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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Macross figures

    Going to poke my head into this thread and mention if anyone has seen this? http://news.toyark.com/2018/07/11/super-7-robotech-reaction-figures-305591 Most likely that HG has totally ticked off a huge chunk of Macross fans due to the multiple lawsuits against not importing Macross related items into the US and the muiltiple lawsuits against other companies as well. On a side note, I have planned to get a few figures as of now, however will have to save up some funds.
  2. Now gone! Back track to the DVD cover release to the Delta Movie.. The Armoured parts to the 31 on the missile racks has the 171 Armoured vibe, however, will the movie explain the "ring like appendages" towards the end of the valk in battriod mode?
  3. Impressed! Maybe you can slightly highlight the scar above on his left eye. It's also one of Usagi's trademark as Sakai-san has been doing in his strips. I wish that they can do Tomoe and Gen for the lineup however, I think that Sakai-san has other plans. Edit: Maybe on the katanas as well if you have time.
  4. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    It's possible that the art for Nexx's VF-2ss will have the same artwork and look as Silvie's. Just replace the red with the blue and voila (minus the additional artwork for the gunpod storage)! Look at the box art for Hikaru's and Roy's Strike VF-1s above on technoblue's post. It's the same valk, just add the needed changes to the colour and background (unless you want it like the ET boxart for their VF-2ss).
  5. Was looking at @spacemanoeuvrespost of the Armoured valks and thinking that I was done with getting Mirage's 31c and the Supers... Nope! I guess the Armoured set is next plus thinking about getting another 1/6th figure. Edit: I wonder how much will that Armoured parts set my budget back this time round?
  6. Would love to get the 1/48 Stampede SDP-1 kit (102) for my VF-1s Hikaru, however I will still be satisfied with the 1/60 version (most likely) and put it on Roy. Even the VF-11C got the Stamped/Thunder Hummer like armour from Macross 7 (more of the Stampede vibe though). Pic from Macross Mecah Manual.
  7. @mamboeidos: There's is also wotafa's review on the Draken if you're still stuck as well.
  8. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmm.. We all know that the Super O is being released in the latter week of August/first week of September and art of the N-Ger has been shown done by Tenjin, is it plausible that the N-Ger might be the works? If a TWE offering of M&M's Q-rau in a combo set does get made, count me in! Even a single release of the one in green and white will suffice for me as well.
  9. @dj760: The Angel Birds are the true kicker for me more than the PE VF-0s! Hopefully that it didn't cost you a major setback on your budget.
  10. Who's the maker of Quorra and Jem? Jem's got that sultry look on her and it makes you to do a double think on her.. Edit: I did more digging. It's Frost Vision Studio that did the Quorra and Jem. Pics on Deviant Art and has a Facebook Page account. That 1/6th scale HT Tron Iron Man will set me back close to $560+ CND if I should decide to get it..
  11. @JetJockey: I have just seen this on YouTube on regarding Tron Legacy figures. Was there anymore or was it just vaporware afterwards (and never brought up again)? Edit: Read on Sideshow forums that Tonner charged almost $200 USD for either Quorra or Jem. There's some kitbashes of the Quora Cos Play stuff on the RPF website. This actually an uncanny resemblance: https://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=175438 Spinmaster and Disney Infinity as done some of the Tron Legacy stuff and someone has done a custom Quorra headscupt on ebay for kit bashes. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Limited-Collectible-1-6-Scale-Quorra-Tron-Legacy-Olivia-Wilde-Head-Sculpt/162044649605?hash=item25ba9d2085:g:B9gAAOSwd3dXF6XG
  12. I was just thinking about Arcadia's announcement that @no3Ljm further explained in depth.. Since you guys are discussing about the possibilities of the YF-19, will the YF-21 be a option (or has the reigns been given to Bandai)? Edit: I think that Bandai has gotten a fair grab in this as they have the DX YF-19 with all the goodies and the fold booster, however they haven't issued the YF-21 yet. Only Yamato has made the YF-21 for Macross Plus and the VF-22 for Macross 7.
  13. Do you want a Tron Legacy Light Cycle @no3Ljm? Make sure that you have enough funds for this.. Note: Unfortunately the seller is located overseas in H.K. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/TRON-LEGACY-SAM-FLYNN-WITH-LIGHT-CYCLE-HOTTOYS-HOT-TOYS-MMS142-FIGURE-ES-AQ2958/352394146686?hash=item520c53f37e Here's a snippet of what I read in the Sideshow Collectors forum about the HT Tron Legacy 1/6th figures being cancelled. Wor-Gar: "I'm really sad HT dropped this line, and that Disney dropped the movies. I was hoping for Rizler and his bike." Marine Boy: "Plans for a sequel were shelved when Disney acquired Star Wars. Look at the mess they made of that. The figures themselves were disappointing. Kevin Flynn was a lacklustre release and the figure on the bike was essentially a statue. The bike itself is cool, my only gripe is that the spinning "engine" does not light up. If they had made Clu, Quorra or Sam Flynn as normal figures, the line would have done better." GipettoO812: "Totally agree. HT dropped the figures and SS dropped all their intent on a series of statues. The sad part is, with the new tech they're using on Black Panther's suit to make it glow depending on lighting without using LEDs would be great to come back to this license and make articulated figures. Except we know they won't do it." Not to veer off the thread: LEGO ideas has made the Tron Legacy set..
  14. I'm not that fussy.. I rather see the updated samples of Ivanoff first as I know that Nora and the CF versions are in the pipeline afterwards like Yamato's.
  15. The next plucky droid (life size) after R2. http://news.toyark.com/2018/07/05/star-wars-bb-8-life-size-figure-by-sideshow-304849 However there is a few things that they could add (see Dukefett's post). Edit: Didn't see these until I went back a few pages. http://news.toyark.com/2018/07/05/concept-art-captain-america-1-6-scale-figure-by-hot-toys-304689 http://news.toyark.com/2018/07/05/tchaka-black-panther-1-6-scale-figure-by-hot-toys-304665
  16. Hopefully that we'll get some physical news of the SV-51 soon (and NOT another posterboard of Ivanoff's valk). Edit: Maybe a pair of intake covers as well?
  17. Took out the 1/48 Strike Hikaru from the box added Strike/Supers (sans missiles and sunburnt) and the fully decked out 1/60 Yammie SV-51 Nora for comparisons. In my eyes, the 1/48 looks more in scale with the Sukhoi SU-27 (on which the 51 is based on).
  18. I can see the amazement if Mirage was done in the same scale as Klan Klang ( and if Megahouse decides to).
  19. Your pic of the v.2 1/60 Hikaru @Slave IV makes me want to open my my copy of the 1/48 Hikaru and add on the Super/Strike parts which are still in the respected boxes and take snaps of it (only opened up and checked for all contents when it got sent to YVR).
  20. The Draken is more affordable now, however the Lil'Draken add ons are getting sparser (that's not counting the ones for the 31). I'm waiting for either the Elvis Ha or Mirage's/Cannon fodder Ba variants.
  21. Ant-man and Wasp from Hot Toys http://news.toyark.com/2018/06/30/ant-man-and-the-wasp-figures-by-hot-toys-304296
  22. I'm actually in the same boat as @Matt Random although I did see Collection DX's review on the 31j first before I did the transformation on my copy of Mirage's 31c. It's that "U" assembly that got me totally spaced out as Chris (?) did mention it and I clued out when putting it back into valk mode, then I looked at the instructions after having trouble with it for two hours. As for the 171EX Alto, I watched multiple vids before doing the transformation on my copy as I did read and hear that it was super frustrating (good thing that I passed on the 262). Those arm joints are freaking super tight and only cracked one of the two guiding pins for the wing exchange however the canopy hinge broke off at the joint where it was connected at the pin. My fault as I put too much pressure on the cover and got a second copy at a discount as it was sunburned.. Don't matter to me as I will kit bash it with the first one and add weathering effects on it.
  23. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Going to pass on Nexx.. Got to build up my funds again for a Soul of Chogokin Mazinkaiser.
  24. You know what could be the other issue? This.. The two "U" shaped bracket which makes the head to sit in its normal position is not pointed towards the back of head while in valk mode. Not knowing about this and having the upside down "U" pointing downwards can case gaps while in valk mode. Trust me.. It happened to me while I was doing the transformation from battriod to valk without looking at the instructions first. Was having a hard time to make two sides flush and it popped out of place.. Struggled with it for at least two hours and the looked at the pic, then I saw the error and no damages done to the valk, just small paint chippages present. Aye Crumba! That's what happens when you don't look at the instructions first.
  25. You got the four Turtles in Training, Mousers, Foot Solders and Metalhead; that's a good start right there. Usagi is not the best overall IMO, however a little paint on a few spots will make a difference. Get: Leatherhead (alligator) Maybe: Weedhead, Kirby the bat and the Psycho Looking Squirrel. The bottom three of Fishface, April and Dogpound are not that great. *Do not get Casey Jones, Baxter Stockman as that looks terrible as well! To bad that you're not in either in the States or Canada, otherwise you can pick and choose your own TMNT figures.. Good to see your spotlight on Maz's blog on TFsource. Here's the back of Usagi's Packaging. The ones from the first and second run of Playmates TMNT figures are a must get. Edit: Happy Canada Day to you (as you're from Edmonton originally).
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