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Everything posted by borgified

  1. I honestly don't know which version of the AX that I want to get when it DX versions of these get released. Decisions, decisions, decisions...
  2. Here two pics that I got off Collector's Freak. The crown on the first version sat too low, this new version sits higher and looks more correct to the show.
  3. Or be pushed back until 2023. 🤐
  4. Mistake on my part @no3Ljm and @sh9000 - Didn't read the details carefully and just posted it up without thinking. 🤕 Good update to Wanda's headscupt as the crown was placed lower on the forehead on the first promo pics. Can't wait for one more year until I finally get it in my hands.
  5. Threezero Ultraman for $50 USD, to be released Q4 2021 (plus it won't burn a hole in your wallet as it's fairly priced). https://news.toyark.com/2021/07/01/figzero-s-6-inch-scale-shin-ultraman-figure-by-threezero-434211
  6. Which is way better than the Classified versions of Roadblock. Waiting to see if Cobra Commander/Baroness/Serpentor will get made. 😉
  7. Hopefully that Bandai awakes up from the slumber of not making Arad's and Chucky's Supers. A missed opportunity when the first Movie came out. Hopefully that they will get back onto the groove and get into action (since the DX 1j Hikaru is re-issue, however not the GPB unit).
  8. $95 USD, May - July 2022 release. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-gi-joe-roadblock
  9. I posted this on another 1/6th thread and hopefully that we'll see some better things this few days.
  10. There was Supers for Chuck's 31e shown in Episodes 1, 6, 8, 14, and 26. From Episode 14, Timestamp - 16:20 to 16:22 Arad's Supers was shown as well, Timestamp 19:11 * Check pg. 528, Date: July 25, 2019 * Customized Supers for Chuck's 31e done by @Rogueload on the next page, Dated on July 29.
  11. Announced on Toyark today: Christian 'Psycho" Bale by Iconiq Studios. https://news.toyark.com/2021/06/26/american-psycho-patrick-bateman-1-6-scale-figure-433426 $270 USD, to be out Q1/Q2 2022
  12. This months figure haul. Not shown is my new (yet used and refurbushed) Sony Cybershot HV400.
  13. Only for that product shot though @Roy Focker. 😉 From a member on Toyark: "Jerry Seinfeld was known for his love of cereal. The apartment has a wide assortment. Dexter is a Serial Killer. Like the old joke of a spoon. Cereal Killer: Another example. ''I read that Snap, Crackle and Pop were found murdered along with Captain Crunch and Tony the Tiger Authorities suspect it's the work of a cereal killer'' That's at least how I took it."
  14. Here's Toyark's write up: https://news.toyark.com/2021/06/25/the-mandalorian-swoop-bike-and-two-din-djarin-and-grogu-sets-by-hot-toys-433207 Pre-orders are up on Sideshow and other 1/6th suppliers
  15. Swoop Bike pics here if you want to add this as well.
  16. Guess Who?? 😁 Mando Season 2 Din with Grogu posted on Hot Toys Facebook (TMS051/2). Regular - $280 USD, Deluxe $358 USD, Speeder Bike (not shown) $280ish, to be out Q3/Q4 2022 or Q1/Q2 2023 if correct on Collectors Freak Forum. Will post details when up later on today.
  17. I still have Arad's Silpheed Armour that I'm going to use on Chucky's 31e, however a "re-coloured Silpheed Armour" for a 31a? There goes our wallet..
  18. Hopefully that there is a 1/48 scaled Zentradi coat that can hide Max in the shadows when scoping out the enemy forces.
  19. If the Delta Live brings back either the Hs/Ba versions then there is a glimmer of hope that it will get made (otherwise it will be like the 171 that was shown in the series and not get made). My copy of Keith's 262 Hs is displayed in fighter mode decked out with the upper and lower salvos (had the Lil'Drakens on it for a while, then took it off as the wings where slighly dropping even with the brackets on).
  20. " Get away from her you @*%*#" Edit: It's a MDS version. Going to be another few weeks before there is another official 1/12 drop
  21. Did not see this one - https://news.toyark.com/2021/06/22/dexter-tv-series-1-6-scale-figure-by-flash-back-432541 New Company (might be like Molecule 8 and fizzle out after a few characters get made). Priced at $280 USD, to be released in Q1 2022, pre-orders on BBTS and maybe one other 1/6th providers. You might see a possible Easter Egg if you look closely.
  22. Check your DM @Special Sauce and don't snooze on it as it may go fast!!
  23. Just released yesterday, Rescue Armour is out overseas. Here are the snaps that I managed to see on the Collector's Freak forum "Avenger's Endgame Rescue Armour. Who sees Dane or Paltrow here?
  24. Your referring to erikos0311 @nightmareB4macross for those customs. He hasn't been around since May 18, 2018 (according to stats) and who knows what happened to him. https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/40079-custom-scratch-built-160-zentradi-uniform-for-vf-1a-tv-max/
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