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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Better tweeks and powerful engines for the 30 right @Lolicon?
  2. @Sanity is Optional got charged by AJ @kajnrig as his copy just got processed. As for Amiami, it might take a while to get it ut processed when they get it.
  3. Now hold up here @davidwhangchoi. Isn't Toys R Us considered kaput in the States from what I understand? The only Toys R Us stores that are still open and running are in Asia, Europe and in Canada (honestly TRU stores up here have jack squat) . If you want one, then ask @tekering to get you a copy and he can send it over. Otherwise your totally out of the loop.
  4. Or should we rename RB's 29: The Banana Split Valk from now on due to the ears? 🤣
  5. The question if so, how would Milia's 29 stand out more than with Alto's 29 ? Edit: I actually want to see the comparisons with Max's Full 29 with RB's 29 and Micheal's 25 if anyone has time upon getting it.
  6. Hacchaka's review on the "Next Best Girl's" Valk https://hacchaka.net/archives/52080960.html
  7. And first listing on Manda as of 11:55 PM PST on 28th of April.
  8. Oh @davidwhangchoi… Seems like an early onset of early Alzheimer’s and a hint of totally fried brain cells. I guess that the rest of us here should take over your Macross collection and split it.
  9. I am familiar with Balut @no3Ljm. My ex-girlfriend’s younger sister introduced me to it. Its either you like it or your turned off at the sight of it.
  10. What else should I toss in the ring this time @no3Ljm? The boxfull of Durians didn't work out during the pre-order madness as I guess that eveyone just blocked out the stench. Maybe multiple huge vats of Stinky Tofu might do the job? 🤣
  11. Did you read @blackconvoy_D01's write up near the top of this page @Jumbo? It might be on Monday that we see local listings of it showing up mirroring the MWW Blue 25 if it does. The Japanese stores just had it late last night/early this morning (depending in whick time zones that your resending now) and it went fairly well except for AmiAmi as it was a lottery thing. No local istings of the MWW DX Max 29 Full Set as of now.
  12. Check out @jenius blog on Scorch Earth Toys under the 29 Durandal section. There’s an update to Alto’s 1.5 29 Full Set with pics.
  13. Cross post pic from the DX Max Full Set 29 thread.
  14. Grand Daughter and Grand Dad valk pic in battroid formation.
  15. I guess that we'll get more 1/6th figures then @no3Ljm or binge watch the latest season of Masterchef Oz Season 14 (Julie Goodwind is competing again after her win in Season 1 in 2009).
  16. I also ordered it from Luna as well @Sildani. Who knows if Bandai still screwed up “The Next Best Girl’s” newer yet underpowered 31ax.
  17. Possibly.. We all know Harold Chan loves to screw around with us collectors anyways.
  18. Phhhttt.. Hot Toys is just as bad. Teases to get people hyped up and then drops the bomb as it doesn’t show up at all or get made.
  19. Needs a 2099 version of him.
  20. From Hot Toy's Facebook page.
  21. From Duke Fett's post: Dr. Baron Von Doom for $155 USD. Usual Time and place guys.
  22. That should be correct @Scyla. This upcoming late Wednesday evening (27th)/early Thursday morning (28) if you can stay up at the weird and wacky hours in which county you are located. If you can make it to that pre-order, then the local listings (of which plastic crack supplier you deal with) will be up a few days later.
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