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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Anyone for these?? Just got posted on another 1/6th thread.
  2. From Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2021/05/03/hot-toys-announces-star-wars-the-bad-batch-figures-426193
  3. Keaton Bat is supposed to drop sometime this month, however the body is so complicated that they have to do things differently than Hasbro's Hyperreal figures and TBLeague's "Over Glorified" offerings.
  4. I recall that @jenius mentioned that the Yammie 1/60 effect parts for the GBP armor is a Yammie Exclusive (now on Manda for 28k yen and 30k yen with the GBP unit) in his blog. Wouldn't be surprised if Bandai does make the effect parts for this release in the near future.
  5. How about a Extra Ultra PF SDF-1 to go with the stuff that you have @davidwhangchoi?
  6. Possibly another 10k yen for this add on @Chronocidal ?
  7. After the new non-PF Nora 51, I'm in for an Angel Bird 1a (either a regular version or the M&M Wedding one). I just find that the VT-1 one doesn't really catch my interest anymore nor a 1d (if Arcadia does make on down the road).
  8. It's the same as any official DX release in Japan. When the DX YF-19 Full Set was officially released, it was 24k yen at stores and a week later, it shot up to 33k yen which insued a mad scramble for one member here that was in Akihabrara during time it was out for public grabs.
  9. Too bad there's no Oni/Tengu inspired ones to kick it up a notch.
  10. Time of Bandai to pull this one of the hat and make it in DX!! Maybe we can get an Angel Birds 1a as well? Edit: Why can't I spell correctly these days?
  11. A quick change of topic here if I may. Eventhough it was either a bombshell or a success in getting a pre-order for either the DX GBP unit itself or the complete DX 1J + GBP Full Set, is anyone going to get the upcoming Arcadia non-PF Nora 51? Just looking at the price of Nora's 51 right now, I have a feeling that the aggravation yesterday's pre-order drop will turn off collectors even more and say: "Screw it. I've had enough of this crap and say I permently quit collecting Macross stuff for as long as I exist".
  12. There is a list of Yammie 1/60 valks for grabs on Jungle and there is a Weathered 1s Max for 40k yen (Grade A) if your interested (plus others too) @lavinrac. A DX 1s DYRL Max shouldn't be too far if Bandai does decides to offer it. Edit: Name of store should be a help d'uh.
  13. Looking forward to see the actual GPB unit or the complete DX VF-1j + GBP Full Set upon release @Shawn?
  14. Update on Japan Post. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.pdf Edit: Better link and not much of things changed.
  15. I doubt that they will use EMS for shipping @Paco Grande as it's DHL for shipping stuff out of Japan.
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