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Everything posted by borgified

  1. There's our answer to that question @Slave IV. Back to the drawing board to see if there is someone that will make a upscaled version of the suit.
  2. We'll all find out if it will fit the DX plus I have a hunch that @sh9000 will end end up testing the suit.
  3. Well.. the KO company could upscale it for the DX version anyways right @sqidd (that is If they want do want to do the upsized version)?
  4. I getting Gollum vibes from @Special Sauce write up of him patting his Kairos box. Can anyone do a quick mash of both and put it here?
  5. That means if it doesn't get moth balled or see Howard Chan flip flopping his mind in what to make right @no3Ljm?
  6. I'm actually waiting for this version if it gets made. Getting the Dredd vibe off of this one plus I can add another female character for my collection.
  7. Hmm.. Bounty Hunter shelf for @Slave IV and @sh9000. Then Cad Bane, Sing, Shand, Death's Head [actually Marvel UK done by Furman], Greedo, Daj Pur, Ammaman, Zam Wassel and a bunch of guys from Mos Eisley/Maz's Cantina and Jabba's Palace.
  8. I only got one copy of the Black Skulls @Tking22 as I have the Toyfair Box Black Krig set with the goodies already. Can't wait till Johnny Blaze gets released and then maybe I can get a snap of him with either the MDX/Regular Blade and Symbonite Spidey when I get a chance. I've actually seen that pic on anther Mezco thread and guess what?? This is what the guy did according to one of the members there: " What is truly amazing is that he has replaced each internal head with Baroness (Krig 13), Cobra Infantry (Pale) and Vipers (Red)."
  9. You're not the only one that wishes Doom to have metal parts @Tking22 if green lit as there's another member here in this forum that likes FF stuff (not myself if your wondering). I already have too much pre-orders paid off and just waiting for the Black Skulls and Ghost Rider to be released in roughly in two/three months (including delays if there is any).
  10. $420 USD for a five pack including the Herbie https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-fantastic-four
  11. It's a 50/50 chance that any shipment will get scoped by CBSA and the you have to pay a Import Tax on it. Don't remember if I had to pay a tax on the DX 1s DYRL Hikaru, however I did on the DX YF-19 Full Set and it set me back $87 CND if I remember correctly as I used EMS for those two.
  12. Edit: There's a suggestion that this maybe the 5 points version.
  13. Hunter is up for pre-order. $250 USD, to be out July - Sept 2022 https://news.toyark.com/2021/06/15/star-wars-the-bad-batch-hunter-1-6-scale-figure-by-hot-toys-431745
  14. EMS was available to Canada until Japan Post switched it around sometime last year to the best of my knowledge @F360. I think it was between the time between the DX 1s DYRL 1s Hikaru and the DX 1s TV Roy is when things changed.
  15. You guys in the States are getting a real break from DHL shipping as of right now as your neighbors up North still have to contend with DHL. Hopefully that EMS resumes very soon.
  16. I did not see that listing at all when was scoping out for deals @ValkAddict (plus it doesn't help if I didn't peek into Jungle for three days). You got one of the grails in the Macross collection there.
  17. Another re-issue in 1/4 scale! https://news.toyark.com/2021/06/11/iron-man-3-reissue-of-the-iron-man-mark-xlii-1-4-scale-figure-by-hot-toys-431536 $650 USD, to be out Q3/Q4 of 2022, pre-orders open
  18. $112 USD, shipping in June. Not shown is the Tin Box that goes with it. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-hoodz-vapor Edit: Better Link this time.
  19. D Amazing has done a review for Vapor Better link this time.
  20. Anyone interested? This Wednesday's 1 pm EST drop.
  21. Check your DM @Special Sauce, I sent you one. Edit: Gone as someone has snagged it!!
  22. You might try the Klingsblo or the Rudsta (double door option) @Pontus. I even made a suggestion of finding a used display case on Craigslist and low and behold, @DYRL VF-1S took the challenge and he got a used one.
  23. Pics might help us to problem solve it @twich.
  24. Crown Gandalf is worth the purchase as I've seen the pics of Collector's Freak, however Legolas is your call.
  25. You're into the LoTR as well @Kicker773? I have something from that lineup to be out in August/September and I'm sure that you might know what it is.
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