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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    There's also two more listings of the HMR Monster at Sahra and Umeda.
  2. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone missed out in getting HMR VF-2ss or the HMR VE-1 at reasonable prices? Last chance at Amiami for the VF-2ss http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-031222-R&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Finc_txt2%3D7%24s_cate3%3D986%24s_originaltitle_id%3D12816%24s_st_condition_flg%3D1%24s_st_list_backorder_available%3D1%24s_st_list_newitem_available%3D1%24s_st_list_preorder_available%3D1%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D2 Last chance at Manda for the HMR VE-1 https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1088865777&ref=list
  3. Anyone want a Yamato SV-51 Ivanoff before Arcadia releases the upgraded version? Note: I don't know if its the V.1 or the V.2 version (fairly reasonable in price than compared to other listings) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1078008827&ref=list
  4. Anyone in for a HT Solo from the said movie that is released today? http://www.hottoys.com.hk/productDetail.php?productID=600
  5. No need to jump and get excited about the "supposed leaks of the new SV-52"... Is the bird going to take off by 2020?? If so, might as well get another valk in the mean time..
  6. Mirage's Supers now up by 2k yen from my previous post. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/23378-macross-delta-super-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-31c-siegfried-mirage-farina-jenius-custom-limited-edition.html
  7. As gearhead by trade, got these British iconic cars in a two week span. The Caterham 7 was a Amazon deal as it was discontinued and the box is slightly beaten up (not a MISB type of guy). Going to keep be busy until my copy of Mirage's VF-31C gets delivered (Still sitting on the dock until the shipping crate is full or it's on the way to YVR as there's no update since the 14th of this month).
  8. Had to poke my head in here and see all the valk pics done by @Saburo... Will be posting my share when I get a chance to. I'm not a amateur photographer with all the fancy equipment as I'm just a novice beginner, we call got to start somewhere right?
  9. If the page is gone, then someone picked it up. It was the Cannon Fodder 171 for roughly 17.5K yen
  10. Anyone need a CF 171 at a slight discount? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-2966-R&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Finc_txt2%3D7%24s_cate3%3D986%24s_originaltitle_id%3D12816%24s_st_condition_flg%3D1%24s_st_list_backorder_available%3D1%24s_st_list_newitem_available%3D1%24s_st_list_preorder_available%3D1%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D2
  11. Hmm... First listing of Mirage's Supers gone from Manda (someone is really desperate to add it on their Mirage). https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1089174930&ref=list I believe that there's going to be more to be added in a couple of weeks.. Second Edit: NY has it listed already... https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/23378-macross-delta-super-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-31c-siegfried-mirage-farina-jenius-custom-limited-edition.html
  12. Just read a few selected pages back.. Mostly Hot Toys stuff; I guess that you can't win them all.. Here's my second 1/6th figure - Hot Toys: Star Wars - Rogue One Jedha Patrol Stromie (TK14057) Decked out in full grab and on my balcony.
  13. @mamboeidos: Have you tried other Japanese store sites like Jungle, NY and others (or you prefer to stick with Manda)?
  14. Took me quite a while to look for this thread and now found it! Haven't looked through the thread yet, and was wondering if anyone has any 1/6th threeZero figs? Might get their Agent Scully (I'm an X-Files fan) later this year and backtrack to get Mulder. Have a Pop Toys: Women in Warriors Samurai Deluxe (in Red) on pre-order and should be arriving sometime this quarter (Q2 2018), pics will be up when I do get it as my first 1/6 was the Hot Toys: Scar Predator MK.1 (still have it).
  15. A FYI for you @Kicker773 (or if anyone that has a Hot Toys Hulkbuster MK.44) https://onesixthsociety.com/hot-toys/dont-display-your-hot-toys-hulkbuster-in-a-detolf I believe that's why @RED WOLF has his DX Chogokin/S.H. Figuarts Hulkbuster MK.44 on the bottom shelf of his display case with the other S.O.C Go Lions as they're too heavy!! Edit: @no3Ljm - Getting the S.H. Figuarts Iron Man MK. 7 with the Hall of fame armour?
  16. Well you can make a 3D print out of just the USS Flag deck @HardlyNever for cheaper (if you have access to the software and the machine that is). Or you can get a Trackpad from here - http://robotoybase.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=152_203&product_id=4255 and Macro size it to a larger scale for your HMR collection and 1/60 valks (possibly a few 1/48 as well).
  17. @Kicker773: I was going to reply back, however you did reply in the middle of my write up and made it easier for me instead of write a book on it. @rdrunner: There's the dual detolf mod in the TFW2005 threads that a member has done (and a super one as well). For easy reference for the mods: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/ikea-superdetolf-doubled-up-supercase.1151966/ (The Super Detolf mod) http://www.tofunction.com/model/2011/02/detolf-dual-mod/ (This is actually a TFW2005 member that did this) Even in this thread as well. Edit: Can someone direct me to the 1/6th thread if it's there please.. I haven't got clue in where it is and I did search for it with no results.
  18. Anyone for the USS Flag? https://www.ebay.com/itm/1985-Vintage-GI-Joe-USS-Flagg-Aircraft-Carrier-Keel-Haul-Playset-Complete-w-Box/323234157016?hash=item4b4241d1d8:g:Af8AAOSw-0xYaETn https://www.ebay.com/itm/Gi-Joe-1985-Uss-Flagg-AFA-75-Q-Aircraft-Carrier-Keel-Haul-Amazing-Display/142385805352?hash=item2126daf828:g:5u4AAOSwGtNXiEZO https://www.ebay.com/itm/Gi-Joe-1985-Uss-Flagg-AFA-75-Q-Aircraft-Carrier-Keel-Haul-Absolutely-Beatiful/332629312983?hash=item4d724085d7:g:xC0AAOSwAvJXDGlb Pick and choose your options!
  19. Mirage's Supers are up for bids on Fromjapan/Buyee for those didn't make a pre-order.. For those who are waiting for their own copies to arrive, just wait patiently and you'll get it soon.
  20. On ebay and glancing at the auction and saw this. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/1-60-Thunder-Hummer-Resin-kit-For-1-60-Yamato-Arcadia-VF-1-Macross/222983994989?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20170119204035%26meid%3Dd614b43dd7a34a0a907a4f36b0135e9c%26pid%3D100033%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D222983994989%26itm%3D222983994989&_trksid=p2045573.c100033.m2042 Hmmm.. Looks like a kit bash correct and not the real item by Fext Hobby. Can anyone verify this for the records and I don't want anyone squeeling for joy quite yet until there is an official report that Fext Hobby (a division of MakeToys) is mailing out the actual kits themselves.
  21. @Shizuka the Cat: Now you need a VF-22 to round off your Macross 7 collection..
  22. @rdrunner: I'm thinking that Manda would give a discount on your next purchase specifically for that location only.
  23. Is nin-nin that flipping crazy?! If you do the conversion, that's roughly close to 66.5K Yen.. For that amount, anyone can go for either a Yammie 1/60 V.2 or a 1/48 valk of their choice right there.
  24. You're the fourth (or fifth?) person that has mentioned the HMR VF-1a Supers..
  25. Thanks for the clarification @Sanity is Optional. Now I have a list of additional valks and add-ons when my copy of Mirage's 31C gets delivered to my house.
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