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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Now the question will be, what are you going to be doing with the yellowed (and hopefully not gummyified as well) valks @Lolicon. Paint it in funky colours like the Aniversario and Tux 1j (or like the ones from M7)?
  2. It can be both a reaction of the mold oils weeping out and the gassing of the styro tray @Special Sauce. Plastic molded trays where used after Frontier valks. The last stryo tray in used in my present collection is the Chronos and it hasn't yellowed yet.
  3. Nope.... It's something else. Not worth it and I hope @sh9000 is going to post it in the proper thread.
  4. DukeFett just announced that Sups v.2 is to be dropping tommorow.
  5. I'm also in the same grounds (to a degree). However until the next DX pre-order drops I'll be re-shuffling my present display and getting some other needed fidget toys.
  6. Totally got spoiled by the size of Deluxe Snake Eye's box as I forgot this is the regular sized box that came with the regular Classified Joe/Cobra figures.
  7. Sooner or later a tie dyed SV-52 will be announced and everyone will be clamming up $800 for it @arbit. So get your funds ready for that release.
  8. This arrived last month. One hint: It's their own take on Wanda from Civil War.
  9. I can wait til October for Blaze to drop as I'm not in a hurry and hopefully that we all get another couple of worthwhile Mezco pre-order drops.
  10. That's the one @Mommar. The upcoming release in June-August for Blaze. Bishop was teased at the same time that Fate and Constantine was and the latter two got pre-orders while Bishop got jack squat, with the Alien: Big Chap got teased as well during last year's NYTF. Won't be surprised if Bishop and Big Chap got mothballed along the Planet of the Apes teases (Dr. Zaius is the only sole survivor).
  11. I passed over it for now, however I might get it (no promises though). More interested on Spider Gwen and Green/Dragon Ranger honestly. Hopefully within four months time (barring delays), Johnny Blaze should be dropping and hopefully a pre-order for Bishop should pop up for those that want it (Presently speaking, that look for Bishop doesn't make it too appealing as Mezco should have stuck with his first appearance when he arrived from the future via Nimord's teleportation wave). Edit: Just remembered the two other XSE members that was with him: Malcom and Randal. Wasn't there a mention about the PX Exclusive line being dropped from Mez's podcast on either Insta or YouTube (heard it was mentioned, didn't log on)?
  12. @Red Comet - Looks like the squad just came out of a non-bright and barren area (or out from a torpedo tube).
  13. Go Go GO.. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-wolverine-deluxe-steel-box-edition#76536-27
  14. Dukefett (you know where) mentions that it's a regular release and not a exclusive (unless Mezco loves to screw us up like there is no tomorrow). Edit: Much as I do like Logan, I have the Old Man Logan already and I'm fine with it.
  15. Logan v.2 for tomorrow's drop! Paging @Mommar, @Tking22, @General Rasp: Ready for this one guys?
  16. Grab the Maruyama 171EX if you can @Special Sauce. It's the better looking 171EX (sans the CF version with the exploding triangles) and equal to to Alto's 171EX. I would like to get the Maruyama, however I have Alto's 171EX with the add-on set already.
  17. Go figure!! https://news.toyark.com/2021/03/29/batman-begins-1-6-scale-batman-and-batmobile-by-hot-toys-421956 * * Re-issue to be honest Nothing yet for pricing and pre-orders, to be out Q3/Q4 of 2022 I think @Kicker773 is good for now, unless he's still missing a few more stuff in his DCU collection. Edit: Pre-orders are up on Sideshow. Bats: $234 USD/$331 CDN Tumbler: $645.10 USD/$812.13 USD
  18. Teaser for Hot Toys: Echo Base location in HK. https://www.facebook.com/hottoyscollectors/?hc_ref=ARQ6ejLwtD6ARozCXWTExgzsXI-pwfP_inucvoVhkhNSQifskFlmkQ6rXdTiuMobSfY&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARCXL0cZEN_ItcfegTG1yH_VY-eXW74nGtIlYD7rt2YRL0FnTlZlKD3DAKZrx_OexqUruncH8NFEj4FbTUKIY_DScIqxxruwrkK14E1UWEElwMSki4u4jRx0sqksSqaleoRMZM_9iVlAxw3LXkYu-eH_kKnOGzYZIwnDcZ8zOLWWRSLHyDKRnBeRiwMpGVc5ZpWhhs-OsJN6odc8T-jEVJe5X5OBh44XOq8Zl9R27qjXzgd_ncGHKohvdsXdE6jMQRYkD13CL41NEqTDskKFXXI2ePBBj8AUGUN0h3zFiNpiCoVnrdP3_g&__tn__=kC-R Nolan Bats and Bat Tumbler
  19. Since that selected EMS shipping is resuming from Japan, for those who have bought hobby goods from Hong Kong, HKpost is also resuming EMS to some countries as well (including Canada). I've pre-ordered two items (one for June of this year and one for August/September of next year) and hopefully no delays present. If so, then I can email and change the shipping to DHL.
  20. Hmmm... How about a Nolan Bats if the green light is given @Mommar? Edit: I wish that Hawkman/Hawkgirl will get made, however I don't think it will be approved anyways. Maybe Bane can be done?
  21. If you want it, $260 USD for the three pack and to be out Q1 of 2022. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/zack-snyders-justice-league-deluxe-steel-boxed-set?mc_cid=e0d0a11840&mc_eid=90654529c4#
  22. One wrong move on the 171 legs and "SNAP"! Your stuck with an amputated one legged valk with no peg leg.
  23. Possibly that '89 Keaton Bats shipping (most likely?) or the Gaslight Bats dropping soon. Edit: Or another 5 points figure like the Popeye one.
  24. That is true and complex (maybe equal to MP-44/MP-36), however if you can figure it out, then it shouldn't be a issue. Check out either @jenius' or wotafa's review (both on Youtube) to help you out.
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