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Everything posted by borgified

  1. You could be right @seti88. Banda screwing with our brains and giving us the VF-22 first and then the YF-21. How do you like them apples? Gotta have more M&M regardless. 🤑
  2. What if Bandai says no for the DX YF-21 and does the DX VF-11 instead (if so) @leeboo1211?
  3. Still going to get this version anyways @no3Ljm and possibly get another 3rd party headscupt (with a different expression). Should I get Mando Din Season 2 with Grogu as well?
  4. Can be a number if things @scand. (1) Vapourware [Your not the only person that said it]. (2) Co-vid delayed everthing and the price of our hobbies has skyrocketed off the roof and it's been delayed to infinity.
  5. Was just about to get the Endgame Scar Joe, however I do like the Dredd vibe on this one. Fennic Shand for sure when it gets made!
  6. Not even the Ozma/Rod version? Might be getting this version if it looks good with the Monocle Eye, otherwise all make a pass.
  7. Can't read Kanji however have you got translate app on your phone? I think you might get the idea or ask @tekering for a crash course on Japanese writing.
  8. That's an old vid @Macand you've got to check the dates in that as this is a 3 year old valk and it's out of production. I believe that this was the card that was shown and posted by @onnasake on page 109, dated October 24, 2018.
  9. It's getting closer. https://twitter.com/mezcotoyz/status/1414978625686867970/photo/1
  10. I'm actually holding back on this one as I'm debating if I want Dragon Ranger or Kiba Ranger (plus will the white fabric suit turn to yellow over time?) https://news.tokunation.com/2021/07/07/threezero-16-scale-mighty-morphin-power-rangers-white-ranger-revealed-71684
  11. Spiderborg pics on Collector's Freak; Cyborg Spider Toy Fair 2021.
  12. Posted on Collector's Freak: Neon IM Mk.50 thread. Hopefully in pics of the Spiderborg and The Armorer will show up.
  13. Nope... Based on his Facebook page, located in Thailand.
  14. Do you have Black Widow: Endgame in your collection @Kicker773? I'm swayed in getting her in a few months if my money situation works out plus Arwen v.2 will have someone to keep her company.
  15. Bathtub FD3S.. Still looking for a Spirit R 1:18 and the prices are not good for that scale. In due time, I'll get one. @Ali Sama - Ready for the DX 31ax or not?
  16. borgified

    Macross figures

    Sheryl/Ranka and Walkure doing a figure collab?? Jokes aside, I had a feeling that it's going to happen sooner or later and it was hinted if I'm not mistaken.
  17. Here's a hint from Collector's Freak for those that want Neon IM Mk. 50 or The Armourer. Hope that it works out for you guys!
  18. Spidey Cyborg is up for grabs on Sideshow, Neon IM 50 and The Armorer should follow suit shortly.
  19. Details of the DX 31ax pre-orders should be arriving sometime later this month @wm cheng. The link that @bsinsan gave was for the DX 1J + GBP Full Set now Sold Out.
  20. Only three exclusives this year, nothing more. Edit: There might be more stuff to be released later on this few weeks.
  21. I'm just getting what is getting my interest as of right now as I can't be blowing my budget.
  22. You forgot one more @sh9000 and it's been requested on Collector's Freak. This is the way..
  23. So the rumors have been true to a degree... https://www.facebook.com/hottoys/videos/773500733314956/ Another Neon Tech IM guys and it's possibly Mk. 50 if true.
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