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Everything posted by borgified

  1. You're going to pay around ¥45k to ¥50k for a DX YF-19 Full Set @Dinosaur and possibly ¥35k to ¥44k for a DX YF-19 Advanced. Differences are noted on @jenius' blog at Scorched Earth Toys and check out his YouTube Channel under the same name. Good thing that you passed over the listing I posted on the previous page at ¥50k... You're going pay the mega late tax on this bird if you get it.
  2. @derex3592 - Here's a hint from Nanjin/Shubert Tam on Collectors Freak on EXO-6 TNG Picard.
  3. Just give me a heavy duty oxy/acetyene cutter and I'll gladly cut it into pieces...
  4. I'll gladly put this version in my front yard and scare off those squirrels that are roaming about . Gotta practice your shooting skills more often right?
  5. The animated movie combined the two stories from the comic book and added a twist to it @no3Ljm. I've read the comic book online (quickly) and seen the animated version. There are two things missing in the Mezco version that the animated version had and I did get a pre-order in for the Gaslights Bats after seeing it. Pre-order closed two days later from what I've been reading.
  6. Now where in the world are you going to display this 1/35 scaled beast @HayateAltoHunter if Bandai does make it and do you have to take out a house/ building/business mortgage to make the purchase??
  7. The Plamax one is the size of a toddler (as one person mentioned), so this 1/35 is classified as a teenager/young adult right?
  8. For those interested. Edit: So I read it that it's a MDS version (the tiny little version) and not the large scale version. So whoever wants one , then you good to go for tommorrow.
  9. @UN Spacy - Now you have three options (and I did PM you somewhere else). Take a wrong move and us guys are going on full hound on you like vulture, osprey, eagles, and hawks.
  10. Up on Amiami as well: Ivanov for 36.8k yen, Tux 1j for 16.8k yen and non-PF VF-4a for 31.1k yen
  11. You guys can get what you want as I'm still waiting for Nora's 51.
  12. From @eggy99's post (two above yours): "There is also no indication that 1A Max GBP or 1S Roy GBP will ever see the light of day. Simply a tease from Bandai with no intention to manufacture them - many examples of this behaviour in the past." So that means that you have to customize the solo DX GBP Armor to match.
  13. @ValkAddict - @Sanity is Optional has no time to put his Macross stuff for sale as of now as time is very limited for him.
  14. So I found more info on Collector's Freak. The regular version is also up. Price for the DLX is $405 USD and the regular is $350 USD. Edit: Pre-orders are up at the 1/6th suppliers of your choice.
  15. Heard that this one is $400 USD. Will give you further details when it unfolds or when I do further digging on it.
  16. So your taking all that into your afterlife I take it.. No further questions to ask.
  17. So you got ¥150k sitting in profit as of right now unopened..
  18. The last time I've seen one up for grabs on Manda was at ¥28k as well @Sanity is Optional. Even the secondary prices on these demanded DX are going up the roof.
  19. Going to post this here and let you guys discuss this over. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-038985-R I think that most of us got it already and the prices for it at this condition (Item A, Box B) on Amiami is not surprising.
  20. I know that @sh9000 is going to recreate the line art with the DX 1j and GBP Full Set when he gets it in hand.
  21. Slugfest stuff goes quicker and it gets sold out within 10 mins (give or take). This Steampunk Bats may possibly stick around for a bit longer of a couple of hours maybe.
  22. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-batman-gbg $115 USD
  23. I'm not seeing purple on the DX GBP @jvmacross. Edit: Unless I'm totally not colour co-ordinated.
  24. Heads up guys!! Mezco just posted to IG/Twitter, the Gotham by Gaslight Batman is going up for order tomorrow, it IS an exclusive!
  25. This one works out as it shows up @Knight26 and hopefully that it doesn't self destruct later on.
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