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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Mezco is going take their time on those backlogged figures that has been projected to release in June - August timeframe. Most likely that it will be around Christmas when that list is fairly cleared out.
  2. It never fails as it’s nearly month end.. Just dump everything on us that has been promised and let our wallet’s croak!
  3. A Tan 171ex with a Mercat Itasha!
  4. I just want a Maruyuma 171EX, but not at those insane prices listed right now! CF version is a maybe,
  5. $112 USD, June-August release.
  6. borgified

    Macross figures

    For ¥30k for a 1/7 figure (not including s&h) is nothing honestly. A typical 1/6 figure no more cost at least $260-$280 USD and you guys are squawking?? 1/4 scale figures might cost at least $700 USD or more. And yet there are very rich collectors that buy higher priced stuff like Prime 1 statue at $2k USD and up.
  7. I think Cobra Commander pre-orders should be up soon if 3z is showing it already.
  8. If any of us told that in the Amazon write up, then maybe they might flame us for buying a overpriced plastic toy that looks and feels like a KO?
  9. Both Hot Toys 1/6. Fennec Shand (BoBF) and Armour (Mandalorian Series).
  10. There’s already whining of collectors quoting: “False Advertising! They say it Hi-Metal, but it’s all useless cheap plastic to make these crappy toys! Why did I bother forking out $150 USD of this POS”. Um.. Did these guys do your due diligence or just buy it just because and hope for the best (which is most likely)?
  11. There's also three more reviews on this "piece of trash" according to them. "Tons of tiny pieces waiting to get lost, small, flimsy construction. Please don't spend your money on this." - March 24/2023 "I spent $150 for a small plastic which claimed to be hi metal. Don't get cheat by the picture" - March 20, 2023 "Don't waste your money on this plastic junk." - April 7, 2023 Just like what @Shawn has mentioned above, these noobs are completely clueless about the history of the toyline.
  12. Here's a question that I wanted to ask for those that have the HMR VF-0d in their hands. Since there's reports that the HMR 0s feels like it's made with a lower grade plastic and quality wise feels like a cheap KO, does this 0D echo the same sentiments as the 0s?
  13. Macross doesn’t get all the hype than compared to TF, Gundam or any other hobbies @R0P3-F15H as they mass produce those things like water and get more world wide attention. It’s the FOMO of short production of these items that these Asian collectors overseas get the FOMO fear. Over there in America, Macross is not that well known as it’s a smaller elite niche. Quote from one of @tekering blogs if I can remember (slightly deviated) from the much older generation: “Macross?? What the world is that? Is it a Gundam?”
  14. Bandai still has a long history of backlogs of items that still need to be done @PointBlankSniper. I seriously doubt that yet Supers will get made for the missing VF-31 (Arad and Chucky), Silpheed Armour/Supers for the remaining 31ax and a bunch of other teased stuff. Who knows if there will be add-ons for the long teased/not yet released DX YF-21. We might be in our geriatric ward or dead when Bandai gets off their butts get it made but it’s not on their list as Macross has a smaller footprint than compared to Gundam and other known releases.
  15. You actually got one of the most wanted grails in the Yammie 1/48 scale @Spark-O-Matic and there’s no way that you’re going to give that up easily. If and when Bandai comes up with those rare variants, you might as well get it to add it into your collection. If you can find the Woodland 1a or the Low Vis 1a within your price range with or without the corresponding GBP, that’s another few more grails checked off the list.
  16. The Golden Touch IM Mk.3
  17. Getting my copy form Amazon Japan sometime next week and don't have to wait until November for the domestic release. Just of curiosity, are you going to panel line your copy @Lolicon like you usually do or keep it the way as it is?
  18. Just get the DX YF-21 and leave it in valk mode forever. If anyone still has the Yammie YF-21/VF-22s, keep it in battriod mode. As for the delimiter mode, that’s going to be another problem as it will look totally look very unsightly and very ugly.
  19. I think Luna is going to end up sourcing the Lottery DX 1s Hikaru with the Mechanics Parts from another supplier anyways to cover their end of the bargain when their own stocks are getting low.
  20. With that price for the Mechanics set and the 1s Hikaru on LunaPark, that can cover the cost of one Arcadia PF valk should you be able to get it.
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