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Everything posted by borgified

  1. "Code Blue for Dr. Hataye. Please assemble your triage team and head towards ER unit plus your temperature reader. We're going to have a high level of uncontrolled flares going up".
  2. Yep.. Re-issue of the DX 31a
  3. @Mac - Hopefully that if you put in an order at HLJ, make sure that they don't chop your order out as they did for Chucky's 31e when it was up (they had very limited amounts of the DX 31e). They might have changed it after that.
  4. I think its due to the angle of the photographer taking the product for advertising media @seti88.
  5. The shoulder paudrons is the difference between the 31a and the 31ax so far in the pics. Definitely upgrade engines and gadgets on the 31ax. Newer supers down the road (very typical Bandai thing).
  6. So far Luna has their own pre-order up. Others suppliers should have it up very soon, as there's less than 8 hours left before the crap fest begins.
  7. Next question: Who's got the original 31a. I know that this is Doc. Haya Haya's 31ax, however, how less beefier are the wings on the 31a to make a proper comparison?
  8. No other links for the Doc. Haya Haya 31ax pre-order for now except Luna. I think the other websites should be posting it up very soon as the madness will be in roughly 30+ hours from now. Note that some of the servers will crap out just as the listings go live, so don't give up... Get your drinks of your choice (Bushmills, Hibiki/Sunitory, Vodka, Crown Royal, Klingon Bloodline, Romulan Ale, Scotch, Spotchkia) as it going to be a rough ride with Spinning Wheel of Death, Cart Jacking and Websites crashes. Kampi!
  9. It's not a temperature probe that Haya Haya has with him, it's actually this. To verify if his sweetie is having their kid.
  10. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    That's because where not worthy for Bandai's attention in the Macross department as they're too focused in other things under their banner @RDX17.
  11. Just get a Megaball Lottery ticket @no3Ljm and hope for the best, then you can splurge it on all the Macross stuff you want. Still getting Dr. Haya Haya correct?
  12. Bats at $375 USD, to be out Q3/Q4 of 2002. Cyborg to be out Q4 2022/Q1 2023, pricing unknown. Above info on Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2021/07/29/zack-snyders-justice-league-cyborg-figure-by-hot-toys-438704 https://news.toyark.com/2021/07/29/batman-arkham-origins-batman-xe-suit-figure-by-hot-toys-438681 Another note: Toyswonderland is back and up guys. A new reformat of their website and hopefully that they don't get anymore headaches from SS.
  13. This is what I got so far @Mommar as I can't find any other details (or I can't remember at all). Don't know if their willing to give out free loans on the stuff that your getting form them.
  14. Hopefully further details will up soon and most likely as SS Excusive for the extra stuff in NA/Euro shores. Toysbuyingagent might have the pricings for both in Hong Kong Dollars.
  15. Wowza @SoLoBoY! Going all out with a Big Bang. Hope that doesn't cost you a kidney and half your liver with those purchases.
  16. So can we guess who's version will get made after Haya Haya? 🤔 Mirage, Arad, Chucky and then 06 version? OR Whatever Bandai decides after throwing darts on a huge corkboard (with all the variants posted on it) and it gets made according to the hits it gets. Edit: Doesn't the tip on the hand gun look like Starship Yamato's (or Starblazers for those unfamiliar) bow cannon?
  17. From Facebook, posted by Stone Chung. A DX 31ax Haya Haya version. @treatment - Gotta love your comment on the rail gun. 😂
  18. These are line art of the 31ax variants for the Bandai Model kit line @cosmic. Very high chance that the DX versions of these will be similar.
  19. @Seto Kaiba - Is there any information on the 31ax for those curious like @Special Sauce and others? No doubt that you'll post in the Mecha thread and on here as well.
  20. MRC reviews The Armorer Note: That he manhandles the figure and causes the pleather to flake off *
  21. Guess who got delivered to Secret Base?? Pics from Collector's Freak: The Armorer thread. I'll be getting my copy after the first batch has been sent out from Toyswonderland.
  22. @drumondo - Check the "For Sales" thread if when members here are willing to let go of extra backup pre-orders when the DX 1j + GBP Full Set pics starts to surface on the boards sometime in September. You can try on Manda, during release the release week, however it's going to cost you (might be up to 40k yen to get a copy) a house mortgage or your first born kid.
  23. Pass for me as I'm keeping the Gaslights Bats pre-order. Maybe an actual "Real" listing might pop up in Wednesday??
  24. $100 USD https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-the-joker-gotham-by-gaslight
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