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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Complex is one of the Mandarake branch as they have multiple locations. Here is a map of all locations. Edit: You can combine orders from the same location to get cheaper shipping, however they will not take other items from the other locations and ship it with your original order. All locations are independently owned and operated. Storefront is the item on display and can be easily accessible, while the instock items are somewhere in their warehouse shelves. The items are listed in the locations that they have it in stores. Note that other locations have the same product as well and maybe at different prices as well.
  2. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Now you got the run down right @sqidd? As my Property Management teacher says many times in class: "Do your Due Diligence before making the final decision". Make sure that you account for all your actions folks.
  3. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR Monster up for grabs at two places. (1) Manda - Complex for 18k yen. Condition: Unopened, package damaged collapse https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1048724273&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス hi-metal r&lang=en (2) Amiami - 19.5k yen (19,480 yen). Item A, Box B https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-017242-R Note: Base on the weight of 2290 grams (as per Manda's listings), make sure that you have enough coverage to account for the weight difference. Also for Customs if your county of residence has it on imports!! Edit: Forgot to add.. If your Monster gets stolen or missing, who then is responsible??
  4. Now the question... How would Arcadia PE Ivanoff's 51?? It's already black and the tampos are going to be harder to see if it gets the green light for production. I agree with you there as Nora's should be left as is.
  5. It's not going to be 40k yen that's for sure! Just guestimating the MRSP will be maybe 45k+ yen?
  6. Hopefully that Arcadia will do Nora's as well, then we can see the colours pop out on her version. And no I'm not getting 5 copies of Nora's when it gets released @sqidd as I have my limits. 40K yen is still a chunk of change for me.
  7. Update on Toyark. https://news.toyark.com/2019/09/02/star-wars-the-rise-of-skywalker-sith-trooper-photos-and-info-from-hot-toys-361680 Edit: Date change form previous post. Release date is Q3/Q4 in 2019 and price has not been determined yet.
  8. I know that this is a kit, however this one looks interesting. From MacrossCentral FB page - https://www.facebook.com/MacrossFanCentral/?pageid=334036913346357&ftentidentifier=2448834341866593&padding=0 Custom VF-31e by uzy0227 on Twitter
  9. borgified

    Macross figures

    From MacrossCentral FB page via Twitter dated August 28th. https://twitter.com/gravureansuki Sheryl Nome statue for Wonder Fest. Details are unknown as of know I believe. Anyone want to get a copy?
  10. Alright... New post one hour later. From MacrossCentral FB Page, pics of the Arcadia SV-51. Note that there is a slew of pics posted. For more -https://www.facebook.com/MacrossFanCentral/?pageid=334036913346357&ftentidentifier=2448834341866593&padding=0 Here are some for now. Last one is with Grace's DX VF-27b
  11. NY takes their sweet time if you haven't notice it and their storefront is located in the Ehime prefecture. Plus their not around the major distribution hubs so it takes longer time to get to shipped out. CSToys (A Tokusatsu toy store) is also located in the Ehime prefecture, so I don't know for sure how their shipping services work.
  12. That's not too bad price wise... Amiami has one, however it has a glitch. It's missing a spare antenna - that's the reason a of a price discount. Item C/Box B at approximately 19.4k yen (19,360 yen) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-027032-R
  13. One unit for Chuck's 31e is up for grabs on Manda's Fukuoka Branch for 20k yen (Box unopened, minor box damage). https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1117817713&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  14. Lil'Draken add on for 11,980 yen (12k yen) on Amiami. Item A, Box B. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-032364-R
  15. Did some bashes with Mirage's Supers and the Silpheed Armour in valk mode only. I believe that this is what you wanted to see if it works @no3Ljm? Tweeked the light and colour settings before adding it onto here. Edit: Forgot to do the underneatth shot of how it looks.
  16. Oooof... I just took the plunge and ordered the Chronos early this morning, got both the confirmation and payment confirmation by emails from Amiami (due by the 7th of next month) for 32k yen to be shipped by SAL at 3,160 yen. Condition of the unit if your all wondering: Item B/Box B First expensive valk purchased, second in behind is the DX YF-19 (Full Set), third is the Yammie V.2 with the GBP. Jungle has it for 38k yen sealed, Manda has one unit for 32k yen (not opened, dinged up box and noticeable) and the other 40k yen (unopened) Proxy - From Japan has one unit starting at 30k yen for a 3 day auction, while the others are 34k yen and up. Will have it posted when I officially get it in hand.
  17. Right behind you @Shizuka the Cat. Got dropped off by Canada Post and no Customs Duty tagged on while on the way to work yesterday at 3:55 PM PST The first available copy of Arad's Silpheed parts from Manda.
  18. My copy got delivered to my house while I was on the way to work (saw my email notices of delivery). Now is the question if I got nabbed by CBSA (Canada Boarder Services Association) for a 18k yen, 2 kg box of Silpheed Parts.
  19. I can tell you that's the IKEA Klingsblo upright version. There's other display case options that you can find from Ikea and look through Craigslist if you want more variety and more budget friendly options.
  20. Looks like another Silpheed Armour has been picked up on Manda for the same price that I got for (18K yen) and it's from the Complex branch. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1118889238&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en I believe that 18k yen will be the asking price for it when stocking it in other branches.
  21. See a few pages back about the arm joints, front landing gear and the gun pod handle.
  22. Many months later... Given the fact that this valk is four years old and some sites are asking 40k yen plus for this particular version based on the game "Macross 30", my question is to those who still have the valk: Is it worth the 40k yen or not given all the issues that has been mentioned? I'm now seriously considering in getting a copy and yes I have read and seen multiple reviews on this.
  23. Sounds fair... I think the more fancier the display gets, the more questions gets asked as usuall. Keeping simple and easy is the way.
  24. Now you can reconfigure your original custom hanger with the two Sci-fi 03 set and make a larger hanger dio (providing that you have enough display space) @Saburo. Will be waiting to see the end result.
  25. Crazy question for the day.. Since we all know that the Silpheed Armoured can fit on the 31 valks sans the front canard issue on the 31a, I wonder how would it look on the Chronos?
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