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Everything posted by borgified

  1. I have three 1/48 Yammies and a fourth one on the way (to arrive within this week). The DX 1/48 is the pinnacle of my collection if I can get it, however I'm good with the 1/60 and the HMRs. Like @Kinzoku VF mentioned, the Yammie is the most affordable alternative compared to Bandai's DX offerings (in which they really nickel and dime you for the extra stuff).
  2. I see part of the "Wrecking Crew' behind Carnifex. Magnus (?), SXS Hot Rod, MMC Spartan (Impactor), Demolition Crew's Apex and Gemini (Topspin and Twin Twist) plus their Gauntlet (Ironfist) and Fansproject (?) Broadside and Crosshairs (?)
  3. If you want an Overlord with a G1 look, then FansHobby Double Evil will do. If you want it IDW comic inspired, the MMC's Carnifex will be your choice.There is the upgrade set that bumps it up to give that G1 look. The gun on Double Evil is small however Carnifex's is almost twice the length. Edit: I had Carnifex and the upgrade set two years ago, traded it for store credit for newer TFs as I lost interest in it.
  4. I've got Supers for Mirage at ¥12k and Messer's for ¥13k (both from Manda after the actual released date). Hunting down Messer's took me some time after I got the Movie Version 31f.
  5. $30 CND - Sold by Amazon.ca (no 3rd Party sellers).
  6. The Kai is available for grabs @Saviant if you do some searching. You can't go wrong with Mirage's C (as the double visor look does stand out compared to the single visor look of the Skull units) and the Magenta makes it stand out compared to the other 31 valks. [For the record: It's not pink, purple, boysenberry, Horseshoe Blood Blue, Klingon Bloodwine Red or Nora's 51 Maroon (?)] Chuck's 31e is the only valk that has a foldable randome.
  7. I'm actually waiting forward to Chuck's 31e pics at the last week of July/first week if August. The Silpheed Armour is the next one that I'm kind of hesitant on. Looks outstanding in the photo shoots, however the real deal is to see if Arad's 31s can hold all that armour up without making a faceplant sans the stands.
  8. HT Stealth Suit Spidey has been announced on Toyark. Deluxe and Regular versions are available. Details are on Toyark. Can't upload the details since I'm at work right now.
  9. Listed as of 10:00 am PST Lil' Draken add on for Keith's Hs for 7,020 yen (Grade B) https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/214987 Keith's Hs for 15,120 yen (Grade B) [One of three listings] https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/201361
  10. Got the same email as well as I can wait longer.
  11. Love that test box art! Waiting for the Nora version and skip all of the the DX VF-1 variants!
  12. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone want a HMR Gluag? Maybe the last unit from Amiami and a bit cheaper than Jungle at 10,780 yen (Item A, Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-015945-R
  13. Up on Toyark. Star Ace: Kill Bill "The Bride" played by Uma Thurman. https://news.toyark.com/2019/06/18/kill-bill-the-bride-1-6-scale-figure-by-star-ace-toys-349267 Note: Star Ace did do Harry Potter and Mocking Jay figures. Priced at $219 USD with a release date of January 2020. Upon reading more, some members are not liking this version..
  14. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Took me couple of hours just figuring out how to place the three HMRs on the Trident stand (I have three more in storage) My idea was to put the VE-1 in the front and have Strike Roy and Silvie's Vf-2ss on the back, however it didn't work out, Had to settle with this instead. Silvie's 2ss in fighter mode is back heavy..
  15. Posted on another Macross thread.
  16. Was on another 1/6 thread and this was posted. Original info from Toyark and all details are there. HT Avengers: Infinity Wars Star Lord.
  17. The SV-262 adapter does work, however the upper sitting side brackets where the valk sits on is a few mm taller. It was mentioned in the Yetistand thread.
  18. Well, Scarlet Suit Spidey is a Toy Fair exclusive and not a regular release (for now). Edit: I wonder if Spider Gwen is planned as I passed over the PS4 Spidey.
  19. For anyone who has not seen this (including our feline friend @Shizuka the Cat), jenius' review of the Yammie V.2 E-Seeker and Arcadia's PE VE-1.
  20. @Keq - You're rolling in high on one Yammie 1/60 Low Vis variant and good score! So are the Yammie 1/48 Low Vis next on your list?
  21. I find that the 171 is easy despite the stiff arms and the crazy breakable triangle fillers. The replacement removal hardpoint wings are just added piece of the nightmare as it should have been there from the start plus the never ending missing or cracking button like fasteners. The legs are another dreaded issue. I honestly like the Draken more due to the design. If the Elvis Draken does get made with the Kumo Kumo Itasha, that would be enough for me. Mirage's Ba is just a bonus as have her 31c (with the Supers) in my collection.
  22. I believe that this is next.. From Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2019/06/11/spider-man-video-game-scarlet-spider-suit-figure-preview-by-hot-toys-348452 $276 USD. Pre-orders to follow and hopefully the release date is September this year.
  23. You're not the only one that has mentioned about the extension, @treatment has mentioned it on another Macross thread.
  24. We all know that another Tamashii Nations exhibit will happen in the following months, with possibly Chuck's 31e, Arad's Silpheed 31, Hikaru's 1J and 1s, Max's 1a, a wack of HMRs on display... Do you all think that another Macross teaser will be given (a la Tomahawk, N-ger/Q-Rau, etc..)??
  25. I say wait until the release day and then nab a set. Save your funds and keep it aside for that purpose.
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