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Everything posted by borgified

  1. This is going to be very interesting...
  2. Back to Starfleet Academy I go and get a refresher for being out of sync.
  3. If they want a new Titan B, where the heck is Starfleet going to get the raw materials? The major ship dock has been destroyed, very limited amount of resources are available (LaForge is still kit bashing the Enterprise D at the OG Spacedock after getting a hold of the Ross Class Syracuse Engineering Section) and whatever else is happening at the same time.
  4. Literally forgot to post this last month. PP Bats x2 (got them at a slight discount up here in Canuckle Land) and Crimson Bats. Waiting for the retail release of the Arctic version in the wild.
  5. Teaser for Mondo Skelly v.2 via Toyark.
  6. I might bite on the DX 25g Full Set when the prices are reasonable for me and upon review. It's way overpriced up here in Canuckle Land as you have to either pay Provincial Sales Tax and the GST (Goods and Sales Tax) or the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax and the Provincial Tax) on top of the price of the item itself.
  7. Literally everyone is itching for a DX YF-21 @Sokeijon, but Bandai is known to p*** people off and sweep it under the rug. Ask that same question years later Banda will say: "We never teased it or shown the prototype at all. It's all in your imagination".
  8. More cockroach items for grabs?
  9. Another DS9 episode: “If Wishes Where Horses” type of scenario? I’ll wait and see if a possible DX 21, not going to have very high expectations, but staying mellow for now.
  10. I have no explanations why HT has been doing usual things in their overall product lineup, but I guess it's Howard' Chan's call. Review on AugToys Paul (Regular version) in Mandarin. Possibly still up for pre-order on Oneesixthkit.
  11. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Is that Kikaizi’s last meal shown? If so, I just lost my appetite. 🤢
  12. From Collectors Freak via FB (Huang Wu) Due in July, AugToys Paul Atreides. Edit: InArt’s version is still in process (Arakis Suit version).
  13. Its grey feet @davidwhangchoi. Cancel your pre-order anyway and save your $$$ for something better instead.
  14. $115 USD (I think? Correct me if I’m wrong).
  15. Note: I actually got this tid bit from a one 1/6 forum chat thread.
  16. Jenuis’ Full Review!
  17. FYI: If anyone is temped to pre-order or get any 1/6 figures from Toys Wonderland, avoid them totally. They have been screwing around with various customers orders and charging high s+h prices.
  18. From Fleet Admiral Sherwood's Twitter "Is the Enterprise - F canonically the largest vessel to have been docked within Earth Space Dock? I’m presuming it is?? I’m sure #StarTrek & #StarTrekOnline fans will put me right if not ?" Answer from Mike Urva's Twitter: "You have to remember that the Spacedock that we saw the E-F fly out of is NOT the same spacedock that we saw in STIII-VI. That is Probert Station, which has replaced the original Spacedock. The original ESD is now in orbit of Athan Prime and is the home of the Fleet Museum!" Sidenote: @sh9000 - I think you might have better luck than I do finding these odd Starship pics. Can you post them if you see them fit?
  19. On David Blass Twitter: In Honour of Greg Jeins
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