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Everything posted by borgified

  1. As for the Green/Black Drakens, isn't that a possibility of the mass released version that Berger promised to Windermere in order to strengthen the air force in one episode? Looks like the colour of the Grace O'Conner's mass production VF-27 in Frontier (I could be wrong).
  2. Have you gotten the chance to change it to gerwalk/battriod mode (or you left it as is)? Any visible paint chips/scratches that you have noted since you have gotten it in hand.
  3. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    If the q-raus are going to be implemented in the lineup, is there a possibility that Bandai might look back into the Robot Spirits (Damashii) ones and make the proper changes (if so, I can really pick up a Milia/Max dual. If not then the regular version will do also).
  4. @Stampeed Valkyrie: I hope that you got for a good price and that you didn't have to sacrifice any of your body parts for it! One of the "Holy Grails" in any collector's want list in regards to Macross lore.
  5. Even the auctions at FromJapan aren't helping due to the insane asking price. As for the loose VF-31J that I did mention the previous post, it doesn't have the stand which is in the complete package and possible missing hands/accessories (it may or may not be a deal breaker). Did the seller forget to complete the transformation or just made an lackluster attempt in doing so?
  6. Latest Macross acquisition. The Double CD version of the Frontier OST (Vocal Collection) @Lolicon: Where you mentioning about the TOS Defiant or the DS9 version? If its DS9 version, I take it on XL format as the regular sized one is lacking in details.
  7. Don't really know the cut off date, as you have to pay upfront for the VF-31C Supers right away (if there is a price difference, hopefully that you don't have to pay the difference if you made an early pre-order). From what I understand, the original pre-orders for the Hi-Metal R Roy was under estimated and that NY had to scramble to acquire more copies to keep up with the demand and asked for more additional fees. Some got lucky as they didn't have to pay extra as the early shipments of the Hi-Metal R Roy where shipped out, while the latter orders had to pay the extra fees (I was one of them). That actually didn't suit well with me as actually pre-paid in full for my copy of Hi-Metal R Roy and was not impressed when getting the additional fees tacked on. I did pay the difference and got my copy, however I'm using NY as my last option if I can't get a valk that I want anywhere else. On the subject of the VF-31, I was sifting through From Japan and the VF-31J Kai is getting pricey. However, if anyone wants a plain VF-31J, then there is one copy used/opened (sans box) up for grabs.. Get it before it becomes vaporware!
  8. A blast from the past! I actually watched Robotech first (all three sagas on ADV Films DVD) and then Macross two or three months later and now hooked on the latter. Even though I like the Macross valks, I still have a soft spot for the Alpha/Beta fighters and the Cyclones. Edit: @mechaninac: The Aoshima one (that you posted) is asking close to $700 USD on Evilbay (not including S+H).
  9. @raptormesh: You have actually got a good deal for the SV-262 (I see that their asking 17K for most of them). If there was additional damage, Manda would tell it on the description and photograph each damage that was noted.
  10. @hardreturn: Seeing your pics of the VF-31(s) and @TCracker's of the SV-262 (on his webpage as well) has made it more interesting.. I wish that Sixo (this may not suit his fancy) can actually acquire a valk and show off his photography skills as well. As you can tell from my user name, I'll be bouncing around in this one and in the other one as well. @Kanedas Bike: I actually had to look around for a fitting pic to reply back. Taken from an Esty link.
  11. I actually looked at that VF-171 on Manda that's $340.00 CND upon conversion. Too rich for my blood.. For that price, I could actually get the Draken and the add-ons together as a complete set (which I'm currently leaning towards)..
  12. @Lolicon: I don't remember seeing a valk that has full itsha scheme in 1/60 scale or am I wrong? It's somehow reserved for the 1/72 model kits only to the best of my knowledge. EDIT: If they made the Roid one in like the Hasawaga kit in 1/60, will the MSRP be close to the Messer's VF-31F valk (or not)?
  13. @spanner: You can try looking into this thread ---> http://www.sideshowcollectors.com/forums/general-collectibles-action-figures/147097-hot-toys-future-1-6-delorean-time-machine.html Since we're talking about 1/6 scale stuff, I was actually considering a 1/6 Scale Phicen Shi Kimono (Asian Edition). Link --> http://www.onesixthwarriors.com/forum/sixth-scale-action-figure-news-reviews-and-discussion-/850110-phicen-1-6-shi-kimono-asia-version-u-s-version.html
  14. I just saw the pic on Mecha-Guy's blog site when you mentioned the Super, Armour and Tornado packs thrown in all together on Osma's Vf-25S and it looks too cluttered. I think that the add-ons to Arad's Valk might be bundled up together and you will have the options to choose which ones that you prefer (hopefully that the sensor array doesn't cover the Skull Emblem; if it does, then most likely that you can have it on display on the side).
  15. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    @F360: Don't you love those hidden messages that they try to entice you with? @barurutor: Actually N-Y has sent me this a few years back when I ordered the Hi-Metal R VF-1S Roy and I still have it with me presently. As a gearhead by trade, I actually did further digging and discovered that Ken Okuyama did help out in the design of the Enzo Ferrari and the Kode 7 (it looks more of the Ariel Atom car than the X-Bow IMO), plus the various Shinkansen trains that are being used to get around Japan.
  16. Until Arad's is out in the market, I do like Messer's as well do to the Grim Reaper motif. Mirage's is very simplistic and the colours on her's make it stand out to the plain version of Hayate and Chuck's (I'm sure that Chuck's will follow after Arad's and with the Elintseeker/Super part add-ons).
  17. Make sure that you do the Bots and Bit's shoulder mods on YouTube. Look for YM-06 Dirge Shoulder fix (it can intertwine with the other YM model Seekers and Coneheads). Did the shoulder mod on my copy of the YM-03 and lost one of the shoulder pins while assembling it; going to replace it with one from the Walscream version (got it second hand loose and complete with the cracked transformation hinge where the bottom half of the wings fold upwards).
  18. If the Super Pack is to be added, the Lil' Drackens in Ghost format with the sword and shield (a la Luca's RVF-25 Elint add-on minus the missles) would be the logical choice.
  19. I got the same type of packaging from Manda when I ordered the Neca Alien Queen (sans the air bubble cushion on the bottom of the box). To me, any of the large Macross valks that reaches beyond the $200 USD and hard to acquire (upon exchange to CND funds) is considered a "Holy Grail" to me and that doesn't include the other stuff that I also collect (I do recognize a fair amount of members in this forum in which I also participate in the TF one as well).
  20. I was frequently reading into this thread every now and then and the pics that @Xigfridhas posted up has made me thinking.. Could these KO Fast/Strike parts and the VF-1 valks be produced by BB7/YM (the ones that makes variant KO MP-11s and the coneheads) and are possibly better than the official releases? I have a YM-03 and it was better leaps and bounds than the original release of the MP-11 (I read that the releases with the Long Life brand Logo is just as the same of the original one). Won't be surprised if BB7/YM did branch out into this field and made their own tweeks in regards to the molds.
  21. Looks like the Vf-31J Kai is beyond reachable expectations and now becoming another "Holy Grail" of valks to aquire.. For that amount, I would rather get a G1 Grand Maximus, Victory Leo or Desaurus!
  22. Starting to warm up on the colour scheme on Arad's valk as it looked quite funky when I first saw it. As for the add-ons, the GBP and Fast pack (with reaction missiles) would be a given choice, will the sound booster/holograpghic projector also be in consideration (possibly not)?
  23. @Xigfrid: If Roid's Draken does get issued, would you have it in the plain Jane version or in the DeCultured scheme like in the Hasawaga 1/72 kit? I think that the one with the Mikumo would be the instant seller. As for the other versions (Bogue, Cassim et all), it will be depending on how the Keith and Roid will go sales wise. Pic from Amiami of the 1/72 Deculture model Kit.
  24. Actually the Yamato did have this function. Time: Approximately 1:20 to 1:40 and 1:50 to 2:00. I actually like the Nora version rather than the Ivanov or the mass release versions. I'm sure that Arcadia can make the colours more vibrant than compared to Yamato's.
  25. @Graham: The VF-31A will be released in March. Since you did not get the VF-31J Kai, you made the best choice to let your wallet recover. For those who have looked the Tamashii Website, there is two listings for the VF-31J Kai. One is for the release for this month (non-Bandai collector) and the other one is March (Bandai Collector Version). Am I correct that this one that is released is the non-Bandai collector (however the Tamashii Nations 2017 exclusive) and the other one to be released n March will cost you an arm and a leg?
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