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Everything posted by borgified

  1. First one was a LLD Halloween Box Set, this is the second teaser. Goes with the GBG Bats (however this didn't even exist in the Comics/Animated version).
  2. @MKT - I very highly doubt that Bandai will make this paint scheme for their DXes. Good grab nevertheless on the 25th 1/48 Yammie 1s deemed as "Junk" for 5.5k yen.
  3. borgified

    Macross figures

    Is that your mini you @Convectuoso?
  4. That might be a "maybe" @no3Ljm as it looks better that the Unicorn reaper one as I don't like Haya Haya personally, however I do like the colour scheme on it. It's down to either Arad's or Mirage's 31ax for me.
  5. Here's the skinny on the BS that SS is giving Toyswonderland for those interested. https://www.collectorfreaks.com/threads/toys-wonderland.242972/
  6. Anyone expecting good reveals from Mezco's presentation tomorrow until Saturday?
  7. Still don't like that Itasha on Hayate's 31ax. Should have gone with a Mercat one to pay tribute to the one that gave him a slap in the face in Episode 3/4.
  8. Even with Howard Chan and Sideshow barking out orders and roping up other 1/6th suppliers/creators to kneel at their feet, I'm good with other offerings to fill up the gaps. Exclusivity for only HT and Sideshow to sell their own stuff?? Then why is SS and HT not chasing down other 1/6th creators and giving them a huge slap on the wrist for reaching into their "Precious Territory" of securing the market?
  9. I specially avoided this thread until @wm cheng made a post about "The Best Girl" not having her valk... NOW you made me join in. There was a tease of Mirage having her 31ax in the Delta Live trailers if you didn't catch it. As for the noggin, it might be the 31a like Chucky and the Karios unless she requested the change to be done.
  10. Well... Can't blame Sideshow as other HK based sellers like Toysbuyingagent also ships stuff to the States as much lower costs. I actually have two pre-orders with ToysWonderland and will see what happens next. Edit: So Sideshow claims to have the copyright, exclusivity and ownership to all the 1/6th figures? That's pure farce and baloney and Sideshow pulled the same BS on Toysbuying agent as well.
  11. $200 USD for Mondo Animated Wolvie on Friday if Collector's Freak is correct on Sideshow. At least it's cheaper than Hordak for that matters (by $50 USD for regular or by $60 USD for the Deluxe. Yes.. Basically Hot Toys pricing for a blown up 1:12 animated doll).
  12. Looks like a fuse of Windermere/Borg/Tron tech on the VF-14.
  13. To each either own decision to pass or not for tomorrow's drop. @Tking22 and @General Rasp: Are you both in? I'm going to try and get one, however no promises.
  14. From Collector's Freak: Mondo Animated Wolverine for $200 USD at SS Con. * * For this Friday Announced yesterday: The Armorer for $245 USD Hit Sideshow website for more unposted goodies here.
  15. Does the VF-19 battriod look like the EVA units to you @MKT?
  16. I'm already having a hard time to choose between the Elvis or Mirage's Ba. Now the issue of a White Elvis Hs is that it's going to be converted to yellow after so much exposure to sunlight and UV rays, unless you slather layers of SPF 50+ sunscreen lotion right @no3Ljm?
  17. VF-19 has taken inspiration from the 262 Hs??
  18. "The name is Roach. James Roach"
  19. It's already dead for now - @jenius' post on Nov. 24, 2020 and you @sqidd concurred on the 25th. However @DYRL VF-1S hope that is wasn't on Nov. 24, 2020 and @leeboo1211 concurred on the 28th. So 50/50 chance?? Hoping that this will get the defibillator shock on this project and it rises again, or it will get the DX VF-22/DX VF-11 treatment first and then get Bandai to screw us again of for the actual DX YF-21 to drop.
  20. By boat or proxy @spacemanoeuvres? That's a hell of a long trip to get it sent out this late.
  21. It's all animation magic @Pontus right @no3Ljm?
  22. Here's what I got from reading another forum members reply: "Skimmed the itinerary for their mezco-con and it is dripping with James Bond references. They’re beating us over the head with a tease for that license. I wonder which iterations. Fortunately, I think it will be a pass for me." Take it as a grain of salt until proven.
  23. You haven't reserved a copy of the DX 1J + GBP yet @Special Sauce? You can get one during release week from Manda while Amiami and Jungle will possibly have their copies out for sale a few weeks later. Or you could try looking at the "For Sales" thread if others are willing to sell their back up orders. On a side note: I'm still keeping an eye out on those "Grails" that your looking for.
  24. borgified

    Macross figures

    Use the running hot water from the tap or the hair dryer trick @Slave IV on Roy's joints. Just don't melt him into a pile of plastic goo in the process of doing so. Think of Black Series, Classified, SHMA, NECA joints as the joints may have fused up during assembly.
  25. It's up in display in Hong Kong. Hint link for picks as there's a boatload of them. https://news.toyark.com/2021/07/15/hot-toys-summer-2021-showcase-photos-new-dc-and-marvel-435707 Edit: Here's a video link for those that don't want to scroll through the list as it's too long.
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