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Everything posted by borgified

  1. It's dated as of the 5th on @Dirtyboy posted. The one I just posted was the vid on Youtube that was released on the 13th.
  2. Newer vid of Max's version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIeew0ZUOvU
  3. borgified

    Macross figures

    Last Black Rabbit Nome from Manda (as of now). .https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1098394426&ref=list
  4. @CHAVAKAISER - Let me guess HLJ or another supplier? I'm going to find out if my copy from Manda has the head laser intact when I get it..
  5. Does anyone have a small bottle of Shock Oil handy as well? I'm going to loosen the hip screws when I get mine and add a small drop of Shock Oil before doing the transformation. I know that it's not needed as I rather have it ready and use it for my copy of the 171EX Alto's arm joints which is insanely super tight.
  6. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Correction there @Slave IV. The HMR Super O didn't come with the 1D noggin, that's a model kit version of the 1D head sculpt that @sh9000 has.
  7. Anyone looking for Arad's 31s? Amiami has one for 20.6k yen (Item B+/Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-037574-R I have the DX YF-19 Full Set in the way and it set me back for another month. Giving a heads up for anyone that wants the Jellyfish snacker.
  8. For those who are still on the hunt for the DX YF-19 Full set, Manda has 5 listings that are for grabs. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1098028710&ref=dos
  9. Since that @seti88 posted a twitter pic of the clips on the 31f, here's another tweet from Ezxea1. https://twitter.com/Ezwea1 (Dated on the 13th). Edit: Manda has the movie 31f up for sale at 25K yen. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1098261267&ref=list
  10. And now currently all gone! Will be watching your review very early in the wee hours of the next day @jenius. I should be ready when my own copy of the Full Set DX YF-19 arrives in YVR with the JIT screwdriver set and the nessary picks at hand.
  11. Last DX YF-19 Full Set On CDJapan as of now. Can't give you a link due to the fact that I'm at work.
  12. It's the same one and includes a Messer pilot also, connectors for the Lil'Drakens in Battriod/Gerwalk and Fighter modes. The Lil' Draken add on set is the same for the SV-262 sans the sword and the shield. I believe it's a newer look of the box this time round. Here's the pic (same link as the one that @seti88 has posted). Edit: Now you made me think about getting a copy after I have Mirage's 31c...
  13. I actually got caught twice by CBSA for the HMRs VF-1J with GBP and Silvie's VF-2ss. Hopefully that I will escape this time when I get the YF-19 Full Set delivered; however, I'll find out sooner or later.
  14. borgified

    Macross figures

    Based on the Google translate of the website: Number of winnings: 10 total キャンペーン終了日:2019年2月末日 Campaign end date: End of February 2019 ※「A賞 10th アニバーサリー Crimson Scarlet Queen シェリル・ノーム フィギュア」と同一の賞品となります。 ※ It becomes the same prize as "A prize 10th anniversary Crimson Scarlet Queen Sheryl Nome figure". ※期間は延長される場合がございます。 ※ The period may be extended. ※キャンペーンナンバーが同梱されている賞品に関しては、ナンバーの使用期限が終了している場合があります。 ※ For the prizes that the campaign number is bundled, the usage deadline of the number may have ended. ※この商品のキャンペーンナンバーは全て同じものとなります。 ※ All items in this product's campaign number will be the same. 複数購入された場合でもダブルチャンスキャンペーンに挑戦できるのはお一人様1回のみとなります。 Even if you purchase more than one, you can only challenge a double chance campaign once per person. Basically a lucky draw version (and possibly more if you sell it). Edit: Found a video that has the Two Variants on YouTube in which was posted on the 10th of this month.
  15. borgified

    Macross figures

    I did more digging and retails for 5.8k yen. Hopefully this will help.. Use Google translate if needed. https://sn.bpnavi.jp/1kuji_fsp/macross/macrossf/ Edit: Bottom right is the Double Chance campaign version and bottom left is without the cape. I'm going to stick with the blue version. Anyone going to Akihabara and trying your luck there? Here are the zoomed pics. It doesn't look too bad, however the nose need some redefining on the actual sculpt. Variant A Variant B Variant C (without cape) Double Chance Variant (Same as Variant A however more expensive)
  16. I'm also in the same boat except this is my second expensive valk for me. 27k yen from Manda + 5k yen shipping (SAL) adds up to 32k yen (conversion $371.40 CND). First one was a Yammie v.2 valk also from Manda at 25K yen + 5k yen shipping (EMS) adds up to 30k yen (conversion $348.26 CND). I believe that a fair amount of us has spent more money on valks than you could imagine (not just one, but multiple copies of it).
  17. Apologies for some of the fuzzy pics here and don't know if was done before. Had the time to open my copy of the low vis 1/48 VF-1a and take snaps of it with the regular 1/48 Supers. Edit; Battroid to follow (depending on time).
  18. My guess is that it's the same one as pictured here. https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/605362/ * *From Dengeki Hobby Webpage dated July 29th of this year.
  19. In that case, get your ammunition locked and loaded for the onslaught of new goodies to be released!
  20. Anyone still waffling?? As of right now at 1:05 am PST, four units available. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-281659?s_ssid=e455d95bc013b312df
  21. Another transformation guide from the man himself... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ebg1xy38Tw0
  22. I'm also in that same boat... Hmm.. Is Q2/3 of next year is reasonable? A long as it doesn't fall apart like the one of the VF-0 valks that jenius did a review on... Edit: I always get the "j" and "g" mixed up
  23. borgified

    Macross figures

    Happy to be of serve to you @tekering. @GabrielV: Two minds to think alike.. As for the Sprits Kuji Sheryl (to be released in two weeks for both versions), I'm leaning more towards on the Blue variant (unless the details are more pronounced on the red version due to the fact that I can't really see it too well).
  24. 8 units left as of now on as per @dj760's post... Just made the payment early this morning to Manda's Utsunomiya branch and hopefully will get it on two-three weeks time when it ships.
  25. I haven't really paid too much in regards to Walmart's TF G1 Re-issue, as a link from the TFW2005 forums might help you out and note that its quite lengthy. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/walmart-exclusive-g1-devastator-gift-set-reissue-g1-starscream-g1-legion-pack.1155632/ It's the re-release of the G1 TFs that has graced the shelves in the NA market with the re-print of the G1 packaging (in tri-lingual this time) for us that grew in the 80's era of the animated series and has collected the toys ever since.
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