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Everything posted by borgified

  1. The Garindan™ Sixth Scale Description from SS: The Garindan™ Sixth Scale Figure includes: Masked headsculpt of Garindan with affixed goggles, based on Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope Tailored costume, including: Hooded black cloak Cape Shirt Holster Belt Boots Four (4) total hands: Two (2) Relaxed hands One (1) Blaster holding hand One (1) Comm link holding hand Blaster Black hexagon base $270 USD, June - Sept 2025
  2. $100 USD, Feb-April 2025
  3. Mallfish has done a quick unboxing in IM Mk.33 (Silver Centurion), and has one for Duke on his channel.
  4. $155 USD, Feb-May 2025
  5. Later Q3/Early Q4 2026 so that everyone can either save up or spend more $$ on more re-reissues. 🙃
  6. Up tomorrow (or am I wrong)? Someone at EXO-6 posts up very crappy product shots on the website. This is how it should be (at Las Vegas during the con).
  7. Posted 5 days ago
  8. Valk only based on the pre-orders as of now @graphic revolt. Unknown if the Lil Drakens will be done at a later date with the correct colour splash like Booger’s 262Hs.
  9. Hmm. Then why not a barrage of Mortal Combat or Capcom Street Fighter effects right?
  10. @Pontus - The group that pilots the 262Hs/Ba are called “Ariel Knights” and they carry swords not spears/javelin/lance. I guess that you haven’t seen the first Delta movie where Roid and Keith were battling it out. Edit: I think those lance/spears are just designs that was used to differentiate the 262 Ha/Ba pilots.
  11. I think Hawk P-40 (version 1 or 2) will go well with Junkyard Joe since both of them are in military outdoor gear.
  12. $112 USD, 8-12 weeks for shipping @Big s = Here's your opportunity!
  13. Teased during SDCC and ready for tomorrow's drop. * It's a Image Comics character *
  14. @David Hingtgen- You also forgot Mirage’s 262 Ba.
  15. @Mog - Booger’s 262 Hs is a repaint of Keith’s Hs (which was released in 2016 if memory is correct). Bandai can’t be bothered to make a Ba version, so they rise and repeat the older molds with new colours just to make you fall into “Peer/Pier” pressure into getting another product.
  16. Cloud City Escape Leia is a tease, Chewie with mangled 3PO is $430 USD. * Ha! Can't spell correctly.
  17. Correction @no3Ljm - The Elvis Draken with the Miku Miku Itasha right? 😉 I thought Booger's 262 was a Ba originally, however it's not in this case?? Seems like Bandai loves to reuse and milk the Hs version after Keith's.
  18. $275 USD $285 USD with or without the cup
  19. $95 USD, Jan-March 2025
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