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Everything posted by borgified

  1. I'm not quite sure that's the reason.. The two possible reasons why that the 262 Hs is still not going (and we mentioned in this thread before): (1) The Draken is a real pain the butt to do the transformation (way over engineered than compared to the model kit version) (2) Enemy valks don't sell well and they shelfwarm, the hero valks still get picked up Maybe two more to add (3) Butt ugly design and not aerodynamic (4) Watitng for the Elvis and the Pope Head variants (isn't time for something new?)
  2. I'm sure that if the 31a was done in the colours like the Chronos and the ones above, a fair chunk of us will get it . A digibash was done on the 31a with the YF-30 and Roy's/Osma's colours. I doubt that Bandai will end up doing in these colours...
  3. The only thing about the Karios to be re-issued is the eventual Arad 1a with the Dragon head Itasha on the back. I will eventually have to bite on the YF-30, however I think that @no3Ljm wants one with different colour combos in which was shown the game "Macross the Ride". I'm also for other colour schemes as well.
  4. Amiami has got Keith's Hs for 15,440 yen (Item B, Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-023079-R
  5. Figuarts SS Diend? This is a maybe for me.. If another DX 1s is announced, then I'm in and as everyone else. As for who it Is, that remains to be seen.
  6. The only semi-armoured valk was Luca's RVF-171EX or was that intentionally made as animation error?! Will Chuck's Supers come with the reaction missiles or not is the other question. The missiles was packed with Arad's valk upon release while Messer's, Hayate, and Mirage's missiles came in as a Super bundled set.
  7. I got my Keith for 14k yen on Amiami and then the Lil'Drakens for 13k yen on Amazon.jp. Now the prices has gone totally bonkers depending on which one you use...
  8. I'm actually thinking about getting the same set as well @Slave IV and @sh9000 as I have MP-13 and all the minions (first releases) although my MP Ratbat is a KO and I do have the G1 Ratbat. Looks that I have to make a trip to my local Wally Mart or get the layway department to a set for me.
  9. Yup... At least you knew what I was taking about @Lolicon.
  10. If Sabino is Sabaru in Italian, can you imagine if its in Cantonese (one of the Chinese dialects in Southern Asia close to Macau and Hong Kong)? It will be pronounced as "Sow Ba Low", which means in loose translation "Old Man Broom". Go and figure that out.. The joys of foreign languages.
  11. A month and four days later... Amiami has the Hs add one set for 12k yen (11,980 yen), Item A, Box B. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-032364-R
  12. Not yet... Maybe the end of this year or within the few months of next year. Hikaru's 1s will be the last Macross valk release for this year.
  13. Those orders for Chucky on Amiami and Manda go fairly quick if your on it at the right time.. There is a load of Chuck's available on Amazon.jp (3rd party sellers) as well. That's why you usually wait a few weeks after the initial release days @spacemanoeuvres as the valks do get slightly cheaper afterwards and the costs do settle down. I glad that I got Mirage a few weeks after the release date, as they're now asking quite a chunk of change right now. The only one that is affordable is Messer (both the regular and the Movie release). Chuck and Arad needs their Supers eventually so Bandai will issue it. Now its the speculation if the rest of the Silpheed armours will get done for the rest of the valks (including Chuck's), Supers for the 31a, Arad's 31a with the Dragonhead Itasha, and lastly the Elvis/Pope Head (including Mirage's) Drakens.
  14. borgified

    Macross figures

    Anyone still wants a Spirits Kuji Sheryl? Manda has all three versions available. Version C is asking 6k yen, while versions A & B is asking 8k yen.
  15. You mean like "Mirror Mirror Spock's" version and colour coded to match with Iron Fist?
  16. You can try and ask AE about the missing part. Just send them an email politely (not harsh) about the issue, attach pics and a brief description, all the receipts, shipping labels etc. Or if your willing Book a flight Japan and go to the nearest Bandai Customer Center and drop off your 31e there and see what they can do. I believe that's what @onnasake did with his copy of the YF-19 if my memory is correct and he got a replacement (the original YF-19 went through hell).
  17. Pre-order for the HT Mini Sized IM Hall of Fame (individual suits) is up on Amiami if anyone is interested. Full set pre-order on Sideshow for $235 USD with a estimated delivery date of October to December of this year. https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/marvel-iron-man-hall-of-armor-miniature-hot-toys-904976
  18. Just announced on Toyark. https://news.toyark.com/2019/07/31/dc-comics-harley-quinn-one12-collective-deluxe-edition-figure-by-mezco-358965 To be released between February and April of 2020 as $90 USD.
  19. Another delivery from Manda. Falcon's Hanger Store exclusive Reformatted Stealth Azalea (Didn't have to pay Evilbay's prices on it). * I think that there is still one available for grabs. *
  20. Would you like it to have the complete set in Cos Babies style instead @tekering with the Hall of Armour as well?
  21. A decade for you to complete the 1/48 Yammie M&M set and it took me roughly a year and half (?) to get the pair. You started out with Max in the beginning and with myself, it was with Milia.. Planning to have a pic with the 1/48 Yammie duo and their granddaughter's DX 31c together when I get a chance.
  22. Those custom Supers look great on Chuck's 31 @Rogueload. Can't wait till I get a set Supers for my copy of Chuck upon release.
  23. Delivered 30 mins ago from Manda. Another 1/48 Yammie grail aquired and ticked of my list, not getting the Bandai DX 1J pair.
  24. Rewatching @jenius' review on the non-PE VF-4G and the MRSP of that version was 27k yen back in 2014 (even the Yammie version had discount of 5% before the final pricing if you pre-ordered before hand). Anyone want to guesstimate on the pricing on the PF version??
  25. Colour me interested in this one. Now the question is.... Will the missiles pop off on this re-engineered version?
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