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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Or IG-11 for the upcoming Mandalore series. Since you have now a have a weathered Ivanoff 51, is Nora's going to follow suit or are you going to leave it as it is upon getting a copy @ArchieNov?
  2. Acquired yesterday from TRU YVR (technically Burnaby, which is a suburb city).
  3. I had to think about this one.. As I do like everyone's choices, I'm going with the Zentradi inspired mechs - Such as the YF-21/VF-22 and Q-Rau.
  4. Clean and clutterless displays always gets the best results! Got room for the eventual Chronos that your still hunting around for? Thanks for the link @MKT. I didn't have much success in looking it up few days ago. Now I have to thin out my hobby collection this week: Kondo Marie style
  5. Up on Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2019/10/14/avengers-endgame-thor-and-hulk-figures-by-hot-toys-367621 Price and pre-orders not up yet, to be released between Q1/Q2 of 2021. Edit: See pic above for Thor, last pic is the complete team.
  6. Looks like that Classics WW and Remy are not hot sellers at this time as you can still "pre-order" them both on the Mezco website. Am I guessing that people are not getting Classics WW due to issues with the first release of WW (if so, then I don't blame them). I though Remy will be on the list of the most sought after? It doesn't look like it is... Maybe Thanos and Ghost Rider might do better sales wise.
  7. One unit of Arad's Silpheed Armour is up for grabs on Amiami (Item A, Box B) for 22,780 yen https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-051066-R
  8. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    That's a deal on the Monster... Shipping to where you're located is going to be a killer as it's fairly heavy !!
  9. For those that have the KC Dark Gold 1s and possibly the Yammie 1/48 25th Anniversary 1s (scale not withstanding), which paint scheme mostly pops out? Don't know if I want to get both to be honest. Edit: I've seen Jenius' review on the KC Dark Gold
  10. Here is the link: The Mandalore Live show should be airing very soon.. Just arrived 2 1/2 hours ago via Amazon for 16,182 yen (like new and from a 3rd party seller) to YVR. My non-PF 1/60 M&M is now complete. Edit: Corrected price and added more detials
  11. I can now say that I'm in for Remy now, it's the secondary head that sealed the deal.. I wonder if any more of Xavier's students gets made in the pipe line? We have Logan, Scott , Nathan and now Remy.
  12. And the details are up on Toyark! https://news.toyark.com/2019/10/07/the-mandalorian-and-ig-11-by-hot-toys-367011 $243 USD for the Mandalore and $251 USD for IG-11. Pre-orders are up on Sideshow. Edit: To be released between Oct - Nov 2020
  13. @sqidd - If you get Boba in 1/6 scale, you can also add the eventual Mandalore to the collection. I posted this on the 1/6th thread, don't know if you have seen it. Going to see the Mandalore episodes when it gets aired.
  14. Lasershot Pred. Will use the hairdryer to free up those joints before I really fiddle with him.
  15. 30k yen to 35k yen is the reasonable range that the Chronos should be at. Anymore than that is pure highway robbery. Look at NY's price for it..
  16. Pre-ordered it too.. Don't mind the wait.
  17. PX Classics Linda Carter for grabs. $90 USD with the usual fees and such, to be released Nov 2019 to January 2020. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-wonder-woman-classic-edition @Mommar - Are you up for this??
  18. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Good night folks... Got my order in and calling it a day.
  19. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Got one from Amiami.. Edit: Maybe I should get something else as well??
  20. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Three mins to go.
  21. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    I'll try my luck in getting one, if not then release date if I change my mind. Thank you in advance Shizuka.. You know how pre-madness goes.
  22. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    That's alright... Save you funds for future HMR releases.
  23. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Close to an hour and half to go. I'm sure that CDJapan has some in stock @Mommar. Wait a minute here... Why the change of plans and now your getting a copy??
  24. Thanks guys! At least this one is a bit cheaper than the Karios and love the paint scheme. I'm sure that you will find a copy within your price range...
  25. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    @Shizuka the Cat - Are you joining in this one or sitting out?
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