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Everything posted by borgified

  1. We shall see @no3Ljm.. There’s going to be collectors waffling on either the Hayden/Sebastian noggins. Shaw’s version was done at the time when the advance technology of digital augmentation was not available, however during Hayden’s era (just during rise of the Phantom Menace) and onwards, anything can be possible with digital technology and composite imagery. Hayden’s version is more towards the Rogue One version, while this just solicited version has more of a OG Star Wars feel sans “bushy eyebrows” in which it was present in the original version of RoTJ (in which Lucas removed the eyebrows for the “Special Edition” of the Trilogy”).
  2. I'm actually debating on which Vader that I want for my collection @derex3592. It's either the exposed Hayden headscupt from the Obi-Wan series or this classic version of Shaw with the two noggins. They're both literally that good!!
  3. I might be interested in a revival Ozma/25a. Was interested in the MMW version, but after seeing the reviews, didn’t even bother getting it.
  4. Nah… Should be U.S.S Lemonade (or Rotten Apples) in which it really makes your entire life sour and full of regrets. Why did you think it bombed in the first place then?
  5. Going to give you guys the following titles for the remaining two if you haven’t looked at the leaked info sites. Episode 9: Vox (possibly Voice/Vocals related?) Episode 10: Next Generation I think we can guess by now how this season will possibly end.
  6. From EXO-6, just announced ahead of First Contact Day.
  7. It’s a semi-revival DX 25 valk @Shizuka the Cat. The upcoming and upgraded Alto’s and Michael’s Full Set 25 are the true revival versions.
  8. This better not be one of those craptastic series endings… 🙄 The next two following titles have been “leaked” out (after this upcoming episode), but not in terms of how the plot goes.
  9. @Mommar - I'm not going to order stuff directly from Mezco themselves for future selective purchases, just going to get them from my local hobby store when they list it.
  10. A long yet detailed review on Keaton Bats plus also addressed the breakage in his copy. There's more that has surfaced if you do more investigation.
  11. $95 USD, October to December 2023 release date Edit: Added one more pic
  12. I got the same thing, paid it in full over two years ago, that includes Gaslights Bats as well. There are really p***** off customers that already paid in advance for Roadblock and Snake Eyes while Storm Shadow is to be up for sale in 19 mins and neither of them has been released yet since the lockdown has slowed everything down.
  13. Now I’ve got more screensavers! 😉 Love to download all from the link one of these days.
  14. This better be good otherwise a total pass for me.
  15. borgified

    Macross figures

    Nah.. You going to wait for another 4.5 years when they finally ship it out. 😜
  16. Old but relevant to last week’s episode. From David Blass Twitter page (go and look it up if you’re curious). I’ve seen and read the spoilers so, there are things that are questionable to say the least. More of a filler episode realistically.
  17. I’m actually sort of p***** off on Mezco and I’m still on the fence in getting more stuff from them. Who knows if I have to wait another two months for both Ghost Rider and Gaslights Bats to be shipped out after the processing email gets send out officially next month or so down the road. It’s that lack of transparency of the delays and there was no update on their actual website of the reason why, just delayed to so and so date. Mind you, it was brought up in Mezco’s Reddit page and Mezco has done nothing yet to answer about those inquiries yet (I may add as of now).
  18. @Tking22 - Fire up a polite (yet stern) email to Mezco and to inquire about your Keaton Bats (sort of how the squeeky wheel gets the grease type thing of thing). I've read that Mezco's warehouse is piled up to the rafters with inventory and who knows how long it will take to send out their over backlogged stuff out. Bats is shipping from Fife, Washington if I'm correct and who knows how FedEx's schedule is?
  19. There's more '89 Keaton Bats pics showing up on Reddit. We've all been warned right?
  20. Your call guys.. Trustworthy or not!! Edit: More pics on Collector's Freak: DC Thread if your curious.
  21. Anyone bought 10 units just because??
  22. So no VF-11 MAXL for Mylene then. I'll will possibly in my grave or cremated by the time if and when Arcadia gets to it.
  23. $105 USD, to be shipping Dec. 2022 - Feb 2023
  24. You didn't include Greef Karga (3 versions) into the list. From Toyark - https://www.toyark.com/2023/03/21/rocky-apollo-creed-1-6-scale-figure-by-star-ace-toys-497058
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