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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Last reveal of the day.
  2. I knew that this will happen eventually to ride on the Mando Season 3 hype.
  3. Reveal Two:
  4. Mezco at SDCC: Reveal One.
  5. https://news.hisstank.com/2023/07/19/sdcc-2023-threezero-g-i-joe-destro-and-cobra-commander-82778 Pics of 3z Destro and Coco.
  6. https://www.toyark.com/2023/07/20/sdcc-2023-mezco-one12-collective-rumble-society-and-more-507650 If you want more pics, poke into Toyark and there’s more there.
  7. I'm calling a secondary half melted face for Toht when him the the rest of the henchmen are dissolving while the Spirits from the Ark of the Covenant are flying around and creating havoc.
  8. Love the Dewy and Stormie, but the cost of it is going to kill my budget. As for Emily Swallows, I’m guessing that the Armor and helmet is going to be chrome out like the Deathtrooper, Clone and the Stormie (but same old Tattooed Harley Quinn body mold with crappy single bend knees and arm joints). Edit: Hot Toys is famous for teasing stuff and then it gets swept under the table like what Bandai is doing for the DX and HMR lineup.
  9. I'm sure that 3z can pull off a Zartan off if they have a chance. The boot ankle cut looks totally jarring, but I'm in for Chris Latta.
  10. I say it's not going to happen at all. They love to tease and it gets scrapped afterwards. "You must be mistaken. We never teased it". Just like Bandai with their HMR and DX stuff. It's all show and no go!
  11. Edit: https://blog.mezcotoyz.com/mezco-con-2023-itinerary/
  12. I’m thinking that the Missile Set, Fold Booster and Fast packs might be a TWE set honestly since this upcoming MWW DX-19 is the bare bones version since the eventual DX YF-21 might be a bare bones version as depicted in various teased shots? I’ve read that the 2018 Full Set was too expensive and some Marcoss collectors were squawking up a tree and backed out and hoping for a reasonable version. Fast forward 5 years down the road with another announcement of the DX YF-19 and guess what? It’s a cheaper priced version than the 2018 one, but without half the stuff from the Full Set version at slightly increase price.
  13. Wondering if Mezco will ever make a regular Gold Team Bishop as I didn’t like the first release. Now waiting for Gaslights Bats to release and then Baron von Doom in October/November providing that the scheduled dates that Toypaige posted don’t change.
  14. Amiami is putting more pre-orders up just like the VF-0s Roy close to release date as the first wave had pre-orders filled quickly @Sokeijon. I have both the HMR VF-0d and the Orguss pre-ordered when it was first solicited, can’t wait to get them in person (more leaning towards the HMR Orguss slightly more).
  15. Only Nanjin can pull of “Warp Speed” in making Trek figures (as he states in the EXO-6 Fakebook page). The only Trek franchise that’s nearly done is Voyager and he still has a **** ton of work for the remaining ones left over. His goal is a five year timeline to do a Trek Museum quality type figures from TOS to Disco (I do believe all of them since creating EXO-6), but if all comes into fruition is another story.
  16. $85 USD, Limit 2, shipping after SDCC
  17. Is that a Mr.Z horse that you have @graphic revolt? Pop Toys, 303 and I think Osouls also made their versions as well. Just announced.
  18. I think Amiami did this draw before. Does anyone remember which specific DX in particular [ I think it was a DX VF-1s Hikaru/Roy or the DX VF-1J Hikaru] ?
  19. @davidwhangchoi: Let’s say that Guld has terrible anger management skills and it looks he hasn’t been through proper counselling sessions to diffuse is untamed fits of rage while growing up. Edit: I’m not a councillor or a psychologist (like Sigmond Freud or Martina Sirtis’ character on Star Trek: The Next Generation and subsequent films made during that specific Trek period), I’m just a property manager by trade.
  20. I thought you know the answer by now @davidwhangchoi. If you don’t like the YF-19, then you can skip over it and save your $$$ for the eventual DX YF-21 with a very hot headed temperamental Zentradi. On a side note, the Ronald McDonald valk has those speaker fries that can give everyone an increase in their salt intake to make them shrivel into prunes.
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