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Everything posted by borgified

  1. I think I jumped the gun too quick on that one though. It's actually the last week of August, first week of September (unless Bandai decides to pull a rabbit out from the hat). Edit: Brain fry moment...
  2. Chuck's 31e just got released and Arad's Silpheed Armour is next week. Chuck's Supers has not be advertised yet, as some time next year (or might be of this year depending in Bandai's schedule).
  3. Found another Chuck 31e review which was uploaded two days ago. @rdrunner - Close to what you expected as you can get a grasp of Mandarin? I doubt that there is going to be one in Cantonese (however I can be wrong. Toys TV HK might make one if they can get a copy of Chuck).
  4. Another Alto 171EX for 17k yen (16,780 yen) Item B, Box B https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-RBT-2281-R
  5. As posted on another 1/6th thread, Toys TV HK has made a quick vid of the Hot Toys stuff that was presented as the ACG Hong Kong. Yep... The same ones that are shown at SDCC. Edit: HT WM Mk.4 review by Justin's collectibles three days ago. and HT Scarlet Spider (new)
  6. Don't blame you there. I actually starting my Macross collection in November of 2017 and emassed a wack of valks starting from Arcadia's VF-1s DYRL Strike Roy and snowballed from there. I still have a large amount of Yammies mostly in 1/48 scale and the DX is staring to take over the rest of the space. I have only four Arcadia(s) and maybe two more to come.
  7. I take it that you paid a hefty sum for Arad and Mirage @DYRL VF-1S as they're commanding a pretty price right now. The only affordable one is Messer's (both the regular and the Movie release version).
  8. It was also on the Yammie version as well. I take it that you didn't get the Yammie release back then.
  9. borgified

    Macross figures

    Here's are a few pics of the life size Ranka. Other shots are on the link itself if interested.
  10. Yep... Chuck's Supers at time stamp 16:20 - 16:22 (see pic above) and Arad's at 19:11.
  11. I might have to re-watch Delta again to see the finer details in what you mentioned. I will be waiting for the Supers for Chuck's 31e (and as of everyone else as well).
  12. Was there any scenes with Chuck with his corresponding super pack on his valk (not the Silpheed Armour)?
  13. DJ Messer turning the table!
  14. Since Chuck's is having Messer's Supers for now @Mommar until the official ones are released by Bandai, tiger stripes for Chuck's 31e? @Rogueload - Your copy of Chuck's 31e on the way shortly, or still waiting to be shipped? Looking forward to see your custom Supers on Chuck upon getting it.
  15. Up on Toyark. https://news.toyark.com/2019/07/25/batman-from-batman-forever-by-hot-toys-at-acg-hong-kong-2019-358370 * It's the same ones shown at SDCC no changes, however different location this time. *
  16. Are you that serious to fork out possibly close to possibly 40k+ yen for a PF VF-11 @treatment? That's a hefty amount of change right there. The problem is who has the M7 license right now to make the 11 valks?
  17. Like what our parents used to say when we where in our younger days: "So you think that money grows on trees"? Which interns that this image is stuck in our minds. Edit: The stuff that we all think of back then.
  18. This one actually. Sometimes I can't type and spell at the same time..
  19. I think they are the static ones @no3Ljm. I've seen a pre-order for the Full Set via Toysfanzone for $340 USD (oversees retailer) and shipping from H.K. Post which takes 10-15 days. https://www.toysfanzone.com/products/lightbox-3-1 Good bye wallet... Edit: Did a little math.. That's close to $50 USD for one or $48.57 for one particular suit of your choice.
  20. If anyone is interested however not 1/6th scale. From Toyark. https://news.toyark.com/2019/07/24/iron-man-3-iron-man-hall-of-armor-miniature-collectibles-by-hot-toys-358186 HT has announced IM the Hall of Armour for Mk.1 to Mk.7 (individually packaged), little over 4.7 inches tall and LED effects. Select markets will have the full set for sale. Pricing and release date not set.
  21. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR Glaug for 9.5k yen on Manda * (unopened, large package damaged) * According to Google translate https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1116673739&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  22. Chuck's 31e for 20k yen is worth it! Sorry folks... It's already gone at 2:11 am PST
  23. You mean this @Graham (or do you want another view)? I believe that hacchaka has it as well. * This was from "nov.chan's" website before it disappeared in vaporware. * Edit: Here's hacchaka's. Hopefully these two pics help.
  24. Just got delivered via DHL from AmiAmi.
  25. Looks like someone has gotten Chuck from Manda at 22k yen (unopened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1116620569&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
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