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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Snail mail from Mezco for those who got Slugfest stuff. Other post from Dukefett is on stuff. Just call Keaton Bats: Vapourware as they still can't work out the seamless body...No point in dragging on their feet. Poke Fabster's Channel on Youtube if your pissed off.
  2. Already out, unboxed by Joseph Lee on Collector's Freak. Last pic is the Harley SS noggin.
  3. @kkx and @Norland - I've got the email of payment a week after Amiami had stock in. Paid the full amount last week Thursday, shipped out just this Tuesday, now at DHL's distribution hub in YVR with delivery tommorow mid-afternoon. Amiami is slow in sending stuff out, however you'll get it. Is it that desperate to get your DX fix right away?? You might as well propose to it now and then marry it when it gets here like its now or never.
  4. Beware: SS is doing their dirty work again. Edit: This was posted on Collector's Freak early this morning.
  5. borgified

    Macross figures

    That's not a Macross Waifu @Jjjjjjjzhou. You posted it on the wrong thread.
  6. It's obvious that Patricia is not versed in putting on the GBP Armor guys unlike us that are experts on how things should be done properly. Give her some room and send your pointers to @LUNA PARK for the next DX release to be reviewed.
  7. borgified

    Macross figures

    @Pontus and others: Details for Delta Live Fre Fre https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1324947 White Lily Sheryl https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1324944 Note: Release date for both according to myfigurecollection - Nov. 23, 2021. Keep your eyes peeled on either Manda, Jungle or Amiami after release date to see if their selling them when listed.
  8. I think we might have guessed what the answer will be @seti88 - New Supers for the 31ax. From what I can remember, the front armour (along the canards) is different for the 31a as the regular versions will not fit due to the design while the remaining parts is cross compatable. If I get a copy if Mirage's 31ax, most likely that I keep it as it is.
  9. As much as the SV-303 does catch my interest @twich, I have to see if the DX version will stand up to the test when approved by Bandai to make a run, then it will get my $$. Still like renewal 27g, however its in storage with my other Macross valks (Its placed inside its own box and encased in a storage tub).
  10. Seriously... I'm with @no3Ljm on getting Bandai to get off their ass and do the Supers for Arad's and Chucky's original 31. I bet Bandai is stalling this purposely just to get more money following the Delta Zettai Live release (re-issue of Haya Haya's 31j with the Speakerpod sometime this month and his 31ax in December). If and when the Tron SV-303 and Max's VF-29 gets the greenlight, its going to be harder to pick and choose which one to get (I'm in for Max's 29 for now, however do I need another 29 after getting Mr. Banana Ears?).
  11. Discuss or rant to your hearts content on the 31AX guys. Edit: I'll most likely get Mirage's 31ax with the her Grandparents namesake itasha, however will have to see if a bundled set will follow with the Supers (or not).
  12. Good for those that filled out the survey. Don't know how if this will work out in Canada (if appoved) as there is also a batch if Macross fans up here as well. Will it be easier for us Canuckle Heads getting our needed DX crack fix? Time will tell.
  13. I'm starting to cut back on both official and 3rd party TFs @tekering as it's just taking too much room in my collection, however I'll be getting selected ones though (plus I'm slowly clearing out my collection as well). You've got the space to display your collection while I have to cater to what I have presently with limited space and rotating display options, plus I have to keep my area reasonably cat proof as the fluff ball loves to go into my room and sleep where ever she finds space.
  14. Top this drop guys... Just got dropped of by DHL. It's batch two if your wondering.
  15. Is there some truth to this?? From D Amazing's review on V.2 Doc Noc, I scrolled down on the comments and this popped up.
  16. Don't listen to @Slave IV as you have to mail the re-issues down to So Cal. I can swing over to your place in roughly 20 mins and take it from you. 😛
  17. Doom is a maybe for me.. Will have to see the full details when its listed.
  18. Here are the other two.
  19. Don't ask,, Sounds logical as Dragon/Green Ranger has been teased (pre-orders not yet up).
  20. I've liked the SDP-1 when it was shown, however the Silpheed Armour for the 31 is overkill.
  21. I think the the solo DX 1J will drop in price (how much unknown) as the combo pack is now out.
  22. Nothing interesting after the Bats/Two Face reveal. Money saved for now.
  23. 42 mons late. Reveal one.
  24. No rush for me as Amiami can let my copy of the combo set on the Warehouse shelf for that matter. If they need space, they'll send the invoice. I also have a 1/6 figure that has just arrived at 1/6 fulfiller's warehouse (paid off) and the label has been created, but not yet shipped. Not in a rush to get it shipped as it can also sit in the shelf. If they need space badly for incoming stock, then they can ship it.
  25. For those interested https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-captain-nemo - $112USD Not pictured is the tin box. Edit: One more pic.
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