copy to show off? The shiller for Pop Crackables and former Toys Scammerland
  12. For those who are interested in Nanjin's EXO-6 line (done by Anthony) : Two newly unveiled characters Vulcan Kirk Trelane (the forerunner for Q)
  13. Look at SDCC (?) Commando Snake Eye by an unexperienced Mezco collector with cringe moments - Two Part review. Note: I have not seen the complete review after looking it up on Youtube
  14. Nolan Bats!
  15. Keaton's Mini Me
  16. Make sure that it doesn't fall apart like the larger version!! 😝
  17. Batbomb on Dick Tracy and Flat Top (6 days ago)
  18. I wonder which version of Wolvie is blurred out?
  19. Just looking at the screwed up antenna pics make me wonder if the units of the DX YF-21 (to be sent to over to NA shores) will be possibly present when any of us opens the box.
  20. Also from ACGHK yesterday '92 Bats v.2
  21. from ACGHK (via Freaks) The every annoying Jar Jar, ESB Chewie (with 3P0 in the net backpack), Clone Trooper Hardcase. HT Jungle City Predator and T2 v.2 Note: I think there's more, but I this is what I've seen so far.
  22. Teased only, no pre-orders yet. Hono Thor
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