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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    That will be the Mountian Hoilday (Obon). @Alex GS is right that the next business day is Thursday.
  2. You forgot to mention Manda as well.. Their packing methods are also very good. If the outer boxes can take a beating and leave the inside product safe, then I'm good. That's one of my pet peeves. It takes umpteen hours to so call "bullet proof" the packaging and they sent it out weeks later and you paid by using EMS and not snail mail. I get that some may go the snail mail just to save on shipping costs, however pricer items are better off going EMS.
  3. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Orders for the HMR Super O are opened up at AmiAmi. For those how have pre-ordered already from there way back (myself included), hopefully that they will send you the notices of payment soon. Note: I know that you can edit your shipping options; however, it says this in asterisks: *** Our store reserves the right to modify the shipping method and/or payment method of orders at our discretion. *** Edit: Already did change the shipping to EMS from SAL a minute ago. Not going to risk loosing this order. If you want to change it, change it now before they send you the billing notice. Here's the email reply: PLEASE NOTE: A new invoice will be sent for in-stock orders that have been modified. These orders will not be available for payment until a new invoice has been sent during our business hours. We ask for your patience and understanding.
  4. Ah! So my post did help you after all @BlueMax.
  5. I did some digging. Here's the JP Post for lost stuff. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/service/damage_en.html @Shizuka the Cat: You made me double think twice about my upcoming HMR Super O that I have my pre-order with. Still needs to be paid off and used SAL for postage. Hmm.. Maybe you should use EMS for your next order just to be on the safe side. On a side note: I'm actually waiting for a package from Manda via SAL (close to a month now). As of right now, it says still in transit and maybe still sitting on the docks to be loaded.
  6. Looks like someone has picked up Messer's Supers as list not listed anymore on Jungle; however, there is two more listings for Messer's 31f for a total of 5 choices.
  7. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Can't go wrong with Manda and Jungle. You can still pre-order the Super O from AmiAmi and HLJ. Amiami: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-038326 HLJ: https://hlj.com/product/BANN25875 (might be listed in CND as I'm located in VYR. Use the XE Currency converter for your specific place of residency) Note: You might have to clear your cookies from your browser if the image doesn't show up. I believe that the other suppliers have "Order Stop" posted.
  8. Jungle and Manda has Messer's valk. Jungle: Three choices http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=116&do=detail&id=103000008289 You might as well take the Supers along with it. http://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/?page_id=121&id=2408397 Manda: Two choices https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1087857991&ref=list For those who are still in the hunt for Arad, Amiami has one up for grabs for 23K yen. The one on Manda for 22k yen is gone while the 25K yen is still there. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-037574-R
  9. Two listings for Arad's valk is up. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1093973594&ref=list
  10. @sh9000: That's fair haul there. Hmmm... Megs looks like he got lazy eyes and from the Koto Marvel Now series statues. As for Creed's head sculpt, not feeling it . Betsy and Tiger Stripe Wolvie are on my list to get when my LCS gets it in. Planning to get this eventually? http://news.toyark.com/2018/08/03/figure-complex-revoltech-psylocke-official-photos-312580 @Slave IV: Is this version of Betsy also on your list?
  11. I know that this isn't 1/6th scaled, however I have a feeling that someone is going to get this. http://news.toyark.com/2018/08/03/hot-toys-ant-man-on-flying-ant-and-the-wasp-miniature-collectible-set-312525 Edit: Many Hours later.. Looks like that I found this while looking through Sideshow. https://www.sideshowtoy.com/collectibles/marvel-thanos-hot-toys-903429/ Been released in March of this year, however, you can still order it.
  12. I just did this quickly without the stand and the add-ons in a 45 degree angle. Another suggestion is to up it in pre-deployment mode as one of the episodes of Macross Zero when Ivanoff and Nora are in the hanger together.
  13. I like that combo of using Mirage's Supers on Arad's 31s @no3Ljm. I'm thinking that Hayate's Supers might be a too rich of a blue for the 31s (don't know if you're going to attempt that)? Here's the question if and when Arad's Supers get released (once the Stampede-ish armour is released), I take it that Supers will be in Orange? Edit: @Slave IV; Your above quote made me think of this...
  14. 12 plus hours later.. I believe that this was shown on Toyark and haven't seen a lisitng for this (if a listing was made, then I wasn't really paying much attention). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i2vqbammbQ Edit: Even Jenkin Wong has done a review on it.
  15. The answer to your question @TCracker is @no3Ljm's and @seti88's post.. I'll repost it here (no need to look up again).
  16. That's actually Saint Cloth Myth EX Leo that you posted a pic of.. Must be an error on their end and they shipped it to you instead of the original person who actually ordered it from. No apologies for the missing Figuarts or a re-imbursement of the item I take it... I actually wanted to pre-order the Figuarts Iron Man Mk. 7 from them, but I rather not take the chances if another Kairos fiasco happens again.
  17. Regardless if you got Iggy or any of the Bounty Hunters, I say it's fair game. You can get the newest HT Fett (ESB version) if you decide to. For those who want better pics of the HT Advance Suit Spidey (PS4 Game version), Toys TV HK has made a vid. On a side note: Found that one of my 1/6th suppliers have the Advance Suit Spidey on pre-order on the sister site, however the one that I pre-ordered the Pop Toys: Women in Warrior Deluxe from doesn't have a listing for it.. Going to see if I can rectify the problem soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lbie4haQE8 Second and Third edits of the day... The vid for the Tron Inspired Iron Man MK. 4 suit. Check out his other reviews if you have the time as well, not much however it might suffice for some people For @ErikElvis and others who are aiming for the Dark Side Ani, here's a review.
  18. You might as well wash the other two and give it the clear coat spray.
  19. Another unit of Arad's 31s is up for grabs at Manda! https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1093715128&ref=list Edit: Looks like 22K yen for Arad's valk is the stable price for it.
  20. Not to derail the thread guys, for those who are Trekkies/Trekkers (which is the correct terminology that should be used?), the Eaglemoss XL Defiant (from DS9) is now available. https://st-starshipsxl.com/shop/ Hopefully that the detailed work is better (?) than the smaller versions. We all know how Eaglemoss works these days... Edit: I believe that this was listed awhile back. My memories are getting really fuzzy...
  21. Should thought of using that first.. I'll give that a go and then give it a good wash down. Air dry for day and see the results. Will have to get the three Macross Tenjin art books when my funds recover.
  22. Checked your post at 2 am PST and back up to the regular price of 22k yen eight hours later. Edit: Mirage's 31c is 26.5k yen?! What was the original price for Mirage upon release (24k yen I'm guessing)?
  23. Thanks for the tips! I did open the box afterwards and did get the oily film on the wedding dress. I was going to air it out after all the 20+ years in the box and give all the three figures a good bath with a mixture of dish washing liquid/warm water. Will have to get a acrylic clear coat spray from either Wally World/Michaels.
  24. Don't know about others; however, the slip cover on top of Arad's 31s (fully illustrated) with the Dragon Motif on the bottom right corner looks very eye catching when I watched Chu-taro's reviews. Arad's 31 valk has the only version in full colour while others had the line art. Others' opinion may differ upon choice.
  25. I don't know about others here in this thread; however, the Thunder Hummer set up really reminds me of Stark's Hall of Fame Armour from Mk. 1 to 7 on Figuarts format.
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