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Everything posted by borgified

  1. @derex3592 - More hints for you (and for anyone else who is interested)
  2. If your POing right now @HKBEN, read the PO thread that JVM has created, otherwise sit and wait until November to get one and @sqidd has given hints above (you might have to pay up 37k yen or more for the Full set upon release date).
  3. It said it's shipping on the website so how knows.. Batbomb on Youtube has gotten his and did a review on it.
  4. Messer died in Kaname's hands after being exposed to the Var in the first movie @davidwhangchoi. So unless you have Windermere/Borg nano-probes in your blood stream, then yes you can be raised from the dead.
  5. Kane's up! $90 USD to be out February - April of 2022 https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-solomon-kane
  6. Tomorrow's drop.
  7. Hell... Might as well post this here. From Stone Cheung on Facebook (Looplaza mag I take it?) For those that want it, here ya go.
  8. As you don't tick off Selena too much, she won't be using those metal claws (tekko-kagi) on you @Black Valkyrie. Edit: Asmus Arwen v.2 anyone? Posted on Toyark on Friday: https://news.toyark.com/2021/05/21/the-lord-of-the-rings-arwen-figure-by-asmus-toys-428407#images Two versions: Regular for $190 and Deluxe [with the louge chair] for $250 USD (which is only available on Asmus website) Note that there is a possible mistake on Arwen v.2 at 25 cm/10 inches and not like Arwen v.1 and Galadriel at 28 cm/11 inches.
  9. Hmm.. I wonder that Star Ace's "Seamless Bodies" is taking notes from Hot Toys and implementing their own version on Selena Kyle (plus Star Ace hasn't used a busty body in their female figures that I know of so far).
  10. I'm in for Arad's new 31, however not sure if I want the Supers. Still waiting for Chucky's Supers to get made...
  11. I know that Xiggy is a 3rd party option for those that want to fill in the gaps @no3Ljm or can't have the real deal so there's another offering. That speaking I still haven't used the Shapeways version of the Yammie V.1 shoulder replacement parts as I did get it. Going to have to get a Dremel tool set to futz with it to get it working for my purposes.
  12. How can I put this correctly... Bandai not doing proper marketing research in the Macross line as they often toss in stuff and hopefully it sells.
  13. Wasting money on another Hayate 31j to get the "Legit" speaker pod and not supporting or buddy @Xigfrid in his version.
  14. No love for @Xigfrid anymore and you guys can say "Good Bye" to his Shapeways version since you want the official speaker and waste another 23k yen down the toilet for another copy of Hayate's 31j? Fine by me if you guys want to burn money away as its your desire.
  15. After a long year and over a month wait, aren't you glad that you got the beast finally in hand @Sanity is Optional?
  16. The 1/35 valks (if decked with SSP or Supers) will fit inside the Detolf if you take out a glass shelf on the bottom and it put it inside otherwise your going to have to get a PAX wardrobe for it and it might fit the Haslab Harbinger of the Universe in bot mode if one has it also.
  17. Hmmm.. I might go for Arad's 31a with the Dragon Head itasha as passed over his funky coloured 31s. If the 262 gets remade and resurrected in Elvis/Mirage colours, have to see the real thing in screen otherwise it's a Fool's Hope according to Gandalf.
  18. Now you need a rubber duckie to go with your Megs @Froy.
  19. Phhtt... Then what about the missing Supers for Arad's and Chucky's then?? Never got made into production as it was shown in the series. Not going to waste my money on Hayate's 31j with the Speakers, saving that $$ for something else down the line.
  20. I'll be having one pitted with the eventual Generation Select Black Zarak on top of my detolf. Gotta place the unbuilt Discovery somewhere else then.
  21. From Hot Toys Collectors Facebook page: Mando Artillery Stormy. Priced at $220 USD according to Collectors Freak forums (as per the Commander Stormy) and pre-order should be up later on. Will update when details are given. Edit: Pre-orders are open, to be out January - March 2022 https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/star-wars-artillery-stormtrooper-hot-toys-908285
  22. Well.. She does love to sleep on my bed and covers it with cat hair anyways for now @seti88.
  23. I'm getting a mental breakdown just thinking of a space to put a 1/35 sized valk in my display case (and give the box to my cat as a sleeping bed).
  24. @Dinosaur - There's a 5% additional (processing) fee on Jungle's items as they have to do the proper paperwork before shipping it outside Japan for overseas customers and DHL shipping for now given this present situation (Japan and Taiwan is now under a tighter lockdown as the infection numbers are getting higher if you haven noticed). Shipping by DHL us not going to be cheap as I got a Yammie 1/60 DYRL Max for ¥21.5k and the DHL fees was ¥4.3k to get it shipped to British Columbia (total almost ¥29k complete). The bigger the box or heavier it gets, it's going to add on price of the item your getting.
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