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Everything posted by borgified

  1. @Podtastic - Have you tried looking through Onesixthwarriors/Collectors Freak (under the GI JOE/Military/Historical thread) for the first 7 items on your list plus some of the 1/6 stores like Monkey Depot, One Sixth Kit, Timewalker Toys?
  2. @Slave IV - I question you on the quote that the Miata shares the same platform as the Z4.. 🤔 The present Fiat (and the suped up Abrath model) shares the same Mazda Eunos/Miata chassis, however the present Toyota Supra shares the BMW Z4 chassis (that's why you see BMW's guts and trim reused on the Supra but with the Toyota logo emblazed on it). As much as I do like the Eunos/Miata, my heart always preferred the Suzuki Cappuccino/Daihatsu Copen/Nissan Figaro.
  3. https://news.toyark.com/2021/08/20/iron-man-mark-iii-construction-version-reissue-by-hot-toys-440609
  4. @Kicker773 - It's a re-release of Marty from the first BTTF with Einstein with new headsculpt priced at 35k yen (Japan exclusive) or $320 USD. I had to dig in Collectors Freak just to get info in the BTTF - 1/6th DeLorean Time Machine thread. @mark-1s - The spliff. Even someone on another 1/6th thread that I'm in also mentioned that.
  5. You can get a TBLeague for roughly that same amount of cash depending on which one. I liked their Narama, however it sold out at my local 1/6th store when I waffled on getting it. Now most of there present stuff "Egyptian Myth Themed" is getting over glorified.🙄
  6. From a Hong Kong 1/6th supplier. Right after two versions of Freddie Mercury, this guys shows up. For $1,380 HKD/ $177.11 USD/$223.50 CND (as of the exchange rate right now), to be out Sept - December of this year. Note: You have to supply the body as Win C. will give you the kit plus the head sculpt.
  7. Teased on Collectors Freak EXO-6 thread and also (just to tick you off @Podtastic) ... I'll most likely get Sisko (Avery Brooks) as I did watch a few episodes of the "Man called Hawk"
  8. I rather take Jem'heddar and the Breen over your choice of Alien races @Podtastic. Hell... Give me the Borg Collective and Hugh or a huge Battalion of Klingons. "Today is good day to die and go into Stovokor".
  9. I'll wait for Avery Brooks (Sisko) as Kate's jawline looks to square-ish.
  10. You're not going to get any MISB outer boxes from Luna @sqidd unless you change your provider for the DX 31ax. They really dropped the bomb on DX 1d..
  11. Anyone see Ben Stiller from Tropic Thunder in this pic? 🤣 https://news.toyark.com/2021/08/16/preview-of-the-rambo-figure-from-first-blood-by-threezero-440265
  12. As for now, we've got: 1j Hikaru (TV) 1a Max (TV) 1s Hikaru (Movie) 1a Kakazaki (Movie) 1s Roy (TV) 1d (TV version I think?) Reissue of the 1j + GPB set for those that pre-ordered it (TV) My own personal guesses below (in no order): If the DYRL versions are next.. Who is it going to be? Max's 1a/1s, Hikaru's 1a, Roy's 1s, VT-1,VD-1 If another round of TV after DYRL, then one of the M&M's 1j
  13. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-doc-nocturnal-red-death-edition#12021-18 $90 USD
  14. Use a spudger from Amazon (Which one exactly, I have no idea) and get underneath the clips where it clips onto the arms and lift it upwards carefully (without breaking it off). Once you get have enough space, then you can take it off. The Yammie version also had the same issues of the clips connecting onto the arm like a clamp. Note: My copy of the 262 Hs has never left fighter mode with the slavos attached to it.
  15. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-superman-man-of-steel-edition $125 USD
  16. Hopefully something DX or Hi-Metal R related might be announced.
  17. $220 USD, to be released July-Sept 2022 https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/dc-comcs-king-shark-hot-toys-909107
  18. The expected shipping dates on Mezco's stuff providing that its has not been futher delayed. Or you can just toss out the eta on the stuff to be shipped out @Mommarsince its all over the place. Note: I posted this same image on another Mezco thread and they got it without any questions.
  19. Update from Reddit for the TL/DR version.
  20. First review on Neon Tech 4.0 IM MK. 50
  21. I guess anything after the Gaslights Joker pre-order gets mega delayed till Q3/Q4 2022 or Q1 2023.
  22. FYI from Mezco Reddit page.
  23. @dragontype - Send your extra copy of the DX DYRL 1s and DX SSP/Fast Pack to LEK over in Thailand plus pay him maybe $700 USD to get it done, however its a two year wait. or Get @Red Comet (is he still on the boards anymore as his post was in May?) to customize one for $500 USD including the DX DYRL 1s only.
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