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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Am I correct to say that Luca's 171EX didn't have any armoured parts? I believe that his ghost add-ons from his RVF-25 renewal set (and sold individually as well) are most commonly used?
  2. So Mirage's Supers are packed like Messer's (not barring like Hayate's and with the full sized coloured instruction sheet). Don't forget Chuck's 31 afterwards when Arad's is officially released and then you have the entire Delta Squadron in your display case! @rdrunner: I did steer you in the right direction though.
  3. 31a up on Manda for 48K yen. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1086998574&ref=list
  4. I have a feeling that someone here is going to tar and feather me here for this.. After chatting with @Saburo and @Slave IV on this, this just arrived at my doorstep 10 mins ago and one of the heavily most requested items in Macross lore. Still sealed in it's box and has the original price sticker on it, although the box as been slightly beaten up. Not going to tell how much I paid for this..
  5. I'll be hunting down a copy of Mirage's Supers when either NY [] or Manda gets their stock in plus one of the Banpresto Mirage figures (all thanks to @Saburo's enablement on the Macross Figures thread).
  6. @rdrunner: You know that FigInstock is not is business anymore. The other option is to use Distill Web monitor plug in for your Japanese Toy Fixes in which @Sanity is Optional left a link the "FigInStock to be Shutdown" thread. Edit: Here's the link for us who are tired of doing searches - https://distill.io/
  7. Not to derail the 31 thread in regards here since that @Jasonc and others have mentioned that they will not be ordering stuff from NY anymore, there is another question that I like to ask regardless. Was there any shortages of any TWE offerings that NY has put up on pre-order and not have been fulfilled after an "x" amount of time besides the 31a?
  8. @RED WOLF: My copy of the 1/48 Hikaru (used) is slightly yellowed (not to the extent as @dafob's tester) while the listing says it was sunburnt. Even though I have the Arcadia Strike Roy, I wanted a larger VF-1s version as a complement. Regardless I can leave the 1/48 as a center piece while the 1/60 will be in battriod, plus I can flip it around upon my moods and won't be putting it on the two top shelves on my detolf. As per the write up on Jenius' site: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=178 (see January 9th question to January 11th). As for your display case, you can get a roll of UV film and put on. You got blinds in your garage/hobby room (a bonus), and the take the usual precautions needed. Hopefully that you don't have the lights in your display cranked up at maximum as well. Plus get a pair of cotton gloves to handle the valk (if your going to fiddle with it or shuffle your collection around) as your hand oils may or may not be causing the valk to yellow and less fingerprints also!
  9. @Slave IV: There's a Sivil model kit and now long gone from Manda - https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1085557355&ref=list I'm sure that you can find one if you poke around online. Just finished watching Macross 7 not long ago. Haven't seen the OVA or the other offerings yet.
  10. I don't blame either @Shizuka the Cat, @rdrunner as the Super add ons are means of making us fork our more cash to get what we all itch for (or not to have in this case) and it's subjected to your preferences. I wasn't actually planning to get any of the Delta valks; however when I ended up watching Delta, I caved in and wasn't sure if I wanted the Mirage's 31C or the Draken. To make a long story short, I ended up passing Arad's 31S and the Draken and pounced on the 31C when I saw a listing on Amiami (pre-owned). Wasn't going to get the Supers until I saw it complete on a post, then I decided to. Krunc just got the 31J three hours ago from Manda.. However if anyone else wants a 31J, then let eXis10z know (add it on the B/S/T thread if you haven't already). You got that right.. All my valks that I currently own (four valks and a crap load of HMR) have the add-ons and so will Mirage's when it gets delivered.
  11. Don't forget the Super add ons as well: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1071080685&ref=list
  12. Thanks to @rdrunner for the Manda listing (and there's one at 18K yen as well) and @Shizuka the Cat's historical tid bit about Manda. Amiami: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-021748-R&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Finc_txt2%3D7%24s_cate3%3D986%24s_originaltitle_id%3D17784%24s_st_condition_flg%3D1%24s_st_list_backorder_available%3D1%24s_st_list_newitem_available%3D1%24s_st_list_preorder_available%3D1%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 Jungle: http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=116&do=detail&id=103000008042 If anymore problems @Krunc, let us know and we'll help you out and further down the rabbit hole you go!!
  13. @Krunc: Re-issues of Hayate's 31J or the 31J Kai?? Never heard anything about it or @no3Ljm (or others) will chime in in regards to that. Both Hayate's 31J and the 31J Kai are still available on the market. Have you looked through Amiami, Jungle, Manda, and other providers or you didn't get a chance to? Edit: Wait a minute here... I think that I replied to the same question before but in regards to Messer's valk a few pages back.
  14. I'll take $310 in the bidding war for the 31a please.. Jokingly of course.. I got Mirage on the way and fine with that. Eeep! The last noted shipment of the 31a was back in May 2nd (two copies) by @ErikElvis by NY and now @Sandman's order has gone into vapourware (thanks to CDJ).. This decibel with 31a is getting ridiculous and many collectors are getting fed up in regards of unfulfilled orders from NY; therefore getting the standard reply of either a credit voucher or canceling their order. If any of you have any more orders from NY, hopefully that they will send out your orders as followed. OR As of what @funkymonkeyjavajunky stated above, there's other options to get your valk fix somewhere else after dealing with NY. I still have an account with NY (hopefully) and I'll use them as the last resort if and when needed..
  15. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    The VF-1x valks where teased awhile back; however we don't know when they're going to be released. Messer's VF-1S was used to create the newbies that entered the Macross Delta Series to drum up in the interest in the old VF-1 valks, sadly saying that most us that grew up with Macross when it first started, backlashed on Messer's version. Here's the teaser of the Mirage's and Hayate's VF-1x training valks that was posted on the TFW2005: Macross Thread (and I believe that this was posted on here as well with Hayate's trainer in full pic).
  16. It's up to you if you want to continue with NY after this fiasco [and hopefully that you get the Kairos eventually (in June ?)] or get it from somewhere else. I know that it's a hard pill to swallow after spending an "x" amount of your funds for the 31a and not getting it. There are others that are still the same boat as you are.. Edit: I've seen a large amount of "black voids" in where pics are posted and have to scroll down to the end of the post before another posting comes up. Is it done by default upon uploading the pics or we have to crop of pics to a certain dimension before posting?
  17. That's actually the Alto 171EX that @Shizuka the Cat mentioned not the Luca version that @blackconvoy_D01 wants. I guess that the triangle hardpoints and the ankle colours don't matter if parts swapping is needed. I'm not surprised that the busted one is not gone yet as I picked up my copy of the 171EX Alto here (Box B/Item B back in February) and was listed with the busted copy and another Alto 171EX (Box A/Item A). There was a listing of the CF 171 here at 19k Yen (roughly) and gone two weeks later.
  18. It won't be long before the orders of the 31a gets released from NY for those who are waiting for their copy as it's 4:16pm on Sunday Afternoon JST. I'm waiting for my 31C to be shipped from Amiami after making the payment just this past Wednesday afternoon PST via SAL.
  19. Nice to see you drop by into the 171 thread @Shizuka the Cat. All the 171 valks are nerve wracking to transform regardless even though the design of the 171 is the based on the 17. Even the SV-262 (from Delta) is also not fun to transform as well. It's an acquired taste to see if all valks are subjected to your own liking.
  20. Sigh... I guess that Bandai will not do the tan coloured NUNs 171 from Delta I take it after taking in consideration of all the notable flaws that happened to the 171 valks.
  21. You can actually redo the visor re-paint as it another member on the TFW2005: Mospeada Thread has done it (Destructimus Prime is her user name), don't know if one was actually posted here on the Mospeada threads here.
  22. Picked up Mezco One: 12 Old Man Logan two hours ago from one of my other hobby stores that I regularly go to for my TF and 1/6th figure fixes. Worth the pick up and just posed him with Shinkocchou Seihou Kamen Rider Skull. Haven't fiddled around with the other accessories or with Baby Banner Hulk. Edit: Not the best pic as per the unfocused shot on Logan's mug.
  23. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Well.. The HMRs are massed produced and parts are somewhat similar to each other in comparison with a few minor differences here and there (IE: Armoured Parts). After looking at several thousand copies of one selected parts, your mind and eyes are conditioned to see that particular one and you can miss the finer details without taking a closer look at it nes pas (although I can be wrong at times)?
  24. There's that 1/144 scale (?) Mecha Colle version of the Tan NUNS 171.. I have a feeling that you two are not going to pick that option either. I echo on @Duymon and @kajnrig replies as well. I take it that you haven't seen Jenius's, or Collection DX's review on the VF-171? Here's a link to help you out: http://anymoon.com/blog/?cat=22
  25. Hopefully that it will never be a secondary chapter of the 31a fiasco with the 31c Supers..
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