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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Yeah… It’s a MWW release with half the add ons from the Full Set release in 2018, but with the sunny side up punch effects.
  2. Hmm.. Ravens/Cavaliers, Emerald Squad (M7), Double Nuts, Nu Tung, Dobber’s Digital Scheme, Matrix Vibes or maybe a Itasha wrap of Sharon Apple emblazed on the entire plane as she’s taking over the YF-19 herself.
  3. The changeling threat was actually presented in DS9 @Thom. Feels like this version of the Changeling threat was slightly watered down for the this last season of Picard (its been years since I last saw DS9 so I could be wrong).
  4. Anyone want to remove the annoying tampographs this time round if your getting a second copy of this MWW DX YF-19?
  5. $130 USD, April - June 2024
  6. Onesixthkit is taking pre-orders for this and just solicited. AugToys Still Suit Paul (Part 1) Avoid ToysWonderland if anyone is getting anything from there. There has been nightmare stories from various customers that has gotten stuff from them. It’s a 50/50 chance that you’re going to get your order at all.
  7. Wasn’t expecting Dr.Jones
  8. Looking back on Older Tweets... From David Blass (June 8) From Wil (creator of the first Legacy poster a la TOS Undiscovered Country {?} ) on June 20 From Trek Core (June 19) @sh9000: Is the newer Picard ships (above) in the Star Trek: Ships of the Line calendar or not?
  9. Note: Due to time limitations, there is no Trek Quiz or Stuck on a Deserted Island.
  10. borgified

    Macross figures

    Sashimi anyone (or Tare Tare in small bite sized pieces)? 😋 That tuna can literally feed a fishing village no questions asked (that is if anyone is not grossed out in eating stuff from the Ocean freshly caught).
  11. Edit: If you look closely at timestamp 1:17, there is a Q-Rau (and a VF-1?) at the far left corner of the screen. Plus more Macross related mecha along the way near the 13:00 mark.
  12. $95 USD, limit 2. Ships after SDCC.
  13. HT should have done this version instead of the Marvel Legends $25 dollar iteration. Must be all the complaints to Howard Chan to quit smoking cheap ‘shrooms and pot.
  14. Edit: It’s an Exclusive. Possibly BBTS might have stock when it’s either waitlisted/sold out when Mezco’s website has announced it’s all gone officially gone?
  15. From Tokunation: https://news.tokunation.com/2023/06/19/first-look-hot-toys-kamen-rider-black-sun-and-shadowmoon-figures-75611 Details to follow. Literally looks like the Horrors from the Toku show Garo.
  16. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Ha ha ha… That’s why display food looks to unattractive to the public when it’s shown at the front window sill (it’s got to be non-food safe, exposed to UV 24/7 365 days a year without causing food poisoning to us if we have to eat it). 🤣
  17. https://deadline.com/2023/06/star-trek-picard-patrick-stewart-gates-mcfadden-jonathan-frakes-interview-1235414808/
  18. Will this get made or not ??
  19. Also from another Mondo thread via Zukerbook.
  20. Hmm… How darn light will the blue be on Shin’s 0d upon release. There’s no way that it will possibly match with the other blue valks in the 1/100 scale lineup.
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