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Everything posted by borgified

  1. I think we're getting it within latter April/and few weeks of May @seti88 if I understand correctly. What I don't get is why in the hell the pics of an actual copy of Bogue's 31ax got shown before Mirage's mold?? It is because the Jenius family hogs the spotlight too much and Bandai decides to show a annoying Windermere Ariel knight for just spite us all?
  2. I guess that I can kiss an eventual LotR Saruman good bye then... Asmus still owes me a Arwen v.2 (paid a $20 USD deposit) and they still screwed up the DLX version to some buyers with broken and missing parts and a crappy brown cardboard box with out artwork (some buyers still have no answers after 8 months) . The regular version should be shipping out, however with the delayed shipping and whatnot, who knows if I end up getting it.
  3. Hopefully Milia’s PF 1J will follow as well @Safeguard. Gotta have the M&M pair with the 1J first and foremost. Should you wish to expand the M&M collection further and if the $$ allows, then the Q-Raus and VF-22s follow up.
  4. One person on Collector's Freak has just got Spidey 2009 via Fleabay (ordered it just last week) . @General Rasp - You know who this person that got this one and do not mention his name here.
  5. 3rd party take on Jack Nicholson's Joker from the first Batman movie which was just released a few days ago. In Spanish [Are you sure that is not in Portuguese honestly? ] Another one * I believe that there is a 2nd run up for grabs on onesixthkit *
  6. A cut from The Mandalorian that never made it.
  7. Hahaha… Leave it to us that grown up with an Asian family background to pull out the weird and wacky food combos or stuff that never have heard before. Stinky Tofu anyone?
  8. You know what you should have done instead @no3Ljm? Either a pic of Durian or Balut should suffice honestly and they will avoid it like there's no tommorow.
  9. What Hot Toys loves to do and milk the mold right?? From their Facebook page, it's the reissue of the famous KX Droid as shown in Rogue One, Yes... Shown in a flashback scene during the raid on Mandalore.
  10. It’s the Mondo Hordak and there are three versions. Regular, DLX (with the tri-bola, pet and other stuff) and the Power Con version (which was closer to the Anime Cartoon Series). All sold out with in a few minutes of listing it online - MRSP: $250 USD for the Regular and $260 for the DLX and the Power Con version which is basically the price if a Hot Toys Figure. Don’t even start thinking about getting a 1/6th scaled figure @MKT, you’re going be dumping more $$$$ quickly than you expect. Trust me, there’s times that you don’t want to start as myself, @Kicker773, @Podtastic and @no3Ljm have fallen deeper into the rabbit hole and trying to get out while collecting it.
  11. @PsYcHoDyNaMiX - That Queen’s Studio Heath Ledger 2 pack will cost you a tad more than $1,000 USD from what I understand. Plus what @crackpot mentioned about those non-articulated wrists, I’m more curious on how it’s going to be done properly if it’s not there. I’m waiting for a eventual LoTR Sarumon with the staff and the globe as I was late in the game in getting the Asmus version. Their version of Gandalf, Legolas and Bilbo (or is it Frodo?) doesn't really pop out that much to me. 2nd Edit: Here's a Youtube vid in Mandarin (with subs) and check out the "Incredible Joker Collectables" vid also by them.
  12. And your going to do it again with Mirage’s 31ax and the added Supers when it all arrives right @Angesdad?
  13. I don't think so as well @pengbuzz. Mondo is very selective on what they're going to make I know that they have plans for She-Ra, Battle Cat, Panthor and other stuff. There's a couple of 1/6th links that cater to Mondo 1/6th stuff and maybe further details.
  14. Just completed by EXO-6 and shipping in three days barring delays : Mirror, Mirror Spock ( Pic from Collector Freaks: Star Trek thread). Waiting for a non-human figure from EXO-6 personally.
  15. @Tking22 - The Hot Toys version of Pattinson Bats is asking insane prices according to what I read on some forums (not including the DLX version) and a possibly a three year wait. The teased Black Widow by Mezco (not announced) is possibly half price of the Hot Toys version and much more affordable. I was planning to get the Solo Black Widow version with the Dredd suit vibe, however I’m just not going to get it. I saw the movie when I got the chance; it was mediocre in my option.
  16. @no3Ljm - Hordak does look good, however I passed over it as was asking $250 [?] USD when the pre-order went up (literally a price of a freaking Hot Toy’s figure. I got the regular version of Skelly at $180 USD). That saying, the sides of the “shorts” that he’s wearing is much shorter than the original sketch renders; Hordak should be wearing Speedo swimming trunks for all that matters. 🤣 The Deluxe version (with the tri-lobed bola weapon, pet and whatever else that came with it) at $260 USD upon listing Sold Out within minutes. There’s also the Power Con version that was closer to the Animated version (also sold out within minutes).
  17. $125 USD with a year wait.
  18. Stepping it up a notch. Review on Youtube by PRockZilla if your interested.
  19. Teaser of it to be released.
  20. Sorry guys. I haven’t got time up date this for a long time as I’m super busy. Who got Snake Eyes last week? Up coming pre-order for this Wednesday.
  21. @no3Ljm - Nah... Bandai is going to do what they do best. Screw it up more and use more Super Glue to make it fit so we can toss it against the wall like the 262 Hs in frustration. 🤣 Might as well put a firecracker/grenade/Molotov Cocktail bomb on the screwed up 31ax, light it up and see it blow up to pieces like Evil Ralph on Toy Story.
  22. One month delay is good for me, however there’s a possibility that fair bit of collectors that are crabby about it being delayed: “I want it right now.” Cue up Veruca Salt memes stomping on the floor and having a hissy fit. A toy that causes a matter of life and death situations
  23. @Pontus: Watch Jenuis’ reviews on the 262 Hs and the Lil’Draken add on as it will help you out. You haven’t watched the First Delta Movie, so my suggestion is to watch it. Keith’s and the Elvis Drakken (262 Hs both Anubis Head) plus Mirage’s 262 Ba and other Pope Head Ba are there.
  24. Is it under the MWW banner your questioning? It's classififed as P-Bandai product however time can tell if BBTS will carry it for US distribution.
  25. Under by $10 USD... It's $190 USD
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