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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Anyone need an Arad's 31s? Up for grabs on Manda for 40k yen (unopened, box damaged). https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1114931440&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  2. From Toyark. HT Iron Man Mk. 85 with the Stark Gauntlet (updated). https://news.toyark.com/2019/06/28/hot-toys-iron-man-mark-lxxxv-update-stark-gauntlet-now-included-350449
  3. It's not going to happen... We're here to make you empty out your savings one way or another.
  4. Yep.. You guessed right. Either versions of the PF Strike Parts will suffice.
  5. So I wasn't reading a few pages back before I asked... D'oh! Possibly another pre-order in March that you estimated @jenius? Isn't that the same time that your personal income tax package gets mailed to you from the government? I think that that us Canuckleheads also get the package mailed out as well. Will a pre-order for either M&M's 1J work out as well since the missile pack did get sent out for those that ordered it already?
  6. Has anyone kit bashed the PF VT-1 with the PF Strike Parts from either Roy's/Hikaru's? Yes... I know it doesn't exist, however one can imagine it right? Note: I might have to do a version with my HMR version and post it on that thread.
  7. Alrighty then... When can we guestimate the next DX VF-1 pre-order madness will be next year? Plus I think that it will be another pure bloodbath for whatever version that Bandai does decides to dish out.
  8. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    There is that possible Nexx/Hibiki mix up as well. Even on Manda's and Jungle's listings of the 2ss Nexx, the sales for hasn't been too good either compared to Silvie's. @tekering also mentioned that the Monster, Messer 1s and Nexx 2ss has been shelfwarmers.
  9. @Lolicon, @jenius - At lease your copy(s) of Chuck's 31e is secured. The other hurdle is waiting to get it labeled, shipped and officially mailed off and not sitting on the counter for "x" amount of days before sending it off.
  10. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    I take it that you didn't get it @DewPoint ?
  11. One month to go for Chuck's 31e release. Anyone excited for the official reveal and the multitude of pics to be slathered on this thread?
  12. Thread resurrection. A unit is for sale for 36k yen on Amiami (Box B+/Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-005738-R * Also posted on the Amiami thread *
  13. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR Regult (Solo) up for grabs on Amiami for 11,040 yen (Box B, Item B). https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-014125-R
  14. Hold on a minute here... This looks very familar if you guys didn't know. * Beaten by @rdrunner on the post above. * That flight deck mat is the same one that I posted a link here from YouTube couple of pages back and now it has been removed. Tekering mentioned that only one valk is has the front landing gear up while the others have noses planted on the ground. Am I right on that @xoxokin? Edit: Had the video posted on page 8 before it went into vaporware.
  15. Update from Toyark. Hot Toys Upgraded Spidey suit. Pre-orders are not up so start saving up funds for it, to be released the end of 2020 and early 2021. https://news.toyark.com/2019/06/26/spider-man-far-from-home-upgraded-suit-spidey-figure-by-hot-toys-350035 I take that Spider Gwen is not going to get made for now...
  16. Yep... That's the correct one. As for the yellowing on the Chronos @tekering, @MikeRoz has a Chronos that has yellowed on the both sides of the wings. From the Yellowed VF-25 thread.
  17. Messer's Super is up on Manda for 15k yen (unopened, package damaged). https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1114191766&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  18. All of you are going to hate this: Another DX VF-1J (with stand) is up for grabs on Manda (unopened, box damaged) for 38K yen.. * That's Kronos pricing right here minus the yellowing and cracking hinge joints * https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1103521990&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス&lang=en Edit: Dang... Can't spell right.
  19. It's your call if you just want the 31 valks as is or with the Supers. The Supers are costly now than before during the release date. The only three 31 valks that don't have the Supers yet are the Karios, Arad and Chuck's (his valk is to be released on the last week of next month/first week of August). Only time will tell if the Silpheed Armour is made for the rest of the 31 valks (as Arad has got his and to be released the last week of August/first week of September). or If the 31a Arad (with the Dragon head Itasha) will be made for the second Delta movie.
  20. Your post has given me a though to re-juggle my HMR shelf as it's still a work in progress. The dream of a bundled set of all the needed accessories in the DX VF-1 like the 1/48 Yammie Hikaru and M&M's complete set, and the 1/60 VF-1J with the GBP.
  21. Correction: We're guessing that Arcadia will do the complete 1/60 PF version hopefully next in their lineup.
  22. Last Yammie 1/48 valk off my list. One of two listings from Manda for 20k yen (the question is, who has got the other one?)
  23. The City Urban Cameo GBP is extremely hard to find @kkx. If you do find it, its going to cost you a mortgage and a down payment on a house depending on where you are residing (maybe). Kicker has only one copy if the City Urban Cameo GBP in his collection and he's not going to part away with that at all.
  24. I'll post up all my 1/48 Yammie valks when I have time. Big hint: I will have two 1J valks as of later this week.
  25. Two 1/48 Yammie valks available for grabs on the Manda thread (maybe reasonably priced as well). Edit: Go and get them folks before its gone.
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