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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Your correct @no3Ljm, Roy has the Skully noggin' tat on the chest.
  2. Just posting here...
  3. From Stone Chung on "Fakebook"... Pre-orders are on late tomorrow evening or early Thursday morning guys.
  4. @Lolicon - Take it all into the afterlife as you will definitely be well protected like the Terracotta Warriors that are lined up in Xi'an, China.
  5. Correct @F360. Proof - https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/fresh-durian-market Here are a few snapshots from the link. If anyone can stand the pungent fruit and its weird texture, it does have it's strengths. Not to derail the thread anymore, get ready for the DX Max Full Set 29 guys.
  6. Us Canuckle heads forked out close to $300 CDN for the MWW 25, so I'm guessing $375 - $425 CDN for the Max Full Set 29. Yep... Like I said before, us Macross collector's North of the 49th get screwed over. Edit: Time to toss in the multiple boxes of Durian into the ring to deter the ones that want to get a copy right @no3Ljm? With that real pungent fruit scent, no one wants to even try and get a copy.
  7. It's one of the scenarios honestly @Bolt and you know it. It's either complete the line up, get the specific characters that you identify with well, the design/presentation/colours/execution of the said item and also what @sqidd has mentioned before: "Money Talks". If anyone doesn't like the 29, then that's fine. More opportunity for the guys that want it, however that may change during pre-order madness due to FOMO.
  8. @RealJayDee - Bandai will not do another run on the 171CF Nightmare from Frontier/Delta era at all in another colour. Look at the convoluted transformation on the legs and the weakest link on the Triangles on the CF. The VF-22 is a go if and when the YF-21 is fully green lit. Like I mentioned before: Bandai loves to pull a poker face and screw everyone else like HT with all teases and drops the ball down the road with no explanations why.
  9. Not going to happen @Lolicon and @ValkAddict and I'll be honest (pardon my language usage here guys): Bandai loves to piss people off just like HT and screw us over. Multiple teases with nothing to show. Look at the Solo GBP teases with Roy's 1s and Max's 1a during the Haya Haya 31ax unveil. Requests for those units was there, Bandai says no. I get it as Bandai wants to "Meet the Brief" (Masterchef lingo here) and get feedback, however it's either you make too much of it and it sits on the shelf not making ROI.
  10. From what I'm reading as if right now, there's is a 50/50 spilt in deciding to either pass or get Max's Full Set 29. Three scenarios here: (1) Not going to get it, just another boring 29 and it looks the same to me. (2) Going to get this to compete the 29 line up. (3) Never had a 29 in my collection. This might be my first one. I have a feeling that there is going to be a few unexpected surprises during pre-order time and at the last minute. Just to close off: From what I've understand, I've seen some double crossing going on in regards to one particular DX pre-order not too long ago. If I find out that its also going on here, I might have to send in a Bounty Hunter in (Fennic Shand).
  11. Should be the usual sites just like the Blue 25 as well @General Rasp if this is geared to the mass Macross Worldwide release. Don’t know if Wally World or Best Buy will have this in store based on one member’s request somewhere in the threads (no names mentioned as I know who they are).
  12. Pre-orders are live for DX Max 29 Full Set on the 28th, most likely at 4pm JST. You guys should know the rules by now, pre-order links will be posted on the PO thread and keep this thread totally clear of unnecessary clutter.
  13. Phhtt.. Bandai loves to screw us over on teased releases @twich. Its not ever going to get made while we're still living. It will get done when we're 6 ft under/cremated and our grand kids/ grand nephew/grand nieces fo get it in hand.
  14. I usually don’t remember these things @no3Ljm, as there’s already too many things going on with the other stuff that I do collect. You know how it is right and it’s all a blur when you zone out on one specific item.
  15. The Blu-ray is out in Sept, unless @Lolicon has seen it when it first came out.
  16. Seriously?! A Femme Fatality for a Stormy leader.. HT knows how to keep the $$ rolling in for Howard Chan’s payment in the business.
  17. I think it’s now closed.
  18. Heads up guys.. There is word that the Blue 25 MWW version and Mirage’s 31ax is back up for grabs on Amiami. For those that missed out, go and get your orders lock in!
  19. EXO-6 Avery Brooks in Two Versions (Essentials and Standard)
  20. That could be as I haven’t looked it up in how it’s made. Butter is made from salted cream/milk and then whipped up til it sets up and thickened. Note: Margarine literally last longer than butter if you didn’t know and will clog up your arteries a lot more quickly.
  21. Like seriously guys… This thing will possibly melt all your plastic toys into a goopy paste. Something practical and useful around the kitchen.
  22. This has got to be friggin joke right? If this is true, then its time to kiss or Macross Collection goodbye.
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