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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Got this yesterday from Wal-mart while doing a quick run of needed stuff. Last one on the shelf and also I'm a Stan Sakai fan! @tekering: You might want to keep your eye's open for this..
  2. Was flipping through the BBTS pre-order page and saw this.. This is one way to scare to crap out you in the dark! Note: It's not Mumm-ra or Eddie (from Iron Maiden) http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/76279 or http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/76281
  3. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Nexx might be a possible purchase. Going to see further pics before dropping the funds since the leg armour for gun storage has gotten my interest.
  4. Another post.. Milia (Q-Rau) and Mirage (Supers and stock hand attachments sans missiles). Edit: Upload newer pic
  5. Interestingly enough.. I haven't seen this posted here. Thanks for the review @jenius!
  6. Just tell that to the folks that got another DX 31f for the Messer/Hayate figure combo.. Besides.. It's their money and they're inclined to do what ever they choose. That's a good idea and for those who wants another option for the same product. Not to derail the thread further as an example: I pre-ordered a 1/6th scale figure back in March and had to select two options - Regular or the Deluxe version of the Pop Toys Warrior Women Series: The Butterfly Helmet Warrior (either in Red or Black). I wanted the regular option, but got the deluxe version in Red as the extras made more displaying options for me. Not going to post pics of the said product, but I'm sure that you can find it.
  7. You want a Anakin to recreate the saber battle with Obi-wan from Episode 3? Then this might be your lucky day.. http://news.toyark.com/2018/06/22/hot-toys-revenge-of-the-sith-dark-side-anakin-skywalker-303293
  8. Well... If collectors have serious money to spend, then why not right? I got in into Macross collecting in November of last year and just focused on the ones that just want and catches my interest. Never bought a second copy of the same valk [except for another 171EX Alto as I really beat the crap out of the first copy and wanted a second one to put the armour parts on and put on display. Got it at a slightly discounted price at mid 14K yen as it was sunburnt (discoloured) and may add weathering detail to make it more unique and to kit bash it with my first version]. Everyone has their own reasons why they get multiple copies of the same valks..
  9. If that was an added bonus then I might re-consider..
  10. Looks like that I'm the only one doing the updates on 1/6th stuff?? For both Iron Man and Tron fans --> http://news.toyark.com/2018/06/25/iron-man-mark-iv-neon-tech-armor-hot-toys-summer-convention-exclusive-303453 Based on Megaprime33's post on the thread: $345 USD or more.. Ouch!
  11. Someone's wallet is crying in pain at the sight of this. http://news.toyark.com/2018/06/22/hot-toys-revenge-of-the-sith-dark-side-anakin-skywalker-303293 (Note: Not mine as I still have an pre-order of a 1/6th figure to pay off in a few months time if it does arrive into YVR). Forgot to add these as well. http://news.toyark.com/2018/06/21/pre-order-info-for-supreme-action-figure-t2-t-800-figure-303258 http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/75660 http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/75160
  12. That Frontier shelf is totally rammed with valks! Doesn't it look clusterphobic as the entire SMS team (plus Grace) took over 2/3rds of the second shelf?
  13. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    So Nexx is following after the Super O. Going to pass as I still like Silvie's valk and the colour. Reminds me of Gamlin's VF-17 as it also has a hidden hatch for the gun.
  14. 12 days later.. Hot Toy's Episode 2 Yoda: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/75753 and Hot Toys Episode Count Dooku: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/75733
  15. Can I hypothesize that Chuck's 31e will be released sometime of Q3 of next year since that Arad's 31s is to be released in the last week of July/first week of August? Edit: Maybe Q3 of next year. Q2 doesn't sound realistically speaking.
  16. Good point(s) there @Shizuka the Cat. I wasn't really paying close attention to the Macross timeline when I posted these pics up; however as of the valks in collectable format, then this might be a possibility. This is my understanding based on what I gathered on this website on the Macross Mecha Manual: http://www.macross2.net/m3/m3.html The VF-4 will still be around while the VF-5000 would be on the drawing boards. The VF-11 didn't come into plans until 2028. http://www.macross2.net/m3/flashback2012/vf-4.htm http://macross2.net/m3/macrossplus/vf-5000b.htm http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossplus/vf-11b.htm Does this help?
  17. Just added the Supers on Mirage's 31c not too long ago. Adds more personality. Note: That is just the valk only sans the armaments.
  18. Oooo… My turn to spin the wheel. Valks: Past (Arcadia Strike VF-1s with the Yamato V.2 valk stand) and Present (DX Delta 31c with Supers). Note that there are no pilots nor armaments.
  19. Hmm... @Solo Wing Pixy: I wonder what's going to be your next valk purchase. As you well know from these multiple threads, you just can't have just one; therefore you're going to have to decide which valk is the next purchase (and to see if you have enough funds for it). The original VF-1 valks (and the variants) maybe your best next choice and work your way up.
  20. After a month and plus a day of waiting from start of exchange to finish, Mirage's 31c from Amiami (pre-owned and everything is there) has arrived via SAL. Time to put on the Supers (got it at the beginning of the month from Manda Sapporo). @Alex GS: I think that Klan Klang might be in scale with the DX VF-25 (especially Michael).
  21. I read that SAL can take up to two months before you get the package at the doorstep (usually 5 weeks is the average). My copy of Mirage's 31c from Amiami via SAL is still sitting at the docks according to the updates since the last month (ordered it before Golden Week holidays). I ordered two items from Manda via SAL and it took two weeks from the post of exchange into YVR's postal outlet. Hopefully that Mirage's 31c arrives intact and not battered up (even EMS does have battered up boxes). It's not the senders fault of damaged boxes. but it's commonly how the postal people handle the package..
  22. So now based on @UN Spacy's post, the Arcadia 35th Anniversary VF-1J is in production and hopefully that we can get some finalization on the SV-51 and the answer to the VF-1J with the GBP as well.
  23. Based on what I've read about Hydrogen Peroxide to clean up discolored valks, has anyone tried using a 10% content (a la Acne Cleanser cream) and sunlight to their discolored valks (with various applications afterwards until it's in satisfactory condition)? I've seen this method used on plastic dolls and 1/6th stained figures as I have my Mezco Mirror Spock with a heavy stain on the hip area do to the dark coloured pants that it has.
  24. From what can understand on @Darotower's post of the GBP, the one on the left is the first release of the stand alone GBP armour and the middle was the second re-issue with the missiles with the firing effect (like the 1/48 GBP set)? Can anyone verify that if possible.
  25. Pleased that my post has gotten someone to finally decide to get the 31a after much serious thought. It's the second week of June and hopefully that all the orders of the 31a from NY gets shipped out then Arad's 31s release two months later (which is a mass release).
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