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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Must be the hype from the second movie,
  2. For those interested. More over hyped and over the top extra useless fluff (according to one member here) and more delays..
  3. That’s one reason that I’m not giving any of my $$ to Mezco until there’s physical evidence of delayed licensed items getting into the hands of customers first. There are some members that I know that just pre-ordered Mezco’s newest in-house figure that was announced earlier, I actually passed even though I do buy their in-house figures if it makes an impression.
  4. It's an in house figure guys for tomorrow. Your call if you want to skip it or get it. Their take on the eventual official Snake Eyes.
  5. It's the HMR 1J+GBP Revival (TV version) @wm cheng. For those that missed out the first version that was released over 4/5 years ago or was a toddler back then and didn't know about this stuff.
  6. Didn’t post this as there was mostly their in house stuff that came out. Looks like a fair chunk of super delayed licensed stuff is getting released. Still a joke the ‘89 Keaton, Freeze, Ghost Rider, etc is over three years on the waiting list. Hopefully that they will get released office finally after more than three years of radio silence from them. Seems like Fabster and Toypaige are the only two guys that are updating us with the delays and no official word from Mez himself about the delays from his own company in the social media platforms. Maybe Mez is trying to be another copy of Howard Chan?
  7. Any if you guys want to get InArt Aragon? Try OneSixthKit or Giantoy to see if the pre-orders are still open. There has to be better 1/6th stuff in the pipeline other than Hot Toys (mostly brainwashing us with Marvel and DC stuff). I know that 3rd party 1/6 is usually frowned upon, however some of the other companies are getting up to the upper tier level and going head to head with Hot Toys in terms of quality and standard (not talking about TBLeague as their on another side spectrum). Edit: Or Star Ace for that matter as their still in the bottom level of 1/6 stuff. Threezero can be a mixed bag from what I understand on their figures, but the Mecha stuff might be different.
  8. I'm also in the same place @no3Ljm and I'm getting very nit picky with whatever 1/6th stuff is getting pumped out. I still have Hot Toys Wandavision Liz Olsen (paid in full) and BoBF Fennic Shand (paid down with a $50 CDN deposit) on the wait list as it's been delayed due to the snags that has been happening recently. Can't blow away $$$ on everything that's being teased or released. Some desperate measures has to be taken and I think that FOMO has to do with the sudden impulse in getting it in the first place.
  9. You guys got to start getting pickier honestly as prices of stuff is climbing and the inflation rate is insane right now. The more 1/6th stuff you get, your $$$ will be depleted faster with the Macross stuff we're getting as well, then it's deeper in the "RED" we'll go.
  10. Oct-Dec 2023 Drop, $400 USD for all four half bros in the half shell. Honestly might be a two year wait, due to the situation overseas.
  11. Just posted on Hot Toys Facebook Page for those interested.
  12. Asmus Arwen v.2 with Death Frock in hand (Regular version). The DLX has the chaise chair with linen and the crappy cardboard box.
  13. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    From another Macross thread. Anyone missed out on the first HMR 1J+GBP combo? It's back as an Revival (TV version) at 13,200 Yen with a release at May of next year. Posted by Stone Cheung on Facebook (most likely).
  14. From Toypaige's Facebook page.
  15. Just posted on Collector's Freak, unknown is the actual day when they will get solicited.
  16. Posted on Hot Toys Facebook page yesterday.
  17. Initial D: Stage 5(?) reference @MKT? Love the Series and watched all the stages (although it’s the butchered version). I actually like the 3 inline cylinders more: Honda Beat, Suzuki Cappuccino, Daihasu Copan, Nissan Figaro etc.. Quirky yet, interesting. Edit: Added missing details
  18. $195 USD https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-dick-tracy-vs-flattop-boxed-set
  19. Don't ask... I wonder what cheap drugs that Marvel is smoking to make this movie and figure.
  20. King Serpy (with Air Chariot) DLX has arrived. Still waffling if I want just another King Serpy if he gets re-issued without the added gimmicks.
  21. Which is Reuse, Recycle and Refuse (Newer projects) which is the real truth n’est pas?
  22. For those EXO-6 Star Trek fans: https://blog.trekcore.com/2022/11/exo-6-launches-out-of-this-world-alien-star-trek-figure-line/ This Friday is Quark and to be followed by Kruge and Kolinhr Spock very shortly
  23. I think Mondo wants Panthor akin to the Animated/Funmation style @derex3592. Flocked version will be a bonus, however will they jack up the price to $550 USD? We shall see in late spring of 2023. From Toyark
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