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Everything posted by borgified

  1. I have a pre-order en-route from Mondo soon (non-deluxe if your wondering). I post it up when I have it in my hands.
  2. @JetJockey - Here's the rundown of both IXO and Maisto 1:18 die cast cars in a nutshell. IXO Models: Very high end, detailed and very regarded corporation of making replicas of Autos/Trucks/Motorcycles/Airplanes, etc.. Makes Auto Art stuff look like garbage from what I have been reading (maybe literally speaking). https://www.ixomodels.com/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=4 Go into the Info tab and click on: About Us and you'll see what I mean. There are reviews on YouTube compairing IXO Models products to other brands of similar items Maisto: Simple, basic, low cost and no frills for collectors that don't want to spend all that $$ for a simple replica of a car or anything for that matter. http://www.maisto.com/ I haven't collected any IXO Models 1:18 stuff yet, however that may change..
  3. A few review's on Mondo's 1/6th He-man. Some reviews may be old so my apologies.
  4. I'm sure that there will be other colours available down the road David. Made a pre-order for one already and will be using this and the Yammie version in my display. I might even do a comparison as well.
  5. @JetJockey: As a former 1:18 scaled car collector and previous Automotive Apprentice Mechanic, I don't like Jada Toys interpretation due to fact they love to "Pimp up it up" and slam all the "Bling Bling" to make it more attractive. Its all show and no go.. Where is the practically of the car? Total waste of money in my books although it gets some heads turning in that direction. I prefer stuff from a mixture of Auto Art, IXO, Kyosho and Maisto. As for Transformers Animated Japanese shows (pre-Beast wars) area @Shizuka the Cat, there was Super God Life, Headmasters/Masterforce and Victory. I do watch Tokusatu stuff as well like Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Gojira, Garo, Mazinkaiser, Escaflowne just to toss in a few examples. Skyfire/Jetfire was a borrowed idea from the original 1/55 Chunky Monkey. @Kuma Style: I have a feeling that either you or myself will show our new valk purchase soon.
  6. I'm actually wondering why Arcadia decided to issue their version of the VE-1 in PF first. Marketing enticement perhaps? The Elintseeker was shown for 2 seconds (?) in DYRL and slightly different from any of the VF-1 valks due to the sensors that where plastered all over it and the oddball looking head.
  7. Thanks for the update @no3Ljm. I'm going to pick up both movies at some point in time and watch them both.
  8. Speaking of War Movies... Tora, Tora, Tora is actually a good collaboration with the Japanese and American filmmakers to combine their views on what happened during that time. Clint Eastwood also did it twice in his two war movies: Iwo Jima (based on an Japanese troops pov) and another one Flags of our Fathers (based on the American troops pov) Edit: Updated post after Noel's reply.
  9. That's how Arcadia gets us all @spacemanoeuvres. Issue the Plain Jane version first then get us to upgrade to the PE version a year or so later. We have discussed this topic too many times to count.
  10. Tekering used the Mr. Colour paint remover on his DX YF-19 to take out the horrific and unslighty U.N. Spacy tampos if anyone can remember.. Just make sure that it doesn't eat through the hard plastic at super concentrated levels.
  11. @Sanity is Optional - I think your original thought of using this Armour for Chuck's 31e (upon release) would look better. Have not ordered the Silpheed Armoured pack yet or should wait till the official release date (August) then nab it at a slight mark up..
  12. Threezero's Anime Ultraman via Toyark. https://news.toyark.com/2019/03/12/ultraman-anime-version-figure-by-threezero-339526
  13. A DX YF-19 Full Set is up for grabs at Amiami (Box B/Item B) for 22.4k yen. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-038985-R
  14. Good grief @Shizuka the Cat! That is one heck of of a shopping list of your Macross haul in just a few days. Hopefully that you have enough display space to show it all off.
  15. borgified

    Macross figures

    Your wondering where I'm going to put Arcadia's Minmay, Noel?? Although "cannon-be-damned" as I don't have a VF-4, it's going go be put smack dab in front and center of my Yamacaida VF-1 shelf when I get time to assemble it and with the HMR alongside with it.
  16. borgified

    Macross figures

    You're actually giving me ideas already @UN Spacy as I actually have an idea on where to put Arcadia's FB 2012 Minmey when I do get her.
  17. There's a catch to that wish of yours Sanity.. Chuck's 31e is Yellow and somehow the Oranges might clash. Noel's digi-bash of using the teal, red and orange Gatling gun barrels on Arad's Silpheed 31s looks spot on how it should be originally. Based on a pic posted pages back, Chuck's 31e Armour pack will have a Neon Yellow on the Missle packs a la Amoured 171EX. Hmm... Makes me wonder on what the final colours would be on Mirage's Magenta 31c when armoured up (I know.. Wishful thinking here however it can happen).
  18. @Kinzoku VF - As I do like the "Silpheed Armour" option, I'm calling it off for now, however time will tell as the official day gets closer and them I'll decide (possibly for Chuck's 31e as there is a possibility due to the first movie. Maybe for Mirage if and when Bandai decides to). @Alphahorizon - I'm also in the same boat as you are as I'm working towards a certificate in Property Management and I've got pre-orders to pay off (IE: HMR VF-1d and Arcadia's PE VE-1) before I even think about getting the "Silpheed Armour".
  19. Saw the listing on NY as @Slave IV has just mentioned.. Roughy 18K yen and payment upfront. (No Ands, If or Buts)
  20. @Toonz - This is a TWE order that is doing Arad's 31s Armour. The places are that you order from are the official TWE shops such as NY, Anime Export, mykombini and others. Secondary stores like Manda, Amiami, and others will possibly carry it after the official release day at a slight markup. Or you can try Proxy sites to get it (it may cost you more though).
  21. Putting on a logical thinking cap here: Drinking and then ordering valks while your body is trying to process the harmful effects is not a good sign of rational behavior.. Hopefully that you have enough funds squirreled away for that huge purchase @scand. As the old saying goes: "Hell has no fear like a women scorned", you better have a good explanation of your purchases when it gets delivered to the door! Good call on getting the PE VF-0a now and then see the prices skyrocket off the roof days later..
  22. From Sideshow via Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2019/03/06/marvel-comics-red-skull-sixth-scale-figure-by-sideshow-339264 From what @littlewolvie mentioned on the thread itself: "I'm not really impressed, I've to admit. I expect more from a $200+ figure/doll. When I look at Hot Toys (admitted, they are more expensive), but also some of the excellent 12-inch figures released by various Chinese manufacturers for half the price or even the average Marvel Legends or Neca figure, this Red Skull simply doesn't look very impressive nor menacing. I'll pass." It's your call if you want to get it.
  23. There are some Chunky Monkey that hasn't be made at all @Shizuka the Cat Based on what @sh9000 has posted, that's the modern list of the 1/55 of what has been made so far, however, there is a vintage VF-1s Strike Hikaru that is considered a "Holy Grail" plus with a VF-1j and GBP (both packed separately), which both @rdrunner and @jenius has in their own collection. Make sure that you have enough funds saved for your actual wedding day.
  24. Can't go wrong with a Chunky Monkey to add into your collection Shizuka. Chasing down all the variants (if you do) is another question. To quote a stanza from one of the most recognizable boyband songs as they're still going after all these years (I'm not talking about either any of the J/K-pop Boybands): "Tell me why/Ain't nothing but a heartache/Tell me why/Ain't nothing but a mistake/Tell me why/ I don't want to hear you say/ I want it that way".
  25. From Hot Toys via Toyark and Facebook https://news.toyark.com/2019/03/05/hellboy-2019-license-announced-by-hot-toys-338560
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