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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Posted on Toyark. https://news.toyark.com/2019/12/13/new-photos-and-details-for-the-destiny-2-warlock-philomath-figures-by-threezero-373338 Threezero Destiny 2 figures. Pre-orders are on the 16th and pricing not determined yet
  2. Hmm.. Once the DX YF-21 gets made and the pre-orders go on-line, are you going to snag a copy (or two) @Pontus?
  3. Are you actually going to get this @Mommar or not? Almost $83 per figure for a two pack and it looks very well done.
  4. Well at least the Predator has those claw-like mandibles and their not too garrish looking, however you don't want to mess with them either. I bet those troopers helmets have enhanced slight capabilities like the Stormies. The other question is, can they aim and fire the blasters and not miss (we all know that Stormies can't aim properly).
  5. Tell that to the creators of the movie.. Maybe its Johnson's idea. Then why does the 31f ,31c and 31j have these in the head designs? Maybe to copy the Varja from Frontier and to look more aggressive. This is just speculation on my part.
  6. Up on Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2019/12/11/star-wars-the-rise-of-skywalker-jet-trooper-and-sith-jet-trooper-by-hot-toys-373019 To be released Q4 2020 and Q1 2021, pricing and pre-orders not yet determined. Edit: Update as of 2019/12/12. Pre-orders up on Sideshow for $220 USD for each.
  7. Isn't Threezero's Patlabor skeletal frame based on "Ingram" (as based in the video by Toys TV HK at around the timestamp of 5:15)? * My Cantonese knowedge is somewhat limited to a degree * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRImqgQ_-7w Edit: Its a 33 1/2 min review if you can sit and go through the entire review (might be better than Emgo's review on his collection of both official and 3rd party TFs).
  8. From Amiami Figuarts stuff and Studio Ghibli Totoro Cloth bag.
  9. From Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2019/12/06/hot-toys-iron-spider-official-pics-372642 To be released in Q2/Q3 of 2020, pre-orders and pricing not yet determined.
  10. These could make a better Macross themed Chess set that compared to the HMRs. The question is: King and and Queen for both the Zentrans and Humanoids.
  11. I'm actually waiting for a MP Jazz to be honest (don't know if I want to get Fans Toys version of Minerva. Still waffling on Hydra and Koot). Got Studio Ox's Azalea v.2 on pre-order as I have the Reformatted version. The only thing that I'm still thinking of finishing off is Iron Factory's interpretation of the DJD as I have Dubhe (Tarn).
  12. Details on the Heavy Duty Infantry Mandalore. https://news.toyark.com/2019/12/02/the-mandalorian-heavy-infantry-mandalorian-figure-by-hot-toys-372230 $281 USD, pre-orders up on Sideshow, to be released between October- December 2020.
  13. Chuck at 19k yen At Umeda branch (unopened, package heavily damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1125059597&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  14. So you managed to sneak in an order for Agent Gomez without any trouble @nathans82? I'm already on the wait list for Robin Roach and Grub. If I get him, it's a bonus, otherwise I'll get Ghost Rider.
  15. Since the Strike Hikaru has the mis-matched modex number, is it possible that Roy's will also have it also? If so, then maybe not getting it.
  16. Bare bones DX 1s looks good for now. Upon getting the SSP and Missile set together on the valk is another large leap.
  17. Keith's Hs for 15k yen at Utsunomiya branch (opened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1077407252&ref=doc&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  18. For those that want the HT Heavy Infantry Mandalore, details will be posted up tommorrow. Edit: I might be able to post updates. If I don't post for quite sometime, anyone else can do it then. For now, I will leave you with this pic via Hot Toys' Facebook page.
  19. Here's a quick snap of the hands on the 1/48 Yammie Full Set Max (non articulated). I think the hands already packaged on the valk are the chicken hands version.
  20. Tamashii Effects pieces I do have the Black suited Symbonite Spidey as well. When you see yourself in an alternate timeline
  21. Just a question before my next pre-order post: Who has pre-ordered IG-11? We all now that the Mandalore will have armour upgrades during the series run, however is worth getting the first version of him or not? New post from Toyark. From Big Chief Studios: 1/6th scaled Flash Gordon https://news.toyark.com/2019/11/27/flash-gordon-king-of-the-impossible-1-6-scale-figure-371789 Limited Edition $219 USD (170 British Pounds) at 400 pcs while Signature Edition for $258 USD (200 British Pounds) at 100 pcs and signed by actor, to be out October 2020.
  22. Update on @Mommar's post from Toyark https://news.toyark.com/2019/11/25/previews-exclusive-dc-comics-supreme-knight-batman-by-mezco-371702 $80 USD and can be orders at your LCS as well. Based on Mark Millar's: Dark Knights Returns series and to be out in May 2020. *Note: Where is the Joker Doll? *
  23. Here's one that I did last year with Mezco One:12 Classics Spidey and THF Megs with the upgrade face kit. A tribute to the Avengers/Transformers crossover from IDW Comics. Megs: " You pestering insect! I should have blasted you into oblivion".
  24. Chuck's 31e from Manda at 20k yen (unopened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1118703806&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
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