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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Do you still have the Yammie v.2 GBP? There was a listing of the Yammie V.2 with the GBP earlier this morning when I went on and someone has already gotten it. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1090163645&ref=doc
  2. Pre-owned 31a on Amiami http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-037326-R&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Finc_txt2%3D7%24s_cate3%3D986%24s_originaltitle_id%3D12816%24s_st_condition_flg%3D1%24s_st_list_backorder_available%3D1%24s_st_list_newitem_available%3D1%24s_st_list_preorder_available%3D1%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D2 Sigh.. It's at 45Kyen. So it's either to wait for NY it ship to those did order it or say "Screw it with NY" and get this instead.. Pick your poison.
  3. If this comes into play and the 1/60 VF-1J with the GBP get re-issued, I'm definitely jumping in it. This will also be in consideration as well. Ultimately the price is also another factor..
  4. Just the talk of "V" reminded me of the first episode of "V" the final Battle on which it was aired on the T.V. back in '84. Watched the first hour of the first T.V. series only not the rest. Might watch the entire series plus movie sometime (got to find the links and I don't have Netflix account if it's on there). I'm sure that you can do a kit bash of an updated version of this.. I'm not an 1/6th expert (just a noobie) by any means as the outer head sculpt might have to be a silicone based to make as per the box art. For the actual Lizard-like head, maybe a spare Marvel Legends Lizard will do and a commission on the full suit. As for the body, maybe a COO model will do?
  5. Mirage's Supers are up for sale on Manda Complex. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1089765988&ref=1089784422
  6. Don't have a copy, however I might be interested in getting one though.. I've watched a YouTube review on the GX-75 and there has been reports of the Fire Blaster breakage out of the box (I believe it's an isolated issue?) I had the original Mazinger toy when I was younger (Shogun Warriors) and ended up trashing it years later. Pic from Stinny's Toys History (I had the one in the right). Funny thing is that the toys that we grew up with during our younger years has come back to rekindle our interest.
  7. Well... Technically Stryfe is Cable's clone (virus free).. For those who are Mazinkaiser fans (you know who you are), I'll Leave this here... Max Factory Gokin Mazinkaiser (2nd release), got it from a TFW2005 Board Member as he's clearing out his collection (missing the gloves form the manual). I believe that Charles still has his?
  8. The 10K Yen for the Falcon is actually a re-issue of the one that was done years ago (not to mention that Chewie was noted have GPS on that one. As for this re-issue, who knows?). I'm sitting on the fence on this one as I want to add it as a display option for Mirage's 31c and her Supers together as I know that Mirage has the 262 Ba variant in the movie.
  9. Keeping track and posting updates on this pre-order @Shizuka the Cat?
  10. @Loop: I believe that all valks have it's quirks and problems (not just the 171 as an example). I think that someone will post the link for the new Lil' Draken Set pre-orders @ridgebacks . As to where, see @wmkjr's post above your recent one (no date determined as of yet).
  11. Ouch!! @funkymonkeyjavajunky..
  12. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    I believe that Amiami's listing of the HMR VF-2ss that I posted for @Arthurius was Item A, Box B (as the listing is expired) and he used his Amiami discount for a slight cheaper price. Every little bit counts since that Macross related items (HMR, Yamato/Arcadia/DX Chogokin valks, and add-ons) are quite expensive. I got the HMR VE-1 (Item A, Box B) from them, no problems at all as I'm not an MISB type of guy anyways. Item C stuff is good for kit bashing or repairing purposes. Looks like the Grade C VF-171EX Alto (finally) has been picked up by someone for the usage that I mentioned.
  13. Wasn't expecting this today (even though my notifications did say about this arriving in). Mezco One: 12 SDCC Mirror, Mirror Spock. Edit: Not the best pic however as it's slightly blurry.
  14. Hopefully that the wider release of the 31a from NY will make the other loose releases of the 31a more affordable...
  15. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Hikaru's Vf-1a with Supers (don't know if the leg armour attachments are the same). If so, then contact another member here and do the swaps. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?dispCount=240
  16. Anyone still needs Mirage's Supers and don't want to go with either NY or Fromjapan/Buyee proxies?? Grab it now before it's too late: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1089784422&ref=list Edit: Complex has it also in stock (The one I listed is from the Nagoya branch)
  17. D'oh! Stupid me of not clicking in that this was the 1/72 Hasewaga kit based on the stand, eye detail on the 31F head and those arms. Hopefully the movie does eventually does circulate into the NA shores and have the opportunity to watch it with an answer to some of my questions There was a post here that it was ELS00QANT's customs and not @Xigfrid's.. See post March 8th by wmkjr
  18. With the Lil'drakens colour co-ordination with the re-issued 31F (according to this post) still looks off to me.. Who actually did see the Delta Movie and was a explanation given of how Xaos got hold of a few units of the stray Lil'Drakens for Messer's usage?
  19. Anyone remotely interested?? https://www.sideshowtoy.com/collectibles/aliens-vs-predator-requiem-wolf-predator-heavy-weaponry-hot-toys-903149/ I do have the Figuarts version that was issued years ago.. Waffling if I want to switch my original plans to get a Phicen Shi Kimono version for this one.. Edit many hours later... From also the Solo Movie - https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/75024
  20. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Even though it's an artwork of the Nos-Ger, I'm looking forward to have the HMR Super O. Hmm.. Looking at the current HMR releases, the VF-1D has not been done yet (the dual eye sensors). Possibly in the pipeline after the Tomahawk and the Phalanx?
  21. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Waiting for an eventual release of any enemy mecha since a teaser of Tenjin's artwork of the Nos-ger was hinted awhile back. Honestly, I'm more interested in getting either the Q-Rau or Q-Rare..
  22. Shizuka didn't join in the PO madness for the re-release of Messer's 31F @no3Ljm. She just sat on the side and kept tabs for all the stores that had orders open, and the orders where quickly filled up within a time span of like 20 mins (I think).
  23. You know that there will be a markup when Manda will have it up for sale. Speaking of which, Arad's 31s will be up for sale in the first week August (most likely) for those who have missed the pre-order and the Isamu's YF-19 in October (most likely as well).
  24. Wowza!! I didn't expect this order to end so quick.. Blink and miss your opportunity!
  25. @Shizuka the Cat: Are you seeing how this event will go and keeping tabs?
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