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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Got the Chronos after nearly one month wait. For 32k yen (Box B, Item B), I say its worth the hunt if your looking around for a copy. I know that there are some issues as this is a 4 year old valk, I haven't done a deep in depth investigation on my copy yet and will do one soon. Back in the box it goes until I get a proper display case ready. I have the front landing gear issue on mine and rather not break it. Here's a pic with Mirage's 31c + Super Pack add ons together and the Chronos.
  2. Just dropped off 12 mins ago via Amiami by SAL. Another Macross grail acheived for 32k yen and no customs fee to boot!!
  3. Still on for Ghost Rider. Now PX Megs and Gambit are a maybe if I have funds remaining.
  4. From another Star Wars thread, this was shown. A possible release from Hot Toys? If so... Count me in !!
  5. From Toyark at the NYCC location - https://news.toyark.com/2019/10/03/nycc-2019-mezco-one12-collective-marvel-dc-comics-popeye-conan-hellboy-horror-and-more-365032 Found on another Mezco one thread via Reddit, pics of a Mezco One : 12 Mr. Frezze Update: Got a clearer version of the pic.
  6. Arad's Silpheed Armour is available on Manda's Umeda branch for 18k yen, unopened box damage. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1121079881&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  7. Something that I wanted to do, but didn't get the time until now. Did this on my back porch before it turned overcast in YVR. We all know that the Yamacadia 1/60 VF-1J doesn't really scale too well with the DX 1/60 VF-31 proportion wise, why not kick it up one more size? Yammie's 1/48 M&M with their granddaughter's Bandai 1/60 DX VF-31 with Super Set: The Jenius family bloodline of valks!
  8. Jenius' review on the Fext Hobby SP Armours dated Sept. 29th
  9. Phicen has changed their name to TBLeague due to some issues. Here's an article from onesixthwarrior: https://www.onesixthwarriors.com/forum/sixth-scale-action-figure-news-reviews-and-discussion-/862784-story-about-phicen-tb-league-brand-jiaou.html Hopefully that this helps. Skintone is also documented on onesixthwarrior as well. I'll post the link when I find it. Edit: Found the link - https://www.onesixthwarriors.com/forum/sixth-scale-action-figure-news-reviews-and-discussion-/857332-latest-phicen-tbleague-female-base-body-comparison-photo-review.html
  10. Don't forget that she has a 262 Ba in the first Delta movie. That movie still has un-answered questions on how she "reprogrammed" a 262 Ba for her use. Chalk it up to Kawamori for leaving us in the loop on the details...
  11. Edit: Seti88 beat me to the question that was going to ask to a degree (however its with the Yammie version this time). What did Yammie do with the extra copies of the first run of the 51? I know that they took the v.2 51 and reused the original box, but did they notify the customers of the newer batch of the 51 using the OG box (or was it just a guessing game to see what version you got like the Yammie v.2 1/60 with the shoulder damage)? Hopefully that the QC will be improved when they decide to issue Nora's. That's the only version that I'm actually waiting for.
  12. So we have gotten the Hikaru 1J and Max 1A and the 1S Hikaru to be released last week October/first week November with a possibility of Roy's 1s (actual release date unknown) sometime next year? I wonder if Hikaru's and Kikazki's will follow a few years later down the road.. (1a to be exact). Will Max's 1s get made (or is it out of the question)?
  13. That's how much the price I nabbed a set off Manda when it was widely available. Looks like Mirage is the Best Girl due to the Jenius bloodline.
  14. Update as of 2019/10/01 https://news.toyark.com/2019/09/27/dc-comics-superman-sixth-scale-figure-by-sideshow-collectibles-364315 $240 USD and to be released June - August 2020
  15. To be released sometime in Spring of 2020. @abbadon made the post a few pages back. This is the PF version and double the price of the Yammie/Arcadia non-PF version.
  16. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Roy doesn't look too bad.. Might get one (as will everyone else) and try not get cart jacket or get the spinning wheel of death upon pre-order madness. Any lag in Macross products, there's always someone crabbing... It's not the end of the world guys!
  17. I'm in for that as well. I'm right behind @tekering and @Slave IV in blending the DX and the Yammie 1/48 into the collection. Why get rid of it? I'll be getting at least one DX VF-1 if I can get it. Edit: I would actually sell my 1/48 Yammie M&M and Hikaru 1s with the SSP add on. There is no chance that I'm selling the obscured variants. I don't think that Bandai will produce the odd coloured schemes.
  18. DX VF-171EX Maruyama for 31k yen at Manda Sahra (4 units). Take a gander if interested.
  19. Anyone missed out on a DX YF-19 Full Set? Amiami has a unit for grabs for 22,380 yen. Item B, Box B https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-038985-R * Much lower priced than Manda *
  20. I thought that you where not going into the 1/48 scaled valks @Shizuka the Cat? I guessed wrong...
  21. SG MP-10 vs MP-44 vs MP-36. Looks like that Megs is not having success in taking SG Prime down. Going back old style with the Pac Man Arcade game and the Ghost in the Shell figs.
  22. Now you need a SOC Mazinger/ Mazinkaiser/ Gaogaiagar. Chunky and Heavy Die Cast goodness to build up the display case.
  23. Also blocked in the West Coast Canada (Vancouver, B.C.)
  24. The PF VF-4 is to be issued in the Spring of 2020 and the PF VF-0 is later this year. So I'm guessing the PF VT-1 and then the regular version of Nora's 51 (hopefully Arcadia fixes the issue with the switched ankle assemblies on Ivanoff). Like I said in the Arcadia 51 thread (or was it in another forum): 40k yen is still a chunk of change for Ivanoff's 51 or the VF-0d for that matter.
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