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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm into both figure and robot categorizes. Will be waiting to see what Bandai has in store for the Figuarts/SS/SIC under the Figure category and the HMR/DX in the Robots section.
  2. SDCC Kenner tribute Boba Fett on Holographic Card going for 8.5k yen and picked up already. Pic from Manda (actual listing). Link posted - 4th one from the top of this page.
  3. Some parts of the Silpheed Armour has not been attempted on the Chronos as of now. I'm guessing that the GBP Leg Armours, Super Boosters, Chest Armour, and maybe the Gattling Guns may fit?
  4. I did a quick bash with the Silpheed Armour and Supers on Mirage's 31c some pages back in the thread (in valk mode), if you had managed to see it. Not the best as it looks like overkill and over kibble-ified.
  5. Hell no! Way overpriced... I'll wait for it to be released in the wild. Guessing that it will be snapped up quickly before anyone gets a chance to get a copy.
  6. A review was done. I believe that it was posted two pages back. Edit: See Page 32. Posted by @Ignacio Ocamica
  7. @tekering - I had a funny thing that you where going to post that when I said "To spice up my collection". I was actually leaning to get the Anubis however, Tariah might be my second choice.
  8. Has anyone here have any experience with TBLeague/Phicen figures? Seriously thinking of getting one to spice up my small 1/6th collection.
  9. D Amazing review on Jim Lee's Scott Slim Summers Plus a review on Shadow Assassin Gomez.
  10. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    If you think that is crazy @sqidd, that's nothing to compared to what @sh9000has.. He is the true "King of HMRs".
  11. I also agree with your plan as well. Has anyone tweeted Mr. K about these issues yet? I know that these flaws shows up unexpectedly, however you can't be too sure if it's on the other batches as well. Isn't there a small hand out that comes with the instruction book? I doubt that it may help as it written in Kanji.
  12. Another Sipheed Armour has been picked up from Manda at 20k yen from the Shibuya location. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1119454387&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en Now Amazon.jp is shipping the Silpheed Parts internationally via 3rd party sellers.
  13. Toyark has the info on Mysterio. https://news.toyark.com/2019/09/06/spider-man-far-from-home-mysterio-figure-by-hot-toys-362272 Pricing has not been determined, release date in Q3/Q4 in 2021.
  14. Just finished watching the review. This version is definitely a huge step from the Yammie version. Now that I'm waiting for Nora's version to be released, don't know what I'm going to do with the older version. Most likely going for the non-PE version unless there a good deal to be found.
  15. Up on Hot Toys FB page. Mysterio has been shown for now and details will follow. Toyark will have the full details up tomorrow. Edit: Pre-orders for the Sith Trooper is up on Sideshow.
  16. A bit taller than MP-10 to be exact (thinner and more anime accurate). Pic from TFW2005 (MP-10 on the left, MP- 44 on the right)
  17. Actual pic of the toy using a filter app.
  18. MP-44 V.3 Prime is out @sqidd. It might cost you 45k yen or almost the same price as your Arcadia SV-51.
  19. Since that Valkyrie Factory is taking the pre-orders for M&M's 1J, it won't be long before the full KO GBP parts is issued.
  20. Update on Toyark from its previous posting. Threezero's Anthem Ranger Javelin for $249 USD with Worldwide shipping and pre-orders are open on the 10th of this month. https://news.toyark.com/2019/09/05/anthem-ranger-javelin-1-6-scale-figure-by-threezero-362082
  21. Anyone willing to superimpose Nora's version like the box cover of Ivanoff's? I echo @505thAirborne's comments as well. Is the re-engineered version of the 51 worth the 40k yen price tag as Arcadia has suggested?
  22. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    I think they're almost spot on each of the locations mentioned. You can do Google Maps of the cities and compare them. I've haven't ordered anything from the Shibuya or Ikebukuro branches yet, the branch I mostly deal with is Sahra and then Complex. The Sahra branch is huge as they deal with the buy backs and they have a onsite warehouse to accomodate all that stuff. Check out this video on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69gToA0a1iA
  23. Aahh.. You're referring to to @Dobber's customs of the Yammie SV-51 that he did in Cameo/Digi pattern. What about the ones from Macross Horizon as well?
  24. I wonder if Bandai can make the NUNS VF-31d in DX version since that @Focslain has the model kit version? Maybe its just a wish that will not happen.
  25. I'm glad that @Focslain did it on Mirage! Guess that I wasn't the only one who had that idea. If Bandai was to make the Sipheed Armour for Mirage, change the Dragonhead tampo over to the Mercat. A quick question to ask: What are these two attachment pieces specifically far? Am I thinking that's its used to put the lower leg armour when connecting it on the legs in valk mode (or is it for another purpose that not aware of)?
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