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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Ouch... That's going to be a hard one @Chronocidal if and when a PF YF-21 Omega One is to be done. I would like a upgraded YF-21 (got Gamlin's 22s nevertheless), however there's two things that I don't like in the YF-21/VF-22: (1) De-limiter mode and the ability to pop off the legs for this unslightly display option. (2) Two rear landing gears that retract when accidently moved backward when deployed. Price might be around 50k yen when said and done.
  2. For those interested, this Wednesday...
  3. Maybe it will get done within 20 years @ValkAddict, Maybe....
  4. @JetJockey and @Podtastic - You guys might be interested in this as I was looking through other 1/6th sites https://onesixthfigures.forumotion.com/t4679-new-product-scaletta-1-6-scale-bishop-figure (AKA Lance Hendrickson sculped?) for $32 USD Here's the website that you guys can get this: https://onesixthkit.com/index.php?route=product%2Fproduct&product_id=3075
  5. Announced on TFW2005: https://news.tfw2005.com/2021/09/04/wonder-festival-autumn-2021-online-announced-in-japan-440553 Wonderfest Main page: https://wonfes.jp/ So that means we hopefully get to see Arcadia's PF YF-19, SV-51 Nora (plus what ever else) on October 9th.
  6. @ValkAddict - The only way to save you from going unto "virutal insanity" on here us to purge yourself from this forum forever and not come back anymore. However I don't think your going to vanish from here as long as there is valks (unless we all ban you from logging on onto this website nes pas?). Edit: added more details
  7. Plus the two repaints that @anime52k8 posted back in 2014/08/14 in Purple and Red from Macross: The Ride video game.
  8. HT did Enter the Dragon on Lee, and Enterbay did one of him as Kato on Green Hornet. I'm sure there are kit bashes than you can make of Bruce @JetJockey.
  9. For those interested... $100 USD, to be out March - May 2022. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-the-crow
  10. Haya Haya doing yoga before his recon rounds @enphily? Maybe that's why Fre Fre is so interested in him and he can also pull off those dance moves during his spare time. 😆
  11. Eric Craven (Branden Lee) is up for grabs tomorrow.
  12. Here's the other one that I didn't post yesterday. Both at $250 USD from SS and to be out 2023. Sam's also on Kim's Convenience while Paul Lee (Oppa) is one of the pilots that chases Din in the Mandalorian.
  13. Has anyone gotten the re-release of Akira at all?? Read on Collector's Freak that the pleather on the v.1 version red suit is crumbling apart as this re-release version might be made of the same material if your located in a high humidity/very damp part of the world. Edit: Found a review on Youtube in Japanese (Anyone wants to translate for those non-japanese speaking?)
  14. @PsYcHoDyNaMiX - Just saw that one and Sima Liu has little assessories for now. Not going to post that one unless there's more stuff shown.
  15. Just posted on Collector's Freak, details should be up by tomorrow.
  16. That's an easy one @Chokinzoku81! It's a backpack hinge and used to connect the tail end of the two rear wings up flush into battriod's spine assembly. Even the 1/60 Yamacadias has it also.
  17. https://news.toyark.com/2021/08/27/ultraman-ultra-geed-by-asmus-toys-441634 $175 USD, to be out Q4 of 2021
  18. @JSBHSI2021 - It's 1/60 sized. The 1/48 are the DX VF-1 valks. Since your still new to the boards, peek into @jenius's blog (Scorched Earth Toys) and his Youtube channel (under the same name) when you have free time to catch up to speed.
  19. Release date on Tamashii.jp Edit: Here's the link - https://tamashii.jp/item/13603/
  20. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-alien $100 USD. Seamless like '89 Kearon Bats, and hopefully that it's been resolved
  21. @Rein+ - See October 31/2019 post by @Ignacio Ocamica, that should help you.
  22. Tomato soup valks right @Slave IV, as it adds more flavour into the mix.
  23. From Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2021/08/24/star-wars-return-of-the-jedi-scout-trooper-and-speeder-bike-by-hot-toys-440935 $230 USD for the Scout, $505 USD for the combo, to be out Q3/Q4 2022, pre-orders are live on Sideshow.
  24. For Onesixthwarriors, go into the new releases sub section and look though all the listings @Podtastic. There are some listings of military 1/6 products and if any thing interests you, then Monkey Depot, Timewalker, Onesixthkit and other 1/6 suppliers will possibly have it.
  25. Wait a minute here @Dirtyboy... All the 31 valks have plastic trays and not Styrofoam like the 25/27/29 (sans v.3 Alto Full Set) and the 30.
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