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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Hikaru's 1J (with the limited run stand) is back up on Manda for 35k yen https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1111571707&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  2. Correction there.. It's a SV-262 not a VF-262 (its a typo anyways and understandable). Unless you don't want to see the colours on Keith's Hs, you could strip the entire valk and repaint it in Stealth mode (keep the Gold Highlights a la the 25th Anniversary Yammie 1/48 VF-1s and the 1/60 VF-19).
  3. What's the next DS VF-1 release?? It's anyone's guess really. So far we got the 1J (Hikaru), 1A (Max) and 1S (Hikaru).. All we can guesstimate that either M&M's 1J, Kakizaki/Hikaru's 1A, Roy's 1S, 1D, VE or VT will be up next and the new boodbath/crap show/cart jacking/spinning wheel of death/website crashes will be repeated again.
  4. That would be ideal, however is Arcadia going to pack the extra effect parts when the PE VF-1J with the GBP gets made??
  5. Newly posted on Toyark. Hot Toy's Spiderman: Far from Home pics for now. Pre-orders will follow. https://news.toyark.com/2019/06/05/spider-man-far-from-home-hot-toys-spider-man-movie-promo-edition-347816
  6. If any of guys and gals (that also means our feline friend @Shizuka the Cat) do decide to get stuff there, Jungle is waving off the 5% international fee from the beginning of the this month till the 30th. Here's the details - https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/page/news0000001 Note: I didn't get the 5% off on the Stealth SSP as I got it last week.
  7. Hmm.. Does anyone else see somewhat of a resemblance of the Power Loader when Ripley is attacking the Alien Queen (or it is it me only). Note: Pic from Toyark.
  8. Jungle order came in 25 mins ago. Even though it's second hand (Grade B at 10,800 yen). Box beaten, stickers applied and one of the Super's Pack connecting points has been broken and repaired professionally (you can't really see it unless you know where to look at). Note: One less thing to look for and not to worry about.
  9. Yes it is... TWE = Easier to order and cart jacking, web crashing and wheel of death avoided.
  10. Posted on Toys TV HK yesterday, Avengers: Endgame Rescue armour preview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RMj4C-ijRk Edit: A comparison vid with the IM MK.50 Film vs Figure by MISB Media.
  11. Don't fret.. It's the filler pieces for the arms and the neck. If you have any Arcadia VF-1 valks, then it should be norm.
  12. Well... The DX 1s Hikaru was a crap show or fracking bloodbath however I managed to see this on Amiami. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-023079-R Item B. Box B for 13,440 yen
  13. Heck with this... Roy it is or until something gives
  14. who's got the first bloodshot?
  15. You never know till there's an opening for you. Give it a shot.
  16. 20 mins...
  17. @davidwhangchoi: Have you been sleeping too soundly?? Yep.. 23 mins to go..
  18. borgified

    Macross figures

    Sort of the Black Swan look (a la Natalie Portman movie?)
  19. 30 mins and counting,
  20. Just got home with 40 mins to go.. Don't know if I'm going to try and get one, I guess I find out.
  21. A NUNs version of the 31d? If they ever make a copy, I'll be getting one for sure. Looks like the colours similar to the VT-1 (maybe lighter/darker).
  22. borgified

    Macross figures

    Alright.... Major update and there is going to be a whammy of pics. From Denkei Hobby page - https://hobby.dengeki.com/event/773373/ Here is the pics and they're all random. So they're following the first Spirits Kuji Sheryl in picking with versions you want A, B, or C and this time they included Ranka. Edit: Added Black version of Sheryl to the correct spot and a clearer version of Orange version of Ranka.
  23. Hmmm... A prototype/resin of Hayate's Silpheed Armour. Needs more colours to brighten it up as it looks dull. If one gets made for Mirage, I'll be getting one copy for sure and possibly one for Chuck.
  24. borgified

    Macross figures

    I think the Sheryl is meant to present someone with the laurel (olive) crown to the victor of whatever event(s) that just happened (a la Greek/Roman Goddess hence the wings on the base. Ranka reminds me of Diana/Athena. Hence the title "Another Mythical World" There is the possibility that the base is separate, however we shall find out. This the version of the two Frontier Girls that I do prefer than the Complete Black version.
  25. borgified

    Macross figures

    Here's another version of Ranka that I found as per the URL that Kajnrig has provided. Ranks is 5,509 yen release date 10/19.
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